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rdp 12-30-2009 09:52 AM

Don'y have time to respond to multiple posts.....

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 856526)
. Romans 16:12 Salute Trephine and Tryphosa, who labor in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which labored much in the Lord. Trephine, and Tryphosa, women, and who labored much in the Lord. These are all women; yet the same apostle that wrote I Corinthians 14:34 said in I Corinthians 16:16, that ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboreth. (Be in subjection, RV) to everyone that helpeth with us and laboreth.

"I urge you to be subject to such M-E-N and to every fellow worker and laborer." [I Cor. 16:16, RSV]. Looks like you left part of the verse out Sis. Alvear. The context of this particular passage was "MEN"...not women. My wife is a laborer in the Lord, but she doesn't get up & instruct men in the church. She would be going against clear Scripture if she did....& she won't do something in flagrant violation to the Scriptures like that. Are you proposing that everyone who "labors in the Lord" is now a "preacher" in the sense of the 5-fold ministry? Respectfully [& I'm sincerely mean that], this is grabbing at straws.

So it behoves us to rightly divide the scriptures...while you might not want a woman to be your pastor there are millions yea millions that women have ministered to over the years.... especially on the mission field.

And these appeals outside of the text of Scripture have nothing to do w/ what the Bible says. Besides, in missionary settings, they're ussually witnessing, which EVERYONE should do. But I Cor. 14 & I Tim. 2 are dealing w/ "in the church," being the body of already saved folks. You're meshing contexts.

Regarding the lady who rowed out in a storm to help someone, how in the world does this invalidate I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14? What does this have to do w/ women preachers?????

rdp 12-30-2009 10:33 AM

Re: I read David Norris's article....poor scholars

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 856541)
Look if you want to be cocky and dismissive about it, your speech and debate vocabulary and throw-ins of the word "context" do nothing to show us how smart you are.

Don't attack me [i.e., "show us how smart you are"] if you haven't done your homework. I simply do not place a premium on ignorance. And Ad Hominem scorn does not address the issues at hand.

I was making a specific point about your hair splitting between preaching and sermonizing. Think it back over and maybe you'll catch that.

Already addressed this, go back & see response.

This Argumentum ad Populum rebuttal to everything is frankly old.

Perhaps that's because it's a tested & true logical fallacy. Ever thought of that? You just blindly commit it again below.

My point was, and still is, if the majority of scholars that have examined these subjects, as well as the traditional and historical understanding conflict with your opinions, perhaps you should check your tone, and approach this with a little more humility than trying to come on here and shove your forceful opinion down every throat on AFF.

I see, & you're just a little darling aren't you? Seems to me like you can dish it out, but........ Where in the world do you get that "majority of scholars...conflict w/ my opinion"????????????? I know tons of scholars & hardly any of them are in agreement w/ the "women preacher" doctrine. I could name them here, but will let them speak for themselves.

I'm happy to interact with you despite a varying opinion like that. Cocky people just make me want to argue, and it detracts from real discussion.

I agree, but don't attack me based off of your muddied perceptions & think I'm just take it. This really has nothing to do w/ the topic at hand.

Also, please elaborate further on your criticism of Norris' "sloppy scholarship." Be specific if you can. You like to type long responses, so you shouldn't mind that request :)

Why is Priscilla mentioned before Aquilla? What was their role? What about Nymphas?

C'mon man, I've addressed this already. This is just plain silly. If you look at every time their names are mentioned in the Bible, it's split right down the middle who's name is mentioned first. So much for that theory. Besides, how in the world does one name appearing before another invalidate the clear teaching of I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14????? Swatting at shadows.

My comments about 1 Cor 14 -- you dismiss it so quickly that it's hard to take you serious. Assertions? The evidence many scholars cite are not mere assertions. The topic of women being silent does not fit anywhere in the topic outline or scope of the Corinthian letter. I think it's a theory to consider. Even with it there, it must be reconciled with 1 Cor 11, where praying and prophesying are directed toward women.

Have you ever heard of the difference between "Destructive Criticisms" & "Constructive Criticisms"? You're employing the former as opposed to the latter. You really should read Daniel Wallace's remarks on the passage in Lee Strobel's, "The Case for the Real Chrsit". Wallace is a textual/Greek genius & he says that there's no doubt that the passage is authentically Pauline. He bases his assertion from other scholars. I'm well familiar w/ the argument here & it enjoys little attention from serious scholars. The passages are genuine.

Prophecy is NOT sermonizing from the Scriptures as in modern vernacular, but it's a spontaneous revealing of God's future plans & the hidden realm. But it's N-O-T expositing from the Scriptures to a gender mixed congregation of believers. How many times have I demostrated this from Scripture here? Go back & read my previous posts & get back to me.

Nevertheless, what of Norris' suggestion that Text is dealing with husband and wives, as it says explicitly?

Say what???? Where does the actual text of I Tim. 2:11-15 "say explicitly" that it dealing w/ "husband & wife"????? Do you & Norris just make things up as you go along????

