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Truly Blessed 07-19-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190354)
Well, let's see, the school is owned by the Atlantic District UPC, requires staff to be UPC, has 99% of its students come from UPC churches, it's pretty hard to disassociate.
Having said that, I think that it was the cool, trendy factor - other Bible Colleges are known as Colleges and not institutes with no denominational inferences in the names - plus if you say you graduated from NCC people will think you have an education.

Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The school was closed because the main building had been condemned and the plan always was that the school was temporarily closed while the renovations were done.

With the reopening of the school our committee was assigned the responsibility for looking at all aspects of the school. The name change was very simply a matter of identifying the location of the school among the UPCI constituency, so Northeast. The word Christian was chosen because we were introducing the Blend Program where the school was in partnership with a local business college so that students could attend our school but also get a business certificate that would at least qualify them for something besides a job at McDonalds. :) Because it was no longer going to be strictly a Bible School we felt that Christian College was more appropriate. College was chosen simply because we liked it better than Institute and because the business school partner was called college.

We all worked very hard on behalf of the Bible College to get it up and running once again. I remember spending a few days helping gut the building and believe me that was work. I don't recall meeting anyone who had anything but a strong desire for a strong Bible College in the Atlantic District.

TrueNorth 07-19-2007 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 190443)
Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.....


History is written by the victors.

TrueNorth 07-19-2007 10:23 AM

All you liberal compromisers............
you all know what CSI is, right?

TV show, stands for Crime Scene Investigation.

There is CSI NY (New York)
CSI Miami
CSI Las Vegas

Know why there isn't a CSI New Brunswick?

Cause everyone's got the same DNA
(Stole this from somebody else!)

TRIPLE E 07-19-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190480)
All you liberal compromisers............
you all know what CSI is, right?

TV show, stands for Crime Scene Investigation.

There is CSI NY (New York)
CSI Miami
CSI Las Vegas

Know why there isn't a CSI New Brunswick?

Cause everyone's got the same DNA
(Stole this from somebody else!)

That is bad TN so very bad!:slaphappy

The Senator 07-19-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 190443)
Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The school was closed because the main building had been condemned and the plan always was that the school was temporarily closed while the renovations were done.

With the reopening of the school our committee was assigned the responsibility for looking at all aspects of the school. The name change was very simply a matter of identifying the location of the school among the UPCI constituency, so Northeast. The word Christian was chosen because we were introducing the Blend Program where the school was in partnership with a local business college so that students could attend our school but also get a business certificate that would at least qualify them for something besides a job at McDonalds. :) Because it was no longer going to be strictly a Bible School we felt that Christian College was more appropriate. College was chosen simply because we liked it better than Institute and because the business school partner was called college.

We all worked very hard on behalf of the Bible College to get it up and running once again. I remember spending a few days helping gut the building and believe me that was work. I don't recall meeting anyone who had anything but a strong desire for a strong Bible College in the Atlantic District.

Thank you for an explanation from someone who was there. I think that True North's quote "History is written by the victors" is a sad, but true reality too often in church history.

It would be interesting to hear an explanation from someone who has been a part of removing the Pentecostal name from a church assembly. Why was it done? What has the result been?

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190539)
Thank you for an explanation from someone who was there. I think that True North's quote "History is written by the victors" is a sad, but true reality too often in church history.

It would be interesting to hear an explanation from someone who has been a part of removing the Pentecostal name from a church assembly. Why was it done? What has the result been?

I will NOT get into it again...the whole reason I am on the AFF forum stems from an incident last year. The ONLY thing I will say is that if you see our church sign, or ads in the phone book, it reads...."Capital Community Church, a United Pentecostal Church. Nuf' said by me. You can go to www.capitalcommunity.ca get our contact info, call RW the pastor and ask him.

The Senator 07-19-2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 190544)
I will NOT get into it again...the whole reason I am on the AFF forum stems from an incident last year. The ONLY thing I will say is that if you see our church sign, or ads in the phone book, it reads...."Capital Community Church, a United Pentecostal Church. Nuf' said by me. You can go to www.capitalcommunity.ca get our contact info, call RW the pastor and ask him.

I apologize if this topic has touched on a sore spot for you. I don't have any desire to resurrect any old controversies. It sounds like your church has purposely kept its United Pentecostal identity. Perhaps we could get some comment from somebody who's church has changed the name, but dropped the public use of Pentecostal. I have been told that the north side Pentecostal church in F'ton has had great success in attracting non-Pentecostal people since they went nondenominational.

We are told by the Church growth gurus that young people don't like denominational name tags. I wonder if churches without the name tags are attracting more young people than denominationally tagged churches.

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190557)
I apologize if this topic has touched on a sore spot for you. I don't have any desire to resurrect any old controversies. It sounds like your church has purposely kept its United Pentecostal identity. Perhaps we could get some comment from somebody who's church has changed the name, but dropped the public use of Pentecostal. I have been told that the north side Pentecostal church in F'ton has had great success in attracting non-Pentecostal people since they went nondenominational.

We are told by the Church growth gurus that young people don't like denominational name tags. I wonder if churches without the name tags are attracting more young people than denominationally tagged churches.

No no no, sorry about that, the reason I won't talk about it is because of all the controversy that it started and I don't want to go down that route again, he he, not offended at all here.

As for the second part of your post, I'm not sure if you know of our church or not, but WE have a THRIVING youth group and some great young families. Maybe we break a trend, not sure. Check out www.theedgerocks.ca , www.kidsplaceonline.ca

I also went through a name change from 1st UPC church in Stockton to CLC back in the day and we NEVER gave up our pentecostal identity one bit, why even our Pastor became the G.S.

BoredOutOfMyMind 07-19-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191013)
No no no, sorry about that, the reason I won't talk about it is because of all the controversy that it started and I don't want to go down that route again, he he, not offended at all here.

As for the second part of your post, I'm not sure if you know of our church or not, but WE have a THRIVING youth group and some great young families. Maybe we break a trend, not sure.

I also went through a name change from 1st UPC church in Stockton to CLC back in the day and we NEVER gave up our pentecostal identity one bit, why even our Pastor became the G.S.

BOOMM says the CCC Youth would be welcome to have another CCC'ers thread on AFF.....

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 191020)
BOOMM says the CCC Youth would be welcome to have another CCC'ers thread on AFF.....

Sounds good, but we will probably have to wait until the Fall...NBers enjoy their short lived summers, he he!

I always tell the story of when I first took the choir here and could NOT believe how these uncommitted Canadians didn't want to have multiple choir/music practices during the warm months. They would be great all through the rest of the year but then would start missing during the summer. This was so UNLIKE how we great Christians from CLC did it, man we practiced ALL of the time............then...........I experienced my first winter. I got put in my place for sure, he he! Now, we slow down practices in the summer and I hit the road as much as possible!!!!!:slaphappy

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