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-   -   Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada?? (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=4739)

Monkeyman 02-07-2008 08:04 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383225)

1. Smarties
2. Crispy Crunch
3. Their football fields are larger and has one less down
4. Baseball is Canadian
5. Lacrosse is Canadian
6. Hockey is Canadian
7. Basketball is Canadian
8. Apple pie is Canadian
9. Mr. Dressup kicks Mr. Rogers butt
10.Tim Hortons kicks Dunkin Donuts butt
11.In the War of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans back... past the White House and burned it, and most of Washington
12.Canada has the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere, EVER.
13.The Hudson Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still existing as the world's oldest company.
14.Canadians don't marry their kin-folks
15.Canadians invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, the telephone, and the short wave radio.
16.Canadians have all frozen their tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it
17.A Canadian invented Superman
18.Canadians have colored money presently worth more than the US dollar
19.Canadians don't bomb their allies
20.Canadian election campaigns only take a few weeks
21.Canadians invented zambonis
22.Last, but certainly not least, Canadians can be proud of the Coffee Crisp

After living up here for many years I am qualified to comment...I hate your football & chocolates, they both are TOO SWEET!!!!!!!

Maple Leaf 02-08-2008 04:40 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383225)

19.Canadians don't bomb their allies

Old World War II saying:

"When the British shoot, the Germans duck, when the Germans shoot, the British duck, when the Americans shoot, everybody ducks....."

and another fine bit of wisdom:

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." — General George S. Patton

Coonskinner 02-08-2008 06:57 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383208)
Something for you Canadians to grin about!!!


10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM ports have truck parts stored in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is "Bubba"

4. There's a gun rack mounted on the CPU.

3. There's a Coke can sitting in the cup holder (CD-Rom Drive).

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

And the number 1 way to tell a computer must belong to a redneck is that
the mouse is referred to as the "critter".


These are pretty good. :)

I will admit that my cell phone cover is camouflage.

Mrs. LPW 02-08-2008 01:43 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383225)

1. Smarties
2. Crispy Crunch
3. Their football fields are larger and has one less down
4. Baseball is Canadian
5. Lacrosse is Canadian
6. Hockey is Canadian
7. Basketball is Canadian
8. Apple pie is Canadian
9. Mr. Dressup kicks Mr. Rogers butt
10.Tim Hortons kicks Dunkin Donuts butt
11.In the War of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans back... past the White House and burned it, and most of Washington
12.Canada has the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere, EVER.
13.The Hudson Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still existing as the world's oldest company.
14.Canadians don't marry their kin-folks Unfortunately I know some that have... :shhh
15.Canadians invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, the telephone, and the short wave radio.
16.Canadians have all frozen their tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it
17.A Canadian invented Superman
18.Canadians have colored money presently worth more than the US dollar
19.Canadians don't bomb their allies
20.Canadian election campaigns only take a few weeks
21.Canadians invented zambonis
22.Last, but certainly not least, Canadians can be proud of the Coffee Crisp

Slight revision :)

Mrs. LPW 02-08-2008 01:46 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 383237)
After living up here for many years I am qualified to comment...I hate your football & chocolates, they both are TOO SWEET!!!!!!!

Have you ever been to a CFL game? I went to one in Calgary a year ago last fall.. it was some kind of final... Calgary Stampeders and the Saskatchewan whatevers... I don't care for football, probably because I have never taken the time to learn it and understand it... but I enjoyed the experience... it was a pretty huge stadium... an experience.

Monkeyman 02-08-2008 02:52 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 383775)
Have you ever been to a CFL game? I went to one in Calgary a year ago last fall.. it was some kind of final... Calgary Stampeders and the Saskatchewan whatevers... I don't care for football, probably because I have never taken the time to learn it and understand it... but I enjoyed the experience... it was a pretty huge stadium... an experience.

Evertime I have had an opportunity something else comes up...like a paint drying seminar, banjo class, or turtle races.

Seriously, no offense, but...there is better football played on high school campuses in Texas and California...I'm NOT kidding!

