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-   -   Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada?? (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=4739)

Maple Leaf 01-25-2008 08:35 AM

Anglican Affirmation
N.L. Anglican bishop demands new vows from clergy

Pre-emptive attack on predecessor who formed new church

Charles Lewis, National Post Published: Thursday, January 10, 2008

An Anglican bishop will issue new licences to all the clergy in his diocese -- an "unprecedented" move that appears to be a pre-emptive attack on any priests who may be thinking of joining a breakaway faction that opposes same-sex blessings.
Cyrus Pitman, the Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, sent a letter on Dec. 18 to all clergy demanding they attend a service on Jan. 21 in which they would all have to renew their vows and also have their Church licences reissued.
The situation is especially charged because Bishop Pitman's predecessor, Donald Harvey, who retired more than three years ago, formally left the Anglican Church of Canada in the fall to lead a new Canadian church that reports to a conservative bishop in South America.
But Bishop Harvey said yesterday not a single Newfoundland priest has approached the new Church about defecting and Bishop Pitman is questioning the loyalty of those who have yet to show disloyalty.

See the full story here.

Mrs. LPW 01-26-2008 10:08 AM

Anyone know of any Canadians who've headed to Tulsa this week?

Maple Leaf 01-26-2008 01:52 PM

The McGruders are honorary Canadians, so I thought I'd copy this post over here to be sure that everybody sees and prays.


Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC (Post 369252)
Priscilla McGruder has not felt well for several weeks. She has been undergoing numerous tests. Today it was confirmed that she has cancer!

The tests reveal that the cancer is in her liver, ribs, shoulder and femur bone. Her chemotherapy will begin a week from Monday. She and Carroll are very strong in their faith!!! Nothing the doctors said to them today weakened their resolve! She told the doctors she has been here before! They have put their trust in God!!

Please remember this incredible lady of God in your prayers!!

Mrs. LPW 01-26-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 369332)
The McGruders are honorary Canadians, so I thought I'd copy this post over here to be sure that everybody sees and prays.

I have so many fond memories of campmeetings.

Maple Leaf 01-26-2008 03:46 PM

I noticed this on the AD Calendar:


Applicants for upgrades to Rev. G. T. Brewer January 31
Are there any AD pastors here who are worried that their church will apply for an "upgrade?"


I can see it now: "Dear Bro. Brewer, Our church would like to upgrade to the latest version of pastor. Our present pastor lacks functionality, is difficult to interface with the board hardware, is slow on the start up, and takes forever to complete preaching tasks. We would also like the latest version of preacher's wife; our present version is so outdated that it still has the poof logo, and runs on the 'Sing Unto the Lord' operating system."

Maple Leaf 01-26-2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 369338)
I have so many fond memories of campmeetings.

I remember killing bull frogs in the bulrushes with D&J.

Barb 01-26-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 369463)
I noticed this on the AD Calendar:

Are there any AD pastors here who are worried that their church will apply for an "upgrade?"


I can see it now: "Dear Bro. Brewer, Our church would like to upgrade to the latest version of pastor. Our present pastor lacks functionality, is difficult to interface with the board hardware, is slow on the start up, and takes forever to complete preaching tasks. We would also like the latest version of preacher's wife; our present version is so outdated that it still has the poof logo, and runs on the 'Sing Unto the Lord' operating system."


Mrs. LPW 01-26-2008 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 369463)
I noticed this on the AD Calendar:

Are there any AD pastors here who are worried that their church will apply for an "upgrade?"


I can see it now: "Dear Bro. Brewer, Our church would like to upgrade to the latest version of pastor. Our present pastor lacks functionality, is difficult to interface with the board hardware, is slow on the start up, and takes forever to complete preaching tasks. We would also like the latest version of preacher's wife; our present version is so outdated that it still has the poof logo, and runs on the 'Sing Unto the Lord' operating system."


D&J 01-26-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 369469)
I remember killing bull frogs in the bulrushes with D&J.

:toofunny I was just telling someone the HC bullfrog story the other day!! Especially the one where they would croak all night and finally my Dad would go out and throw a handful of rocks and he would no more that get back into bed and you would hear "CCCRROOCCKK!!"

I have a lot of old HC stories.... :happydance

Monkeyman 01-26-2008 08:45 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
I went to a great choir clinic at the church on Mark drive today with Kevin Howard, music director of POA. Todd & Shy did a great job hosting, the church folk were so accommodating, Kevin was amazing, and the Lord moved mightily. We were very fortunate to be able to attend such a function, thanks Saint John!!!!!

Mrs. LPW 01-26-2008 09:01 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 369741)
I went to a great choir clinic at the church on Mark drive today with Kevin Howard, music director of POA. Todd & Shy did a great job hosting, the church folk were so accommodating, Kevin was amazing, and the Lord moved mightily. We were very fortunate to be able to attend such a function, thanks Saint John!!!!!

Does this mean we're going to be hearing some new stuff in the next few weeks? (now... that could be taken to sound like you are singing the same stuff over and over.. but that's NOT what I mean)
I'm just asking if you learned any new tunes.

Monkeyman 01-26-2008 09:07 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 369773)
Does this mean we're going to be hearing some new stuff in the next few weeks? (now... that could be taken to sound like you are singing the same stuff over and over.. but that's NOT what I mean)
I'm just asking if you learned any new tunes.

Out of the 6 he taught, we have already done 4...but it was more about learning songs, he taught on worship leading. And by that not just the dude who sings out front but the whole team.

Mrs. LPW 01-26-2008 09:54 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Baby just konked so I must go...

What sort of things did they teach?

Monkeyman 01-27-2008 11:00 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 369867)
Baby just konked so I must go...

What sort of things did they teach?

