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Pressing-On 10-01-2020 10:26 AM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by Jito463 (Post 1593679)
Funny how I've been in Oneness Pentecostalism my whole life (over 4 decades), and this thread is the first time I've even heard of it.

The Serpent Seed Doctrine Examined


Jito463 10-01-2020 12:33 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by consapente89 (Post 1593696)
Those that I'm referring to do not teach that Cain was the child of the serpent, but have rather strange teaching's, akin to serpent seed regarding nephilim.

Wait, which is it? Does the "serpent seed" teach that Cain was born from the joining of Eve and the serpent, or doesn't it? You're confusing me, man.

Or maybe you're the confused one. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that.


Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1593697)
The first you heard of serpent seed?

Yes, this is a new one to me. Then again, there's a lot of false doctrines out there, and I don't have time to keep up with all of them.


Originally Posted by Pressing-On (Post 1593698)
The Serpent Seed Doctrine Examined


Thanks, I'll take a look later. I'm curious where people come up with this insane nonsense.

consapente89 10-01-2020 12:56 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by Jito463 (Post 1593705)
Wait, which is it? Does the "serpent seed" teach that Cain was born from the joining of Eve and the serpent, or doesn't it? You're confusing me, man.

Or maybe you're the confused one. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

Yes, this is a new one to me. Then again, there's a lot of false doctrines out there, and I don't have time to keep up with all of them.

Thanks, I'll take a look later. I'm curious where people come up with this insane nonsense.

You've never heard of serpent seed until now, but you're well enough acquainted to determine that I am confused about it? Okay...:thumbsup

I'm well aware of what serpent seed as taught by Branham, Murray and others means. Also, well aware of what some more prominent Pentecostals are teaching, that is at the very least, the twin sister of serpent seed.

Jito463 10-01-2020 01:34 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by consapente89 (Post 1593707)
You've never heard of serpent seed until now, but you're well enough acquainted to determine that I am confused about it? Okay...:thumbsup

I'm well aware of what serpent seed as taught by Branham, Murray and others means. Also, well aware of what some more prominent Pentecostals are teaching, that is at the very least, the twin sister of serpent seed.

So now it's not "serpent seed" being taught, it's the "twin sister" of serpent seed? What does that even mean?

I'm basing my understanding of the doctrine off this thread, so based on what's been posted here, I can guarantee that no one I've ever heard has espoused such a doctrine. Yet you come along and claim I've heard it, but don't realize it. You haven't posted anything here to convince me that could possibly be true.

TJJJ 10-01-2020 01:39 PM

Re: Teklemariam
I see the error of serpent seed doctrine to be that demons had the ability to have sexual relations with humans. This is error that then expands out to the sons of God sons of men doctrine. Both are in error.

There are even some prominent men in the upc and wpf that teach sons of God sons of men doctrine.

This false doctrine is similar to the error for the incubus and succubis witchcraft doctrine. It is gross error but tenaciously held onto by some in the ranks of pentecost.

The serpent seed doctrine also tries to establishes two seeds, the seed of God and the seed of satan, that then goes all the way down through time.

When we study the two lineages though, we see that the two lines are actually the sons of Seth, (Sons of God) and the sons of Cain (Children of Men). No demons involved in their creation just two lines of humanity following different spirits.

diakonos 10-01-2020 01:51 PM

Re: Teklemariam
Sons of God sons of men doctrine?

Jito463 10-01-2020 02:17 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by TJJJ (Post 1593711)
I see the error of serpent seed doctrine to be that demons had the ability to have sexual relations with humans.

Okay, now this I do vaguely remember someone mentioned once, in an offhand manner. I recall thinking that was rather odd, but it was quickly passed over and never brought up again. If this is what consapente89 was referring to, he could have just stated as such and we could have had a more rational discussion; instead of just claiming I'd heard it, but didn't realize it, without explaining what I was supposed to have heard.

That said, I've only heard it mentioned once, and never by anyone who took it seriously.


Originally Posted by TJJJ (Post 1593711)
This is error that then expands out to the sons of God sons of men doctrine. Both are in error.

There are even some prominent men in the upc and wpf that teach sons of God sons of men doctrine.

This false doctrine is similar to the error for the incubus and succubis witchcraft doctrine. It is gross error but tenaciously held onto by some in the ranks of pentecost.

The serpent seed doctrine also tries to establishes two seeds, the seed of God and the seed of satan, that then goes all the way down through time.

When we study the two lineages though, we see that the two lines are actually the sons of Seth, (Sons of God) and the sons of Cain (Children of Men). No demons involved in their creation just two lines of humanity following different spirits.

The rest of this, like the SS doctrine mentioned previously, I've never heard a single preacher espouse.

jediwill83 10-01-2020 04:04 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by Jito463 (Post 1593714)
Okay, now this I do vaguely remember someone mentioned once, in an offhand manner. I recall thinking that was rather odd, but it was quickly passed over and never brought up again. If this is what consapente89 was referring to, he could have just stated as such and we could have had a more rational discussion; instead of just claiming I'd heard it, but didn't realize it, without explaining what I was supposed to have heard.

That said, I've only heard it mentioned once, and never by anyone who took it seriously.

The rest of this, like the SS doctrine mentioned previously, I've never heard a single preacher espouse.

Ive heard it when I was younger. The whole, "Sons of God saw the daughters of men yadda yadda yadda and there were giants in the land."

Didnt realize that was that was. Yall are saying that its actually referencing the descendants of Cain and Abel?

diakonos 10-01-2020 04:22 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by jediwill83 (Post 1593715)
Ive heard it when I was younger. The whole, "Sons of God saw the daughters of men yadda yadda yadda and there were giants in the land."

Didnt realize that was that was. Yall are saying that its actually referencing the descendants of Cain and Abel?

Oh, that. I believe, correct me if I am wrong, that the sons of God is referring to the descendants of Seth.

jediwill83 10-01-2020 06:31 PM

Re: Teklemariam

Originally Posted by diakonos (Post 1593716)
Oh, that. I believe, correct me if I am wrong, that the sons of God is referring to the descendants of Seth.

Bro. Im no expert so Im not even qualified to call you out on it even if you WERE wrong lol plus Im exhausted. Packed up a 26 foot uhaul for my friend and we are FINALLY done. Gonna drop it at the storage place tomorrow and thats gonna go quick because Ive been away from my wife and kid way too long.

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