MissBrattified |
05-14-2014 10:11 PM |
Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
Originally Posted by Charnock
(Post 1313502)
Um, that is your trademark. Hover over it and you will see that it is labeled "rollseyes." Is that not meant to be condescending? Why do you use that smiley if NOT to be condescending. :nod
No, actually the coffee cup has been my long standing trademark since FCF, and Pressing-On dubbed it the "condescending coffee cup" a long time ago. I assumed you were making reference to that, and if you were making a new reference to condescension, I suppose that was my mistake.
Originally Posted by Charnock
(Post 1313504)
No, you referred to it as a "mistake." As if it were accidental.
By his own admission, it wasn't. He was/is proud of his racist and mean-spirited remarks which you somehow feel compelled to defend and explain away.
I think you're mixing up the two videos now. I thought the first one was the one where he said he didn't care if it was being recorded? We don't have any context at all for how he feels about his N-word reference. What I actually said was that I HOPE it wasn't coming from a point of racism, but that we really don't know. (Which, if you understand the English language, means I left room for the possibility.)
Originally Posted by Charnock
(Post 1313507)
You operate under the mistaken impression that I crave your respect and long for your opinion.
Seriously? :spit I'm well aware that you don't crave my respect or care about my opinion, and I really don't give two hoots about that. The thing is, I'm free to give my opinion anyway, and if you don't like it, that's okay with me. I'm also free to defend myself against any remarks anyone makes--including yours, even if you don't care about what I say. :)
Weirdly enough, I didn't state my opinion for YOUR personal benefit in the first place. The only reason we're interacting at all is because I took you off ignore a few weeks ago and you made the posts on THIS thread personal--probably in retaliation for my post on ILG's thread which was absolutely personal, but I can't say that for sure. That's okay, though, I've put on my big girl panties and I'm dealing with it. :dogpat
Nothing is uglier than abuse other than perhaps those who laugh with and defend the abuser. Of course, I would never suggest that you would do anything like that. :nobodycares
You shouldn't, because I don't--and neither has anyone else on this thread.