He taught that if you are involved in music ministry and there is a great leader in that field doing a workshop, you should attend!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOL!!!

just teasin ya. He taught on a team concept, not talent, but team.

Congrats on the baby dedication, he was cute!!!

Mrs. LPW 01-27-2008 05:23 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
[QUOTE=Monkeyman;370171]He taught that if you are involved in music ministry and there is a great leader in that field doing a workshop, you should attend!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOL!!!

Smart aleck...

Monkeyman 01-27-2008 05:26 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
*****The mormon family of four that has been attending tuesday bible study and our services were baptized tonight...and the mother received the Holy Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******:happydance:shockamoo

Mrs. LPW 01-27-2008 05:38 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 370413)
*****The mormon family of four that has been attending tuesday bible study and our services were baptized tonight...and the mother received the Holy Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******:happydance:shockamoo

I had to leave just as they were heading up the back hall... I feel terrible for missing it!
Mr Toddler was in a complete state.

Mrs. LPW 01-27-2008 05:40 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
So did she get it right there in the tank.. or previously?
There was a man there tonight, sat near the back, who had come with her before. He must still be hungry himself.

Maple Leaf 01-27-2008 06:29 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 370413)
*****The mormon family of four that has been attending tuesday bible study and our services were baptized tonight...and the mother received the Holy Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******:happydance:shockamoo

What a great report!

Praise God for four who have come out of darkness into His marvellous light.

Barb 01-27-2008 06:52 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Praise the Lord, Monk, for the great report!!

TRIPLE E 01-27-2008 07:01 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 370413)
*****The mormon family of four that has been attending tuesday bible study and our services were baptized tonight...and the mother received the Holy Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******:happydance:shockamoo

Praise the Lord for the great news!

Monkeyman 01-28-2008 05:41 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 370426)
So did she get it right there in the tank.. or previously?
There was a man there tonight, sat near the back, who had come with her before. He must still be hungry himself.

She got it in the tank! I'm not sure which man you are talking about, the one baptized last night sat next to her in service.

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 06:42 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 370742)
She got it in the tank! I'm not sure which man you are talking about, the one baptized last night sat next to her in service.

Not him.. there's another one that came with her L said... he actually sat close to the back last night... next section over from us.. by himself. Black, with bald or shaved head and a ski jacket on.
He may have come to see her baptised?

That man with her was some excited during church.. just loving it!
He looked a bit like StMark from behind ... don't you think!? HA

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 07:02 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
No.. you know who DOES look like StMark is the Bulmer fellow.. forget his first name. He wears glasses and is on usher.. his wife teaches Sunday School.. they sit in the second section over from the left looking down from the pulpit.

Only Bro Bulmer has a chubbier face.

Monkeyman 01-28-2008 07:08 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 370787)
No.. you know who DOES look like StMark is the Bulmer fellow.. forget his first name. He wears glasses and is on usher.. his wife teaches Sunday School.. they sit in the second section over from the left looking down from the pulpit.

Only Bro Bulmer has a chubbier face.

I wonder if he plays the Hammond B-3????

BTW...We did "Friend Of God" just for you!!!!

BoredOutOfMyMind 01-28-2008 07:10 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 370790)
I wonder if he plays organ????

BTW...We did "Friend Of God" just for you!!!!

I am gonna set a censor for that phrase!


Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 08:27 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
HA When we came in they were singing it.. and so I missed half taking off coats and getting situated.

I was a bit insane
I was a bit in saa aaane
I was a bit insane
From dealing with Daaaane.

Rachel 01-28-2008 08:31 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Asher's so handsome.. So cuddly. I love him! And of course.. Daane is just so entertaining - busy busy.

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 08:33 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
You know... Asher smiles a lot too.
He's got a chubbier face I think.. than Daane had. Daane is WILD these days.
He screamed and cried and laid on the floor Sun Night when we tried to get his coat on...
He screamed and cried at the restaurant after Sun AM service... no nap.. because the Grandparents were up for the dedication... and so Sun night he was just in no mood for church HA.

Rachel 01-28-2008 08:35 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
I had a few smiles from Asher.. If you ever need anyone.. just give us a call. ;) Babies are so beautiful.

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 08:42 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Rachel (Post 370860)
I had a few smiles from Asher.. If you ever need anyone.. just give us a call. ;) Babies are so beautiful.

I actually would love to have someone other than grandparents to call.. but I figured where you guys were out so far it wouldn't be worth your while...
I always liked the idea of people with medical backgrounds looking after my kids... for some reason!!! :)

Rachel 01-28-2008 08:51 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Well.. I'm in town every day as it is. I usually don't head home between work and church on Tuesday and Wednesdays either..

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 10:11 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
I'll keep that in mind!

KK2 01-28-2008 11:35 AM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 371035)
I'll keep that in mind!

I think I prefer to hide my children!!!! ha ha than let Rachel near them!! ha ha

Only kidding!!

Rachel 01-28-2008 12:03 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
I'm so hurt.

Or not.

I only take care of children than aren't as tall as I am so...


BoredOutOfMyMind 01-28-2008 01:41 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??

Originally Posted by Rachel (Post 371166)
I'm so hurt.

Or not.

I only take care of children than aren't as tall as I am so...


Beginners and Priimary only?

About the 4th grade I was taller than my 5 ft Mother....


Rachel 01-28-2008 01:46 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Sunday Schools are 7-9 years old and most are the same height.

Monkeyman 01-28-2008 02:49 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
I'm available if your kid needs a tuning...and guess what...they ALL do!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I'm speaking to YOU!!!! heeeeeeee

Mrs. LPW 01-28-2008 03:59 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Mine, KK's or Rachel's? (see... see what I did there? I just started a rumor just like that!)

Rachel 01-28-2008 04:35 PM

Re: Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada??
Troublemaker. ;)

I have no children, for the record.


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