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Walkbyfaith7 01-11-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 354973)
Walkbyfaith7> stop right there. NOT EVERY preacher on the internet is addicted to porn more than Apostolics addicted to buffets after church.

Do you only post caustic cutting remarks to the church members here?

Do you ever have an edifying and uplifting post? if so, PM me the link for I have not read any from you.....


Did I say every preacher? No, that would be quite a stretch from the truth. And I agree with you about the buffet part!

Walkbyfaith7 01-11-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 354973)
Walkbyfaith7> stop right there. NOT EVERY preacher on the internet is addicted to porn more than Apostolics addicted to buffets after church.

Do you only post caustic cutting remarks to the church members here?

Do you ever have an edifying and uplifting post? if so, PM me the link for I have not read any from you.....


Oh and one more thing- I started a thread about God's new name and what you thought it was or if you have given God any personal names.

There you go! :)

LadyChocolate 01-11-2008 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 354970)
Well, again- You don't know what I know about the pastors who say they are all holy but they were secretly addicted to porn on the internet.

You can believe and be fully convinced TV is worse in your opinion but from my experience that isn't accurate.

yes , pastors, deacons, bishops, saints, whoever... noone is immune to sin except for God almighty! I do hope you are praying for those who you know are addicted to it because sadly enough, if they don't have help from God, they aren't going to make it. But it is just so much more fun to tell the world that pastors are SINNERS too!

hmm. except for the grace of God, there go I! I could care less about what you know about pastors..... Seems like we are quick to run to a pastor when we need help, but when need the prayer, we forget it was them that prayed for us in our time of need... I know they are to be above reproach, but there is something called restoration. It's not about which is worse, tv or computers... it is a matter of the heart. Take the tv and internet away and one will find something else to fulfil the lust of the flesh!

Walkbyfaith7 01-11-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by LadyChocolate (Post 354981)
yes , pastors, deacons, bishops, saints, whoever... noone is immune to sin except for God almighty! I do hope you are praying for those who you know are addicted to it because sadly enough, if they don't have help from God, they aren't going to make it. But it is just so much more fun to tell the world that pastors are SINNERS too!

hmm. except for the grace of God, there go I! I could care less about what you know about pastors..... Seems like we are quick to run to a pastor when we need help, but when need the prayer, we forget it was them that prayed for us in our time of need... I know they are to be above reproach, but there is something called restoration. It's not about which is worse, tv or computers... it is a matter of the heart. Take the tv and internet away and one will find something else to fulfil the lust of the flesh!

True, I agree with alot of what you said. I just flat don't believe that TV is worse than the internet because of the destruction I've seen from the internet.

I agree if you take away the internet and TV it will be something else. Kind of like drugs. You take away one or decrease the amount of people that are using that particular drugs and another one starts to become more popular.

tv1a 01-11-2008 06:57 PM

I control the programming on my television with one little flick of a thumb... I use a remote....

If you allow a television to pour filth in your home, you have deeper issues. I can think of at least 30 channels on my Dish which are educational, informational, and/or spiritual. That's not to mention a dozen other channels I don't get because of economics. I could get the sky angel if I wanted to spend the extra $$$$. More spiritual and educational content if I wanted to pay for it.

You can disable the blocks on your internet. Even with all the safeguards in place, minister after minister including upci ministers are being swept up in the deceit of the internet. Two preachers I have worked closely with have fell victim to perils of the internet. Larry Booker says a cop in his church arrested over 40 people in one day for soliciting sex with children.

Do we know if these internet safegueards work? They can be turned on and off on a whim. People can get around those safeguards as easy as blinking an eye.


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 354949)
First of all, how is it 'impossible' to not set a wicked thing before my eyes? To set something in place is to wilfully, purposefully choose to put that object in place in front of my eyes. That is not the same as seeing something in passing while going through life in this nasty world. Because I will 'set no wicked thing before my eyes', I don't have an instrument in my home that would constantly pour sin and filth into my home. I suppose you do, and don't mind the spiritual sewer pipe flowing into your home?

Second, my computer is not evil. I haven't had a single advertisement for smoking, drinking, immorality, etc .... while I have been out reading the news, posting on this forum, doing online banking/bill paying. I determine what I do and don't see on my computer. That is not the case with television, for somebody ELSE determines the programming on the television.

And, just because my pastor carries a license with the Oregon District UPC doesn't mean that the UPC is 'my' org.

philjones 01-11-2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 354968)
Have you been to my home? Suppose? Yes, I have a TV and my favorite thing to do is watch game shows. There are some REALLY good ones on there like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and that reality show "biggest loser" is really inspiring. Maybe you could benefit from being inspired I don't know?

Computers are more evil than the TV. I have a friend who used to help UPCI pastors when they had computer problems and guess what? He found quite a few pastors were doing more than paying bills online, (if you know what I mean). He knows several and I'm sure you know they as there are not very many in Oregon anyway. So if you want- you can deny it all you want and act like TV is worse but I know better and my friend knows EVEN better than us all.

Ok so it's not your org. I guess that is right because unless your licensed your not really official anyway. I get your point.

Still spouting this salacious rumor and innuendo, Walking? Did you ever address my post to you concerning your "friends" assertions about what he found on these computers? I don't recall it if you did. Your friend is most likely full of hooey! I am beginning ot wonder about you. :D

tv1a 01-11-2008 07:04 PM

No one has even scratched the surface of the dangers of internet in the upci. I'm close to two situations where questionable internet activity contributed to the downfall of two preachers I highly respected. Newspapers ran stories about a prominent upci official arrested for questionable activity. Can't blame television for that.

Sure every denomination has the problem, but not every demoniation put it an resoultion in their bylaws which banned television, but said the internet was okay.


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 354968)
Have you been to my home? Suppose? Yes, I have a TV and my favorite thing to do is watch game shows. There are some REALLY good ones on there like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and that reality show "biggest loser" is really inspiring. Maybe you could benefit from being inspired I don't know?

Computers are more evil than the TV. I have a friend who used to help UPCI pastors when they had computer problems and guess what? He found quite a few pastors were doing more than paying bills online, (if you know what I mean). He knows several and I'm sure you know they as there are not very many in Oregon anyway. So if you want- you can deny it all you want and act like TV is worse but I know better and my friend knows EVEN better than us all.

Ok so it's not your org. I guess that is right because unless your licensed your not really official anyway. I get your point.

SavedLou 01-11-2008 07:28 PM

I attend a UPC church so not bashing here but I have heard two DIFFERENT preachers tell of one hotel manager of a large city that housed our GC say that during our GC there were more pay-per-view porn movies ordered in his hotel than in all the other conferences put together. Interesting food for thought for an anti-tv organization...if this is actually true I am extremely sad and embarrassed.

RandyWayne 01-11-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by SavedLou (Post 355528)
I attend a UPC church so not bashing here but I have heard two DIFFERENT preachers tell of one hotel manager of a large city that housed our GC say that during our GC there were more pay-per-view porn movies ordered in his hotel than in all the other conferences put together. Interesting food for thought for an anti-tv organization...if this is actually true I am extremely sad and embarrassed.

That seems highly unlikely and a bit "I heard from someone who heard from someone that....".

Neck 01-11-2008 08:19 PM

Everyone here trying to drum this out to 10,000 posts?

Well I just helped one more tick...

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