Then there is the idea that Paul is citing a Corinthian question. Others suggest that the overall issue of disorderly prophesy and tongues is related to women that called out to their husbands in a disorderly way and took Paul's egalitarian "there is no male nor female" all the way until there was a violation of social order -- where there was no distinction of genders at their gatherings. But I'm anxious to hear a discussion on 1 Tim 2 further.

Your assertion here that Paul was "egalitarian" is unreal. Paul is attacked over & over because of his complimentarian posture by liberals.

I've already addressed I Tim. 2 ad nauseum in this thread & do not have time right now. Perhaps I could send you a copy of my book regarding these matters, where I deal w/ the Greek & EVERY argument regarding women preacher's.

I try to reconcile that with those who helped lead the church in the NT that were, in fact, women.

Where's your Scriptural example of a woman preacher in an ecclessiological context:__________? It doesn't exist, doesn't this bother you at all????

If you wish to berate my intelligence, have at it. It only shows your own lacking. But if you wish to use your knowledge on this subject, and as you understand it, to interact on the points, then please do. But get off your dismissive 3-argument rebuttal. Because an argument is popular does not mean it's right, but it certainly lends much more credibility in the process of debate.

More ad hominem attacks from your perception level. I'm not berating your intelligence, but some of this stuff is just absurd. Your last statement is entirely off base. If this were the case, then the Jews were accurate in ther charges against the Christ....right? After all, they were in the "Majority"????? You really need to rethink your positon.

As far as your Greek pal, I won't research him. I don't care to. I just found it funny that you tried to use him as your trump card "expert," when in fact, there are hundreds of scholars that have written positions on this subject that would be in disagreement.

You show above that all you're concerned w/ is being "right". I've already told you that he's not my "pal," yet you persist in calling him such, revealing your own arrogance & scorn. Daniel Wallace is a great Greek scholar, but NO I do not embrace his every doctrine. But there's a difference in "textual issues" & "theological issues".

If the text was not in the original manuscripts, then the "hundreds" of scholars would not have included it in the various translations. I suppose that you'll now stand in opposstion to these linguistical scholars [about 1000 total]???? Sorry Charlie try again.

Can't respond for a few days, try to look in after the 1st. Blessings......

rdp 12-30-2009 10:34 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Bowas (Post 856573)
Sad indeed the "Apostolic" movement tries so hard to wrest what the Apostles clearly taught about the God ordained order for the church.
I guess we too, are following the ways of the the Church "world" and allowing it's thoughts and views to encroach in our churches. Sad.
I know, many will continue to "defend" their position and the role of the woman in the church will continue to encroach into the arena God set up as men of God become less manly and continue to allow the reversal of the roles God has set up.


Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:20 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I said to a drowning person it does not matter what sex saves him from the icy watery grave...I have helped a lot of men come to the Lord it did not matter that I was a woman...

No matter what I reply concerning Tim and Cor. you will not agree...so there is no use to waste precious time on replys for we will not agree what the scripture means.

I think to NOT believe in women in ministry is more dangerous than many other things for that is closing the mouth of someone that might help others be saved...

One of the best lady preachers I ever knew her husband got mixed up with Branahamite teachings and MADE her quite preaching...the sad fact is he has never done anything for the Lord...

She could have kept preaching but would have lost her home...she is faithful to the Lord in a good church but has never preached again...he seldom darts in the doors...In my humble and simple opinion I hope but do not think she made the right decision.

I do not think Deborah was home having babies when she was needed in war...however most all ladies love babies for it is a ladies instint...I love children and raised 11 of them! Children and my duties as a mother and wife have not hindered me from doing the will if HIM that called.

WOE, is me if I do not obey the heavenly calling.

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:24 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
and my sons in ministry greatly honor me...I am a very blessed woman...not only my sons honor me but my husband honors me. We are not trying to outpreach each other...I am HIS helper and go where ever he needs me to go...and many times that meant to the far backlands for weeks, sleeping in unbelievealve conditions and eating whatever...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:25 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
The so called Apostolic movement believes and follows whatever they want to...most believe Acts 2:38 but explain away the followering verses...lol...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:30 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
We cannot find church buildings as we know them today in context with the church of ACTS...they followed some 200 years later...

The first church met in homes, on riverbanks and where ever...I hate to say this but many American men could not stay a week in the backlands where there is no comfort, no bathrooms and no running water...I never met one man that wanted to help me work in the leper colony...that gory place as it is called...yet I sleep with the lepers, buried their dead, ate with them and even cooked for them that THEY might be saved...

I am afraid most are far removed from the real work of the early church...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:31 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
In the Catacombs there is a drawing of a lady serving the Lord's supper...

In the early church writings we have quotes such as, Holy Prisca that preached the gospel...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:33 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
One of the greatest missionaries that ever lived lies in state this week...Sister Nona Freeman...knock her and you will be knocking the God that called her and gave her thousands of precious souls in many countries of our world...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Joel 2:28, 29. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy--your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions, and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."

Wonder how many women prophets are around today?

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