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Walkbyfaith7 01-10-2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Thinking (Post 354381)
This subject of family division is one of the most distressing aspects of the split of the UPC.

Good point.

I can hear it now: some preaching saying that your foes will be those of your own household....brother against brother, etc.

Good point with the concern. I wonder how my old UPC church is responding?
I know my old pastor was in leadership in the UPC so it would be hard to leave plus he was in tight with the superintendant, as he used to be under him at his local church.

SISTER Murphy 01-10-2008 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 352843)
Yes, I have read that a time or two....

Remember, it is impossible not to set a wicked thing in front on your eye. If you are at a computer...you are doing so right now in my opinion if you believe the TV is wicked I believe the computer is 10 times worse!

Besides, your org is advertising on TV now so they believe in using this as a tool to reach the lost. If it was evil like you claim it is, then it seems you have some things to sort out with your org.

First of all, how is it 'impossible' to not set a wicked thing before my eyes? To set something in place is to wilfully, purposefully choose to put that object in place in front of my eyes. That is not the same as seeing something in passing while going through life in this nasty world. Because I will 'set no wicked thing before my eyes', I don't have an instrument in my home that would constantly pour sin and filth into my home. I suppose you do, and don't mind the spiritual sewer pipe flowing into your home?

Second, my computer is not evil. I haven't had a single advertisement for smoking, drinking, immorality, etc .... while I have been out reading the news, posting on this forum, doing online banking/bill paying. I determine what I do and don't see on my computer. That is not the case with television, for somebody ELSE determines the programming on the television.

And, just because my pastor carries a license with the Oregon District UPC doesn't mean that the UPC is 'my' org.

BoredOutOfMyMind 01-11-2008 12:04 AM

Sis Murphy,

Don't confuse the hype with facts!

(Nothing like Firefox and Adblock)

LadyChocolate 01-11-2008 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 352843)
Yes, I have read that a time or two....

Remember, it is impossible not to set a wicked thing in front on your eye. If you are at a computer...you are doing so right now in my opinion if you believe the TV is wicked I believe the computer is 10 times worse!

Besides, your org is advertising on TV now so they believe in using this as a tool to reach the lost. If it was evil like you claim it is, then it seems you have some things to sort out with your org.

now see, I don't see how. I have gone several places on the internet and have not been bombarded with the filth and immorality that is on the TV. And that is a fact. I have no pop ups on my computer. I don't see the immorality because I am NOT looking for it! My mother calls me and tells me about the commercials that are on prime time and it's encouraging homosexuality. She saw it before she knew what it was. don't tell me the internet is worse than tv. When you struggle with things on the internet it is because your flesh is wanting it and your heart is not right and you need to pray through. If you still have problems, get rid of your computer/internet, but don't assume that everyone has those issues! Now with a tv, you can get a belly full or even used to seeing the immorality. scary!!

SISTER Murphy 01-11-2008 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 354956)
Sis Murphy,

Don't confuse the hype with facts!

(Nothing like Firefox and Adblock)

I know, I know, 'tis a terribly unkind thing to do, 'specially to a zealot!

SISTER Murphy 01-11-2008 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by LadyChocolate (Post 354958)
now see, I don't see how. I have gone several places on the internet and have not been bombarded with the filth and immorality that is on the TV. And that is a fact. I have no pop ups on my computer. I don't see the immorality because I am NOT looking for it! My mother calls me and tells me about the commercials that are on prime time and it's encouraging homosexuality. She saw it before she knew what it was. don't tell me the internet is worse than tv. When you struggle with things on the internet it is because your flesh is wanting it and your heart is not right and you need to pray through. If you still have problems, get rid of your computer/internet, but don't assume that everyone has those issues! Now with a tv, you can get a belly full or even used to seeing the immorality. scary!!

Absolutely true. I grew up with a television in my home, so I can say that I do know the difference between television and computer.

Walkbyfaith7 01-11-2008 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 354949)
First of all, how is it 'impossible' to not set a wicked thing before my eyes? To set something in place is to wilfully, purposefully choose to put that object in place in front of my eyes. That is not the same as seeing something in passing while going through life in this nasty world. Because I will 'set no wicked thing before my eyes', I don't have an instrument in my home that would constantly pour sin and filth into my home. I suppose you do, and don't mind the spiritual sewer pipe flowing into your home?

Second, my computer is not evil. I haven't had a single advertisement for smoking, drinking, immorality, etc .... while I have been out reading the news, posting on this forum, doing online banking/bill paying. I determine what I do and don't see on my computer. That is not the case with television, for somebody ELSE determines the programming on the television.

And, just because my pastor carries a license with the Oregon District UPC doesn't mean that the UPC is 'my' org.

Have you been to my home? Suppose? Yes, I have a TV and my favorite thing to do is watch game shows. There are some REALLY good ones on there like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and that reality show "biggest loser" is really inspiring. Maybe you could benefit from being inspired I don't know?

Computers are more evil than the TV. I have a friend who used to help UPCI pastors when they had computer problems and guess what? He found quite a few pastors were doing more than paying bills online, (if you know what I mean). He knows several and I'm sure you know they as there are not very many in Oregon anyway. So if you want- you can deny it all you want and act like TV is worse but I know better and my friend knows EVEN better than us all.

Ok so it's not your org. I guess that is right because unless your licensed your not really official anyway. I get your point.

Walkbyfaith7 01-11-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by LadyChocolate (Post 354958)
now see, I don't see how. I have gone several places on the internet and have not been bombarded with the filth and immorality that is on the TV. And that is a fact. I have no pop ups on my computer. I don't see the immorality because I am NOT looking for it! My mother calls me and tells me about the commercials that are on prime time and it's encouraging homosexuality. She saw it before she knew what it was. don't tell me the internet is worse than tv. When you struggle with things on the internet it is because your flesh is wanting it and your heart is not right and you need to pray through. If you still have problems, get rid of your computer/internet, but don't assume that everyone has those issues! Now with a tv, you can get a belly full or even used to seeing the immorality. scary!!

Well, again- You don't know what I know about the pastors who say they are all holy but they were secretly addicted to porn on the internet.

You can believe and be fully convinced TV is worse in your opinion but from my experience that isn't accurate.

BoredOutOfMyMind 01-11-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy (Post 354966)
I know, I know, 'tis a terribly unkind thing to do, 'specially to a zealot!

The nicknames have changes, some attitudes still waste valuable posting space.

Great seeing your login here tonight SisM,


BoredOutOfMyMind 01-11-2008 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 354970)
Well, again- You don't know what I know about the pastors who say they are all holy but they were secretly addicted to porn on the internet.

You can believe and be fully convinced TV is worse in your opinion but from my experience that isn't accurate.

Walkbyfaith7> stop right there. NOT EVERY preacher on the internet is addicted to porn more than Apostolics addicted to buffets after church.

Do you only post caustic cutting remarks to the church members here?

Do you ever have an edifying and uplifting post? if so, PM me the link for I have not read any from you.....


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