Truly Blessed 02-08-2008 03:05 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 383775)
Have you ever been to a CFL game? I went to one in Calgary a year ago last fall.. it was some kind of final... Calgary Stampeders and the Saskatchewan whatevers... I don't care for football, probably because I have never taken the time to learn it and understand it... but I enjoyed the experience... it was a pretty huge stadium... an experience.

I was a Monkeyman fan, but now with his dissing of CFL Football, as a big time fan of the BC Lions, I guess I just can't be his fan anymore. :tease

The BC Lions office and training field were located just down the street from our church in Surrey. I missed very few home games this year. The NFL has a smaller field, yet it takes them four downs to move the football from one end to the other, whereas in the CFL they only need three downs to get the job done. :)

Mrs. LPW 02-08-2008 03:53 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 383841)
Evertime I have had an opportunity something else comes up...like a paint drying seminar, banjo class, or turtle races.

Seriously, no offense, but...there is better football played on high school campuses in Texas and California...I'm NOT kidding!

I'm sure in your eyes you are right. :toofunny

Truly Blessed 02-08-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 383769)
Slight revision :)

Thanks for the revision! The folks making up the list apparently haven't been to the Miramichi. :)

Mrs. LPW 02-08-2008 05:24 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383954)
Thanks for the revision! The folks making up the list apparently haven't been to the Miramichi. :)

... or a little town called H.....

Monkeyman 02-08-2008 07:46 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 383854)
I was a Monkeyman fan, but now with his dissing of CFL Football, as a big time fan of the BC Lions, I guess I just can't be his fan anymore. :tease

The BC Lions office and training field were located just down the street from our church in Surrey. I missed very few home games this year. The NFL has a smaller field, yet it takes them four downs to move the football from one end to the other, whereas in the CFL they only need three downs to get the job done. :)

Well, I still am a fan of you, even though your defensive lineman couldn't tackle our kickers...or cheerleaders, he he he!!!!:stirpot

Monkeyman 02-08-2008 08:52 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 383906)
I'm sure in your eyes you are right. :toofunny

Hardy har, you are real funny aren't ya?

Mrs. LPW 02-09-2008 09:15 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 384165)
Hardy har, you are real funny aren't ya?

Do you like anything about Canada... besides your wife? :toofunny

Monkeyman 02-09-2008 10:44 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 384449)
Do you like anything about Canada... besides your wife? :toofunny

I love Canada, just not her football or chocolate bars!

Mrs. LPW 02-09-2008 11:03 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 384526)
I love Canada, just not her football or chocolate bars!

What about Ganong? SURELY

Ron 02-09-2008 12:36 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 384526)
I love Canada, just not her football or chocolate bars!

Forgive him for he knoweth not of what he speaks!:hypercoffee

Monkeyman 02-09-2008 01:23 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Ron (Post 384684)
Forgive him for he knoweth not of what he speaks!:hypercoffee

Does anybody know where the stick out tongue smiley is???

Monkeyman 02-09-2008 01:24 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 384580)
What about Ganong? SURELY

Those pink Peptol Bismal tasting mints???????!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwww

Mrs. LPW 02-09-2008 01:32 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Mmmmmmmm and in St. Stephen!

Truly Blessed 02-10-2008 06:54 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 384098)
Well, I still am a fan of you, even though your defensive lineman couldn't tackle our kickers...or cheerleaders, he he he!!!!:stirpot

I have to admit that the NFL does have a higher level of play than the CFL. After all I am a NE Patriots fan! However, the CFL is still a very enjoyable sports event once you get into supporting a particular team.

BTW, you must be a Lindt Chocolate fan. They're not very sweet. I agree with you that chocolates and chocolate bars in Canada, as well as sweets in general are far too sweet.

Mrs. LPW 02-10-2008 08:41 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Well I'm home with a sore throat and my toddler has a nasty cold. I didn't figure his Sunday school classmates would appreciate being sneezed and caughed all over.
Anyone else have it? It seems to be going around?

Hope church is great... it always seems to bust wide open when I'm not there. HAAA.

