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SISTER Murphy 01-13-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 354968)
Have you been to my home? Suppose? Yes, I have a TV and my favorite thing to do is watch game shows. There are some REALLY good ones on there like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and that reality show "biggest loser" is really inspiring. Maybe you could benefit from being inspired I don't know?

Computers are more evil than the TV. I have a friend who used to help UPCI pastors when they had computer problems and guess what? He found quite a few pastors were doing more than paying bills online, (if you know what I mean). He knows several and I'm sure you know they as there are not very many in Oregon anyway. So if you want- you can deny it all you want and act like TV is worse but I know better and my friend knows EVEN better than us all.

Ok so it's not your org. I guess that is right because unless your licensed your not really official anyway. I get your point.

Don't even go there with me. I grew up with a television (my dad was not saved), and that nasty thing was on in my home from the moment he got up in the morning until he went to bed in the evening. I can assure you that television is far more damaging, and causes much more spiritual retardation, than a computer ever could.

SISTER Murphy 01-13-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 354972)
The nicknames have changes, some attitudes still waste valuable posting space.

Great seeing your login here tonight SisM,


Looks like I left before I saw this post! Lord bless you, brother, I will send you an official invitation when our new church is open for services.

Neck 01-13-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 356653)
Don't even go there with me. I grew up with a television (my dad was not saved), and that nasty thing was on in my home from the moment he got up in the morning until he went to bed in the evening. I can assure you that television is far more damaging, and causes much more spiritual retardation, than a computer ever could.

That is just not a true statement. The damaging thing about the internet if you understand technology at all.

I understand it I sell it for a living.

TV is a broadcast medium. Meaning a oneway signal.

The computer with chat rooms, interactive dating sites, escort services, porno sites, anti-religious, Myspace etc.

Is a den for lonely people to see and experience things that are not good.

Then add the fact that the people on the internet are getting younger and yonger.

We now have 10 year olds seeing things adults should never see....

The internet has shaped already one generation.

God help us as they start to be the next generation in leadership...

Dora 01-14-2008 03:36 AM


What wrong with the TV being on all the time? Was the man lonely? Did you and your dad not get along well? Did it come between you and your relationship with him?

How did the TV being on hurt you, specifically. Just wondering. Sounds like you really resented your dad and his incessant TV watching.

In my opinion, TV can be bad if it is used as a babysitter for kids, if it's use is uncontrolled and not regulated by Holy Ghost principles (guard your mind, etc). The internet, IMHO, is far worse a danger. Any sin and debauchery you'd like to delve into is just a click away. And without the Lord to govern your behavior it can be a devastating medium.

But TECHNOLOGY is NOT sin in itself. We're being inundated with Technology. It's everywhere. Sooner or later a Christian must learn to govern himself or herself and make wise choices. Nobody's forcing anybody to have a TV in their home or to use a fancy new IPhone. But if you do choose to own it, then you need to allow the HG to guide your actions.

Michael Phelps 01-14-2008 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 356653)
Don't even go there with me. I grew up with a television (my dad was not saved), and that nasty thing was on in my home from the moment he got up in the morning until he went to bed in the evening. I can assure you that television is far more damaging, and causes much more spiritual retardation, than a computer ever could.

Oh brother.

Hoovie 01-14-2008 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 356653)
Don't even go there with me. I grew up with a television (my dad was not saved), and that nasty thing was on in my home from the moment he got up in the morning until he went to bed in the evening. I can assure you that television is far more damaging, and causes much more spiritual retardation, than a computer ever could.

I don't doubt the TV caused you harm as a child, but today those same people have at their disposal all the harm available on TV and much more on the internet. Or are you saying porn is less harmful than prime time tv?

StMark 01-14-2008 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 356653)
Don't even go there with me. I grew up with a television (my dad was not saved), and that nasty thing was on in my home from the moment he got up in the morning until he went to bed in the evening. I can assure you that television is far more damaging, and causes much more spiritual retardation, than a computer ever could.

being raised in a pastor's home and working for a church full time, I can assure you that the internet has far exceeded the TV in this regards.when is the last time you heard of a couple divoricing over a TV due to the husband's addicting to watching porn on a TV ???


AmazingGrace 01-14-2008 06:12 AM

Yall just let Murphy be Murphy in her own Murphy world... It harmed her... let her be harmed:drama

stmatthew 01-14-2008 09:52 AM

My opinion, for what it is worth.

Tv is passive, in that you do not have to go looking for anything. It comes to you at the channels choosing. Internet is active, in that you must go looking for something if you are to find it.

They both equally have the ability to cause sin and destruction. The issue is not the medium, but the lurker of the medium.

PastorD 01-14-2008 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 356898)
My opinion, for what it is worth.

Tv is passive, in that you do not have to go looking for anything. It comes to you at the channels choosing. Internet is active, in that you must go looking for something if you are to find it.
They both equally have the ability to cause sin and destruction. The issue is not the medium, but the lurker of the medium.

This argument is old and irresponsible.

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