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dizzyde 01-03-2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ron Turner (Post 345972)
I agree. The guys on the list from my district have that attitude.

How much of all of this is due to unrest in California? The guys in my district who are involved with this have close ties to California.

It seems to me that the "virus" that has plagued California for so long is now being spread the nation.

You said it! (I tend to agree)

Ron Turner 01-03-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by philjones (Post 345977)
Ron, you wouldn't be my kin folks would you... possibly living in OK?:D

No sir, I'm not from OK. :tattle But I watched them get man-handled by West Virginia last night.

I am closely related to many Jones though.

philjones 01-03-2008 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ron Turner (Post 345992)
No sir, I'm not from OK. :tattle But I watched them get man-handled by West Virginia last night.

I am closely related to many Jones though.

Ironically, the Ron Turner I was thinking you might be attends or at least attended Triumphant1's church. That is why I thought you might be he!:)

As far as I know, I am the only Jones from our tree that is in the Apostolic Ministry.

BTW, you could have gone a long time without bringing up the whuppin' my Sonners took last night. When I read it in the paper this morning I was really shocked and saddened! When my dad pastored in OK we used to use the Sooners as a prognostication tool. We could tell how the service was going to go based on whether the Sooners wone or lost! :D

Ron Turner 01-03-2008 01:09 PM

When the big team in our district wins, we have blowout church.

So funny.

Nice to meet you!

Sister Truth Seeker 01-03-2008 01:16 PM

Interesting to me...............

A few from Oregon, not long ago someone came to the forum to declare Oregon is in tact and NO one is leaving............and was very upset with me because I heard some were..........ahhhh guess I was correct after all!

Ron Turner 01-03-2008 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 345163)
For Phil

Taken from the website, their motivation is fear and not faith

"The formation of WPF is an outgrowth of the changing times and directions within the American apostolic movement and is the result of a constellation of events and decisions which have shaped apostolic direction for some time—some, we fear, for the worse, and ours hopefully for the better. "

A well known Pastor in the UPC recently preached near my home. I was able to go hear him.

In his sermon, he mentioned how most men who struggle with fear are very controlling of their wives.

It seems that men resort to control when they are afraid. I think the same principle would apply here.

SISTER Murphy 01-05-2008 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker (Post 346026)
Interesting to me...............

A few from Oregon, not long ago someone came to the forum to declare Oregon is in tact and NO one is leaving............and was very upset with me because I heard some were..........ahhhh guess I was correct after all!

I never said nobody was leaving, I said that, so far, none had left. Only one minister turned in his license. And, if there are some that are leaving, it will be about five pastors, not whatever bigger number (11 or 12 or so), was being spouted when I first responded. The real numbers will be known after January ends, for there are a few who (so I have heard) are not going to renew their licenses.

StillStanding 01-05-2008 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ron Turner (Post 346055)
A well known Pastor in the UPC recently preached near my home. I was able to go hear him.

In his sermon, he mentioned how most men who struggle with fear are very controlling of their wives.

It seems that men resort to control when they are afraid. I think the same principle would apply here.

Very good post! This is so true!

Barb 01-05-2008 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by keith4him (Post 345163)
For Phil

Taken from the website, their motivation is fear and not faith

"The formation of WPF is an outgrowth of the changing times and directions within the American apostolic movement and is the result of a constellation of events and decisions which have shaped apostolic direction for some time—some, we fear, for the worse, and ours hopefully for the better. "

Regretfully, I must agree with you, Keith...

I went to the site and read it after seeing your post today.

They fear the UPCI brethren are headed in the wrong direction, but the WPF brethren are not...hmmm...

And wording it the way they did, that this formation of a fellowship is "a constellation of events and decisions," makes it clear that they don't want anyone to think it is just a 'tv issue'.

Other things posted on their site...hoping to fellowship with those who "hold true to the core values of scriptural righteousness, holiness, and separation."

And just what is an "authentic Apostolic?!"

My concern for all of this is heightened, I must say...

George 01-05-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by SavedLou (Post 345264)
Hello! New here...my first post! I’m a little confused about this Tulsa thing. I know UPC pastors/churches are leaving due to the TV decision, etc. Is the WWPF a new “organization” with the Tulsa meeting their “kickoff” or is it just a meeting for anyone? I went to their site and saw all the names…are these the ones that have officially left? I feel so stupid and naive…I had no idea things had gotten to this point already.

WWPF? Is that Worldwide Wrestling Pentecostal Fellowship? :toofunny

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