Maple Leaf 02-10-2008 10:42 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 385597)
Well I'm home with a sore throat and my toddler has a nasty cold. I didn't figure his Sunday school classmates would appreciate being sneezed and caughed all over.
Anyone else have it? It seems to be going around?


Living in divine health down here in the south lands.

We trust the Lord and get a flu shot (And take vitamins, and wash our hands, and refuse to allow toddlers through the front door).


Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 385597)
Hope church is great... it always seems to bust wide open when I'm not there. HAAA.


Guess who's holding up the services when you are there? :killinme

Monkeyman 02-10-2008 10:54 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 385597)
Well I'm home with a sore throat and my toddler has a nasty cold. I didn't figure his Sunday school classmates would appreciate being sneezed and caughed all over.
Anyone else have it? It seems to be going around?

Hope church is great... it always seems to bust wide open when I'm not there. HAAA.

Well...it was a blow-out! Right after a song, "More of You Jesus/Word Of God Speak" a reverent sweet anointing was felt, a tongues given and interpreted, then an old fashioned blow out, including....get this...A PRAYER LINE, 'member those???? Except, this one was done by the young people as the older saints marched through!
There were MANY visitors, that was exciting, and a baptism too...yup, you missed it.
We had an anointed prayer meeting on Saturday, 136 in attendance, and that same anointing just spilled over into today.

Mrs. LPW 02-10-2008 11:15 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 385623)
Well...it was a blow-out! Right after a song, "More of You Jesus/Word Of God Speak" a reverent sweet anointing was felt, a tongues given and interpreted, then an old fashioned blow out, including....get this...A PRAYER LINE, 'member those???? Except, this one was done by the young people as the older saints marched through!
There were MANY visitors, that was exciting, and a baptism too...yup, you missed it.
We had an anointed prayer meeting on Saturday, 136 in attendance, and that same anointing just spilled over into today.


...every time... what'd I tell you...

Mrs. LPW 02-10-2008 11:17 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 385621)

Living in divine health down here in the south lands.

We trust the Lord and get a flu shot (And take vitamins, and wash our hands, and refuse to allow toddlers through the front door).


Guess who's holding up the services when you are there? :killinme

It must be my Jezzie Spirit.

Is it snowing down in the blessed south lands today?

Maple Leaf 02-10-2008 11:58 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 385630)
It must be my Jezzie Spirit.

Is it snowing down in the blessed south lands today?

It's trying to snow, but not having much success yet; kind-of-a snow and rain mixture.

It's on the edge of being uncomfortably warm (+1C) - a little too warm for much snow.

Felicity 02-10-2008 01:03 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 385623)
Well...it was a blow-out! Right after a song, "More of You Jesus/Word Of God Speak" a reverent sweet anointing was felt, a tongues given and interpreted, then an old fashioned blow out, including....get this...A PRAYER LINE, 'member those???? Except, this one was done by the young people as the older saints marched through!
There were MANY visitors, that was exciting, and a baptism too...yup, you missed it.
We had an anointed prayer meeting on Saturday, 136 in attendance, and that same anointing just spilled over into today.

Two baptisms!

Awesome service and hey, that bass player ain't bad. ;) I love the bass. Pump it up! :thumbsup Looking forward to service this evening.

I'm enjoying the services at CCC so much!

  • Great pastor.
  • Great preaching.
  • Great teaching.
  • Great leadership staff.
  • Great music.
  • Great singing.
  • Great worship.
  • Great presence of God.
  • Great congregation.
  • Great facilities.
I love the fact that Pastor Woodward allows for the moving of the Holy Ghost where people can be ministered to. Doesn't mind a schedule being interrupted. That's great! :thumbsup

The Senator 02-10-2008 02:40 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 385666)
Two baptisms!

Awesome service and hey, that bass player ain't bad. ;) I love the bass. Pump it up! :thumbsup Looking forward to service this evening.

I'm enjoying the services at CCC so much!

