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Barb 07-16-2007 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 186318)
Barb, I didn't mean to put anyone in their place. I didn't choose my words well. I was using the word "waste" in the context of missing out on the wonderful weather by being stuck inside on the internet. I didn't mean to say one is wasting their time simply because they are on the internet.

LOL!! I know, Elder...that's why the winking smilie. No problem...

Broken 07-16-2007 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 179157)
The last figure I saw presented was $160,000. Not quite as much as hoped for (I was told) but still good!

There was not an amount "set" to raise and was told personally all involved in raising the offering were more than pleased

Felicity 07-16-2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 180110)
I would trust the Canadians would be more diligent at collecting than the General Conference Marathon Offerings.

Our experience and what I heard from Bro. Judd while we were involved in FM was that Canadians are generally responsible and consistent with their giving, one of the reasons why we didn't end up with a severe deficit problem after one term overseas. Our budget was deficient to start with and if it hadn't been for the steady consistent faithful giving of our Canadian PIMs it would have been a different story.


Truly Blessed 07-16-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Broken (Post 186631)
There was not an amount "set" to raise and was told personally all involved in raising the offering were more than pleased

I was told by someone on the Board that they had hoped to raise $200,000 but $160,000 is certainly a great offering.

Felicity 07-16-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 186331)
I enjoyed reconnecting with friends and former colleagues in the ministry while on vacation. However, I'm not so sure we should continue this association. As you can see by her av, Felicity's appearance has taken on a drastic transformation after only a few days of UPC fellowship, and it's not good!:winkgrin It's as if she went into shock after 10 years of absence from the UPC. :)

I'm back to my very ordinary self today. Hehe. :)

Just so people know what you're talking about in case they might possibly be wondering .... here is how I looked yesterday ....


Well, I thought she had a rather unique look myself. :winkgrin

Maple Leaf 07-16-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 186769)
I was told by someone on the Board that they had hoped to raise $200,000 but $160,000 is certainly a great offering.

A great offering indeed.

Fund raising is an intriguing topic.

The money to fully fund the new school is available,

but the challenge is how to convince the people to give.

I would estimate that the AD, district and church, accounts have a collective total of close to $1,000,000 at any given point in time.

The inspiration for the people to buy into a project is the challenge of fund raising.

I hope that the Bible School will find the key to open the windows of Heaven and fully fund this great project.

BTW, (and I hesitate to ask because it will inevitably result in one of two responses: that I'm bitter; or that it's none of my business, but here it goes anyway) Why is the new school being built in Fredericton, New Brunswick?

BoredOutOfMyMind 07-16-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 186894)
A great offering indeed.

Fund raising is an intriguing topic.

The money to fully fund the new school is available,

but the challenge is how to convince the people to give.

I would estimate that the AD, district and church, accounts have a collective total of close to $1,000,000 at any given point in time.

The inspiration for the people to buy into a project is the challenge of fund raising.

I hope that the Bible School will find the key to open the windows of Heaven and fully fund this great project.

BTW, (and I hesitate to ask because it will inevitably result in one of two responses: that I'm bitter; or that it's none of my business, but here it goes anyway) Why is the new school being built in Fredericton, New Brunswick?

Dynamic growing local church for a base to help the school comes to my mind.

What other churches would support such a work in their area?

Maple Leaf 07-16-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 186962)
Dynamic growing local church for a base to help the school comes to my mind.

What other churches would support such a work in their area?

That's a great answer.

I am wondering if the New Brunswick demographic will support a Bible College into the future.

ALVIN 07-16-2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 186894)
BTW, (and I hesitate to ask because it will inevitably result in one of two responses: that I'm bitter; or that it's none of my business, but here it goes anyway) Why is the new school being built in Fredericton, New Brunswick?

Bitter - I doubt it.

Dull as a hoe - most definitely.

The Bible School has fifty years of history in Fredericton, property provided for the expansion, and a district willing to put up the million or so looneys required.

D&J 07-16-2007 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 186894)
Why is the new school being built in Fredericton, New Brunswick?

And I ask seriously, why not?

And maybe free land might be a big factor.

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