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Monkeyman 02-21-2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Mrs (Post 13337)
Isn't there a problem with this line of thinking?

Aren't you going to have to LOOK at somebody and judge whether or not they are 'right with God' according to YOUR ideology of what is 'right'? And where does it put them if they don't LOOK like you think they should look? :dunno

No and the reason is, the word, "judge"...that ain't my job.
I'll let God sort it out.
While my wife and I keep a standard (many uc wouldn't think so cuz I dress like a thug and my wife is smokin' hot!) it is only what we believe in accordance with scripture. All that other stuff is thrown in there by man.
Seriously, ball games will kill your kids, puhleeeze!!! A moving picture is desecrating the house of God...weird!
There has been so much inward junk covered by outward "holiness" that it stinks...literally. And yes, I know, I know, the other is true as well, both sides are guilty of deception.

Like my granpappy said to me, "Monkey, you can put cologne on a poop...its still a poop"

Brother Price 02-21-2007 07:30 PM

What constitutes a liberal UPCI church? Good question. I believe that liberal or conservative, no one has a true definitive answer on this. We have wasted too much time in divisions between us that we have neglected the things that must take precedence.

I know of some pastors who intentionally slam the entire organization as being backslidden and lost. I know of some pastors who claim that all organizations are backslidden and lost. I know these men shall never grow. So long as we label each other too liberal/conservative, and neglect the meatier issues, we will continue to fall short of our vision and goal to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

ManOfWord 02-21-2007 07:41 PM

I label NO man or woman lost or saved based upon what they wear or don't wear, cut hair or not!

I appreciate and respect those who are not like me. (liberal) Those who think I'm lost based upon my liberal (PCI) view of Ac. 2:38 have every right to be wrong.

The difference is, I won't be disppointed that they are in heaven with me!! :D

Carpenter 02-21-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Mrs (Post 13337)
Isn't there a problem with this line of thinking?

Aren't you going to have to LOOK at somebody and judge whether or not they are 'right with God' according to YOUR ideology of what is 'right'? And where does it put them if they don't LOOK like you think they should look? :dunno

Way to go Mrs!!! I love it when people can think critical about this stuff!

What business is it to create standards by which we can judge folks anyway...

All of what has been mentioned thusfar has its foundation in religious culture, if it helps you to be more spiritual, then so be it, just call the duck a duck.

Carpenter 02-21-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Price (Post 13571)
What constitutes a liberal UPCI church? Good question. I believe that liberal or conservative, no one has a true definitive answer on this. We have wasted too much time in divisions between us that we have neglected the things that must take precedence.

I know of some pastors who intentionally slam the entire organization as being backslidden and lost. I know of some pastors who claim that all organizations are backslidden and lost. I know these men shall never grow. So long as we label each other too liberal/conservative, and neglect the meatier issues, we will continue to fall short of our vision and goal to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Great Post Brett...and I would add that while these men never grow, they seem to have this constant revolving door.

hammondb3klingon1 02-21-2007 09:31 PM

Why liberal upc'er ? What about the dozens of other organizations? Or is it just because they are the largest? If you are talking liberal in standard what about the PAW, or ALJC, etc.. Why pick on one? OR WHY PICK AT ALL? :)

The Mrs 02-21-2007 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by hammondb3klingon1 (Post 13697)
Why liberal upc'er ? What about the dozens of other organizations? Or is it just because they are the largest? If you are talking liberal in standard what about the PAW, or ALJC, etc.. Why pick on one? OR WHY PICK AT ALL? :)

We are an Apostolic forum, here for all under the Apostolic/Pentecostal umbrella...but for the most part we are made up of a large percentage of posters with UPC ties. So I think the use of the term 'UPC' is known by most here to be held fairly losely. :winkgrin

Thumper 02-21-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by hammondb3klingon1 (Post 13697)
Why liberal upc'er ? What about the dozens of other organizations? Or is it just because they are the largest? If you are talking liberal in standard what about the PAW, or ALJC, etc.. Why pick on one? OR WHY PICK AT ALL? :)

True, my experience is that PAW is much more liberal!!!

Brother Price 02-21-2007 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Carpenter (Post 13640)
Great Post Brett...and I would add that while these men never grow, they seem to have this constant revolving door.

Thanks, but it is Bill Price, not Brett Prince. :D

The Mrs 02-21-2007 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Carpenter (Post 13637)
Way to go Mrs!!! I love it when people can think critical about this stuff!

What business is it to create standards by which we can judge folks anyway...

All of what has been mentioned thusfar has its foundation in religious culture, if it helps you to be more spiritual, then so be it, just call the duck a duck.

Thanks Carp. I guess it always bothers me to see that kind of statement.

I think it requires the assumption that someone must not be consecrated enough, dedicated enough, or doesn't pray enough...otherwise they would look like 'me'. So they must not be 'right with God'.

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