  • Great pastor.
  • Great preaching.
  • Great teaching.
  • Great leadership staff.
  • Great music.
  • Great singing.
  • Great worship.
  • Great presence of God.
  • Great congregation.
  • Great facilities.
I love the fact that Pastor Woodward allows for the moving of the Holy Ghost where people can be ministered to. Doesn't mind a schedule being interrupted. That's great! :thumbsup

Sounds like you and your husband are really enjoying retirement so far.

Mrs. LPW 02-10-2008 03:11 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 385721)
Sounds like you and your husband are really enjoying retirement so far.

I don't think they are retiring anytime soon. I think they are getting a refreshing.

D&J 02-10-2008 04:26 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 385623)
Well...it was a blow-out! Right after a song, "More of You Jesus/Word Of God Speak" a reverent sweet anointing was felt, a tongues given and interpreted, then an old fashioned blow out, including....get this...A PRAYER LINE, 'member those???? Except, this one was done by the young people as the older saints marched through!
There were MANY visitors, that was exciting, and a baptism too...yup, you missed it.
We had an anointed prayer meeting on Saturday, 136 in attendance, and that same anointing just spilled over into today.

Wow!! I am so awesomely glad for what God is doing at CCC. CCC has one awesome pastoral team and God is blessing their talents and abilities!!

I just finished watching the "Some Assembly Required" series by Pastor RW and it is was an awwesome series!!

I just have one thing to say.... more Lord!!!!

D&J 02-10-2008 04:28 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
We are snowed out tonight but we had an awesome service this morning with a wonderful presence of God!!

The preacher did not even do too bad.... :happydance :toofunny

Mrs. LPW 02-10-2008 05:20 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by D&J (Post 385755)
We are snowed out tonight but we had an awesome service this morning with a wonderful presence of God!!

The preacher did not even do too bad.... :happydance :toofunny

Great to hear. Good people in that church. Some of the best!
I don't believe I've ever had the privilege of hearing you preach.

Felicity 02-10-2008 05:41 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Another beautiful service tonight! And another one baptized tonight and she received the Holy Ghost standing in the tank!

Total of 3 baptized today! :clap

Cindy 02-10-2008 05:52 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 385781)
Another beautiful service tonight! And another one baptized tonight and she received the Holy Ghost standing in the tank!

Total of 3 baptized today! :clap

Well praise the Lord, Sis. Felicity.
Canada rocks. :)

TRIPLE E 02-10-2008 06:28 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by D&J (Post 385755)
We are snowed out tonight but we had an awesome service this morning with a wonderful presence of God!!

The preacher did not even do too bad.... :happydance :toofunny

For once we did not get snowed out at all today and we had an awesome service tonight,God is doing some great things in our part of His great vineyard!

Truly Blessed 02-10-2008 06:31 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 385721)
Sounds like you and your husband are really enjoying retirement so far.

Retired? NO! Refired? YES! Lovin' it!

Rev 02-10-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 385781)
Another beautiful service tonight! And another one baptized tonight and she received the Holy Ghost standing in the tank!

Total of 3 baptized today! :clap

Now if you could just break through and get it :toofunny

Felicity 02-10-2008 06:49 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by cneasttx (Post 385784)
Well praise the Lord, Sis. Felicity.
Canada rocks. :)


Felicity 02-10-2008 06:53 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 385721)
Sounds like you and your husband are really enjoying retirement so far.

What's great is being able to go into a service where you have no responsibility and aren't carrying the burden for the whole thing ..... and just be able to worship, pray, sing, sit back and enjoy the preaching and teaching. What a great opportunity! I'm truly thankful God has given and allowed us this "pause" in our ministry. I believe it's divinely arranged and I plan to enjoy it as long as it lasts.

It's the first time in 34 years of ministry that we've had this kind of break. And I think it's interesting that we've settled temporarily into a church where a move of God is happening synonymously.

These kind of things don't just happen by "chance".

Felicity 02-10-2008 07:02 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Rev (Post 385818)
Now if you could just break through and get it :toofunny

Ha! Well, I was brought up in church but didn't receive the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues until I was 15 years old. That was a few years ago now. :thumbsup

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