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Barb 07-02-2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 173999)
ML, you have to go more than once to see folks. I didn't get to see you because I was recovering from my accident enroute from Maine to NB. I rolled the car at 55mph but fortunately I landed in a swampy area a good distance from any trees. I was truly a holy roller for a few seconds at least. :)

Actually I got to reconnect with many people, who were very gracious, kind, and welcoming to Felicity and I. Actually the fellowship continues as we are getting together with some others who have invited us to lunch or to their homes this week.

Actually I got to see some folks on your list. I saw Destiny and Pelet, and D & J was there, but I have no idea who that is. I didn't see Triple E, but he may have been there. I saw your grandmother from a distance, but regret that I never got to speak with her. She is one of my favorite people!

Grateful to the Lord that you are well, Elder, and having a great time with old friends. :)

Ron 07-02-2007 02:09 PM

Good to hear that TB is okay.

Barb 07-02-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Destiny2 (Post 173733)
Good morning Barb from sunny N.B. Full day yesterday to celebrate Canada day.. my mom and I drove to a pretty part of the province to have morning service with my second son and his family( great Acts 2;38 message) followed by a pot luck meal complete with fresh strawberry shortcake ,yummy . Night service at my own church and lastly fireworks to end the day! God is good!

Glad that all is well, Mother D...praying for you!!:kittyhug

TRIPLE E 07-02-2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 173999)
ML, you have to go more than once to see folks. I didn't get to see you because I was recovering from my accident enroute from Maine to NB. I rolled the car at 55mph but fortunately I landed in a swampy area a good distance from any trees. I was truly a holy roller for a few seconds at least. :)

Actually I got to reconnect with many people, who were very gracious, kind, and welcoming to Felicity and I. Actually the fellowship continues as we are getting together with some others who have invited us to lunch or to their homes this week.

Actually I got to see some folks on your list. I saw Destiny and Pelet, and D & J was there, but I have no idea who that is. I didn't see Triple E, but he may have been there. I saw your grandmother from a distance, but regret that I never got to speak with her. She is one of my favorite people!

No I didn't make it to SS but I have heard nothing but good reports-I'm glad that you and Felicity were able to make it !

Maple Leaf 07-02-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 173999)
ML, you have to go more than once to see folks. I didn't get to see you because I was recovering from my accident enroute from Maine to NB. I rolled the car at 55mph but fortunately I landed in a swampy area a good distance from any trees. I was truly a holy roller for a few seconds at least. :)

Actually I got to reconnect with many people, who were very gracious, kind, and welcoming to Felicity and I. Actually the fellowship continues as we are getting together with some others who have invited us to lunch or to their homes this week.

Actually I got to see some folks on your list. I saw Destiny and Pelet, and D & J was there, but I have no idea who that is. I didn't see Triple E, but he may have been there. I saw your grandmother from a distance, but regret that I never got to speak with her. She is one of my favorite people!

Your post brought back a memory of RAB. Every year, almost without fail, he would find me at the Cork Campgrounds and tell me, "Brother, this is not a one day camp meeting." I guess old habits die hard.

I have been pondering your mishap on the way to Summer Summit, and I can only come up with one Scriptural precedent. When Balaam was on his way where God didn't want him to go, the angel of the Lord stood in the way, and his vehicle was turned aside into the field.:slaphappy


(Numbers 22:23) "And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way."
One way or the other, I'm glad you came out of the accident without getting your foot crushed, or anything else for that matter. It sounds like you and Felicity were truly blessed to be at Summer Summit. Some of the best people that God has anywhere serve the Lord in the UPC in New Brunswick. I look forward to the day when the present issues that divide will only be a distant memory and we will all worship together once again.

Barb 07-03-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 174434)
Your post brought back a memory of RAB. Every year, almost without fail, he would find me at the Cork Campgrounds and tell me, "Brother, this is not a one day camp meeting." I guess old habits die hard.

I have been pondering your mishap on the way to Summer Summit, and I can only come up with one Scriptural precedent. When Balaam was on his way where God didn't want him to go, the angel of the Lord stood in the way, and his vehicle was turned aside into the field.:slaphappy

One way or the other, I'm glad you came out of the accident without getting your foot crushed, or anything else for that matter. It sounds like you and Felicity were truly blessed to be at Summer Summit. Some of the best people that God has anywhere serve the Lord in the UPC in New Brunswick. I look forward to the day when the present issues that divide will only be a distant memory and we will all worship together once again.

Love this, ML...

Maple Leaf 07-03-2007 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by D&J (Post 172979)
Wow, last night was totally awesome from the video presentation about Jesus at the first until the very end [except for the offering :killinme]. Bro Kinsey did an incredible job, in my mind it was exactly what our district has needed for a long time. It is too bad he had to leave early.

I did not get there this morning but from all reports Bro. Kinsay did a great job again this morning!


This post piqued my curiosity when I first read it, but I forgot to respond. Could you give a brief synopsis of Bro. Kinsey's message(s), and perhaps a few comments of your own as to how the "word" he brought particularly relates to the AD.

Felicity 07-03-2007 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 174115)
WOW- I have driven part of the noman's land above Portland, Maine and his being unharmed is good news indeed.

Later I asked him, "Why on earth did you decide to drive that road?!!! Route #6 is notoriously bad and way out in the boonies like that you're wayyyy more apt to run into wildlife on the highway."

He said that he went that way because of nostalgia. On our trips to the Bangor area we used to travel it some. There are lots of "yes ma'ams" and you can have some fun with those!

You know what those are, right? Where you crest the top of a hill and the road dips sharply. If you hit them just right it's kind of like a rollercoaster ride. :lol

Felicity 07-03-2007 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 174557)

This post piqued my curiosity when I first read it, but I forgot to respond. Could you give a brief synopsis of Bro. Kinsey's message(s), and perhaps a few comments of your own as to how the "word" he brought particularly relates to the AD.

If you had been there ML *ahem* you would have gotten it straight from the horse's mouth. ;) :D

Rachel 07-03-2007 06:50 AM

lol @ Felicity.

SS was great! God is good.

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