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Bowas 12-29-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Sad indeed the "Apostolic" movement tries so hard to wrest what the Apostles clearly taught about the God ordained order for the church.
I guess we too, are following the ways of the the Church "world" and allowing it's thoughts and views to encroach in our churches. Sad.
I know, many will continue to "defend" their position and the role of the woman in the church will continue to encroach into the arena God set up as men of God become less manly and continue to allow the reversal of the roles God has set up.

Jeffrey 12-29-2009 10:16 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Bowas (Post 856573)
Sad indeed the "Apostolic" movement tries so hard to wrest what the Apostles clearly taught about the God ordained order for the church.
I guess we too, are following the ways of the the Church "world" and allowing it's thoughts and views to encroach in our churches. Sad.
I know, many will continue to "defend" their position and the role of the woman in the church will continue to encroach into the arena God set up as men of God become less manly and continue to allow the reversal of the roles God has set up.

Thanks to their "rebellion" of so-called explicit commands, there is such a thing as Pentecost today. Read about the early days of Pentecost and find out who pioneered these early churches. Aimee McPherson wasn't the only one!

So this is not a departure from an Apostolic precedent, at least as far as the 19th-20th Centuries.

Anyway, back to the POINTS of DISCUSSION

simplyme 12-29-2009 10:53 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Whoop Harted (Post 770941)
Women should follow the writings of the Apostle Paul and be keepers at home, staying quiet in church, (try doing that and preach at the same time) love theri husband, and be saved

Most church troubles start when women get out of their place andtry to usurp authority

Truth is Truth

I LIKE that! Truth is Truth, seems we might
have met somewhere, sometime.
I am BIG on TRUTH, since JESUS first taught me its value.,
I was quite surprised to find that things I had 'thought'
were such and such, were not., but ..HE's THE BOSS!
I won't argue with Him. ;) I pretty much follow same train
of thought as you on this topic; you're not alone, although
this viewpoint is extremely unpopular., but so was JESUS once
upon a time. :D

Bowas 12-30-2009 12:14 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 856581)
Thanks to their "rebellion" of so-called explicit commands, there is such a thing as Pentecost today. Read about the early days of Pentecost and find out who pioneered these early churches. Aimee McPherson wasn't the only one!

So this is not a departure from an Apostolic precedent, at least as far as the 19th-20th Centuries.

Anyway, back to the POINTS of DISCUSSION

By the term "Apostolic" I used, I was not referring to the new and improved modern "Apostolic" rather I was referring to the writings of the original Apostles...Now that's Apostolic!

Jeffrey 12-30-2009 01:19 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Bowas (Post 856596)
By the term "Apostolic" I used, I was not referring to the new and improved modern "Apostolic" rather I was referring to the writings of the original Apostles...Now that's Apostolic!

Right, so the whole modern-day Apostolic church is an illegitimate child, since it is alive and well thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of many women of God. Go ahead say... "Thank you, ladies."

And let's look further at that old "original" Apostolic church further and see what women leaders were in the church at Rome. Look closely now :)

Jeffrey 12-30-2009 01:30 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Do you guys believe women preachers are in sin or just not in the perfect order of what God had in mind for the church?

(I could say the same thing about single-pastor churches)

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 04:46 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
It would be easy to say some hard things here but I refrain other than saying the thousands I have baptized are glad I obeyed the call of God and came to Brazil. My race is about run and eternity will tell if I was right or wrong.
I have staked my WHOLE eternity on the CALL of GOD. HE visited me when I was just a child and called so I figure HE knew what He was doing and who he was calling...

However IF I am lost for taking Jesus into many areas when men never went I am willing to be lost for they are many that are saved and I am one...

Sister Alvear 12-30-2009 04:48 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I was so young when He visited I had never heard of missionaries or Brazil! My daddy was a drunk and our home was not the ideal home where you would go looking for someone to be a missionary...

Nitehawk013 12-30-2009 06:35 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 856603)

Do you guys believe women preachers are in sin or just not in the perfect order of what God had in mind for the church?

(I could say the same thing about single-pastor churches)

I'd be hard pressed to say they were in sin. I think they are out of order. Like a foot trying to be a hand.

Godsdrummer 12-30-2009 07:57 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 856603)

Do you guys believe women preachers are in sin or just not in the perfect order of what God had in mind for the church?

(I could say the same thing about single-pastor churches)

I would say we should say the same thing about single pastor churches. Did God intend for a church to be pastored by just one man? While on the subject this thread centers on a women pastoring and preaching. Singleing out just one area of the ministry. And yet scripture only uses the word pastor one time in the NT. Come on you guys get back into the word and find out how they realy had church in the Apostolic days and this argument becomes a mute point.

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