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Steve Epley 02-04-2008 09:53 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 379022)
This is kinda funny. :toofunny

I think Tulsa is in between the UPCI and the AMF in its conservativism.

True they are good men and I do not blame them for their concern and they have the right to do what they are doing but it is not my cup of tea. I wish them the best.

pastorswife 02-04-2008 09:54 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 379022)
This is kinda funny. :toofunny

I think Tulsa is in between the UPCI and the AMF in its conservativism.

What's it take to mean that you are conservative?

NW Pastor 02-04-2008 10:25 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic (Post 374638)
I find it amazingly hard to believe that so many "BRAINS" would be so willing to speak out on that which they don't know and/or care to know! As to the invitations sent out - I have recieved countless invitations to UPC meetings when they know very well that I'm not in the UPC and never will be! Yet I would not accuse them of trying to get me to join their club! I must say this though - If every time I went to their meetings, I could feel the presence of God like I did at Tulsa, I might go more often!! I just keep getting blinded by the disco lights and choked up the smoke machines!

What's wrong with smoke?

Unless of course it's the smoke that obscures intentions, such as mantra of Tulsa supporters who say, "the WPF is not an organization but a fellowship."

By the way, how do you know those at Tulsa have not used smoke, disco lights, or BOTH (horrors)!

stmatthew 02-05-2008 09:55 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by pastorswife (Post 379785)
What's it take to mean that you are conservative?

Not sure what your question is here.

From my perspective, I am simply stating that the WPF is supposedly more concervative than the UPC, but it is no AMF.

Thumper 02-06-2008 10:26 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by Thumper (Post 374883)
Don't hold your breathe. I have been asking this question on another forum for a while now and all I get is either silence or "Oh I gues I was mistaken"

Listed below are all the names of people used without consent.

I told you not to hold your breathe

still waiting

stmatthew 02-06-2008 12:16 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by Dora (Post 374631)
Seems that the word "falsities" was deleted....

I never took it out, and it is back now.

stmatthew 02-06-2008 12:22 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PastorD (Post 374604)
Hmm....so DKB drew "incorrect conclusions?" It isn't possible that the person he was talking to actually said one thing to him and the opposite to someone else?

If we are talking about the conversation I read from CAF..... There is a poster on AFF who heard the man say it with his OWN ears just a few days before Tulsa. Yet, he did the opposite.

Yes, I was speaking about the CAF conversation. I don't have the time to go back and review it all right now. Maybe you can PM me what you are talking about so I can get the full scoop.

I will state very plainly that I do not believe Bro Bernard was lying. I just felt in reading the conversation that his letter painted a picture different than what the conversation about the situation was implied to him.

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