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The Senator 07-20-2007 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191371)
okay, hmmm...trying to figure out all of your post. In the 80's the "larger" of the UPC brand of pentecostals landed in Marysville the "northside". There was another pentecostal church on the northside which is the church my wife's family left to attend the church in marysville. There were 2 other "pentecostal" churches on the south side, Smythe Street (which hold to this day the legal name of fredericton pentecostal church) and Life Tabernacle.
In the 90's the church in Marysville split and MANY joined the other church on the northside where they have seen tremendous growth and went through a denominationl change from pentecostal to multi/non/inter denominational(I'm really not sure). I have many friends there and a relative assists the Pastor. Smythe Street is non-denom and I am not sure about Life Tabernacle although I have had great contact with some of their leadership and saints.

Meanwhile, my church, CCC in Marysville has experienced much growth and is a thriving church in the community as well. And no, we don't limit our reach to the northside, so in reality, we have the southside covered with our message, capice? So, I really don't understand your question to the UPC abandoning the southside.

I feel like going into the Abbot & Costello skit about, "Who's On First?"

Thank you for all this information. It sounds like a religious soap opera. Is there any truth to the rumour, that True North has heard as well, that the UPC is opening a new church on the south side of the city? I guess that in the old days Marysville seemed too far away to be really considered part of the city. From your post I get that your church is also holding services on the south side??? If so, Bravo for your congregation.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 191381)
Thank you for all this information. It sounds like a religious soap opera. Is there any truth to the rumour, that True North has heard as well, that the UPC is opening a new church on the south side of the city? I guess that in the old days Marysville seemed too far away to be really considered part of the city. From your post I get that your church is also holding services on the south side??? If so, Bravo for your congregation.

NO, you misunderstood me. We have a church that reaches throughout our city and our congregation is made up from folks from all over the area. With the current highway structure we are easily accessed within mere minutes from all points and with a Marysville Bypass being built, that will bring us even closer.

*To lurkers who might not know our city, we are a small city although a capital, and we have around 55,000 in our surrounding area so we are not talking about a metro area where you have to anchor churches to get the city covered. You can reach our church from anywhere within 20 minutes, and with different ministries, we go OUT and reach as well.*

Truly Blessed 07-20-2007 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191371)
okay, hmmm...trying to figure out all of your post. In the 80's the "larger" of the UPC brand of pentecostals landed in Marysville the "northside". There was another pentecostal church on the northside which is the church my wife's family left to attend the church in marysville. There were 2 other "pentecostal" churches on the south side, Smythe Street (which hold to this day the legal name of fredericton pentecostal church) and Life Tabernacle.
In the 90's the church in Marysville split and MANY joined the other church on the northside where they have seen tremendous growth and went through a denominationl change from pentecostal to multi/non/inter denominational(I'm really not sure). I have many friends there and a relative assists the Pastor. Smythe Street is non-denom and I am not sure about Life Tabernacle although I have had great contact with some of their leadership and saints.

Meanwhile, my church, CCC in Marysville has experienced much growth and is a thriving church in the community as well. And no, we don't limit our reach to the northside, so in reality, we have the southside covered with our message, capice? So, I really don't understand your question to the UPC abandoning the southside.

I feel like going into the Abbot & Costello skit about, "Who's On First?"

Smythe Street Cathedral itself is , like many of the UPC churches, an independent church, but the pastor is credentialed with ACOP and considered by the ACOP as one of its churches. Matter of fact, the pastor is the District Leader for ACOP Atlantic Canada.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:04 AM

Yes when I first moved here I thought is sad & comical concerning all of the church splits...for sure an "As The World Turns"!!!!

We have built up our congregation with some pillar seniors, lots of youth and university, and new converts!!! Being a capital city also brings in transfers because of jobs.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 191390)
Smythe Street Cathedral itself is , like many of the UPC churches, an independent church, but the pastor is credentialed with ACOP and considered by the ACOP as one of its churches. Matter of fact, the pastor is the District Leader for ACOP Atlantic Canada.

Thanks for correcting me!!!!!!! He is also a part of the wonderful Drost missionary family! Cracked me up when I met this white canadian dude with a Spanish accent!

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:10 AM

I can't get into it here on a forum but I would 1 on 1...our church is in a pregnant stage right now. You would NOT believe me if I told you what has been occuring over the past few years and especially since last Fall. We are about to explode and God will get every last bit of credit and honor! Stay tuned...

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:12 AM

I will say this...our best service of the week? Saturday night corporate prayer at 7:00 PM.

Truly Blessed 07-20-2007 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191399)
I will say this...our best service of the week? Saturday night corporate prayer at 7:00 PM.

You need not say anything more! I long for the kind of prayer meetings that are so blessed with the visitation of God's presence that it's like you actually stepped into eternity and time was suspended as you became lost in a spirit with Spirit encounter.

One of the greatest challenges of this generation of leaders is how to get our congregations on their knees in earnest prayer. If you have been successful in this I applaud you.

Frank 07-20-2007 10:05 AM

Just out of curiousity, what would the attendance at First United Pentecostal Church of Marysville have been at its zenith? If I remember in the early nineties it was over 500. Would that be about right?

The Senator 07-20-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191398)
I can't get into it here on a forum but I would 1 on 1...our church is in a pregnant stage right now. You would NOT believe me if I told you what has been occuring over the past few years and especially since last Fall. We are about to explode and God will get every last bit of credit and honor! Stay tuned...

That sounds exciting. Things must be a lot different in Fredericton than it was in the sixties and seventies. In those days, Fredericton was very much divided by the river into the north side and the south side. Perhaps with the coming explosion of revival your church will be able to re-establish a UPC presence on the south side.

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