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jediwill83 02-13-2017 03:32 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
given a vision of a tornado tearing through, that at first looked like it was sent to destroy, but rather, instead caused a path to be created in its wake for people to follow, so the Lord could lead His people out of the places He no longer desired them to be.

The fruit that God is giving is not what might be normally expected, but it's much sweeter and of a greater, lasting quality.[/QUOTE]

Im right with you on being non confrontational.

One thing I've learned is that sometimes it isn't enough to simply want to leave the situation you're in to somewhere else God wants you...That in itself isn't enough to achieve "escape velocity." You must sometimes in addition to wanting to leave be ejected.

Think Moses and Israel leaving Egypt....When it was all said and done they left but they were ejected by Pharoah*probably a typo* as well.

I think it may have to do with sometimes things getting so bad that when we leave we get as much distance as possible from what we are leaving that we don't come back.

Just my thoughts...

votivesoul 02-13-2017 03:55 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by votivesoul (Post 1468705)
We have been a part of an independent Apostolic assembly that meets home to home, for a few months more than two years now.

Hi can you tell me the basic doctrines in a few lines..if possible?
Except the standards like : God is one,baptism with water and spirit living a holy life ,do you have any different dogmas about the church?

You can start here:


peter83 02-14-2017 12:06 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468740)

I ask because in Greece church is a little different .And in this situation your opinion can count for me.
For example the "greek oneness apostolic" church believes that salvation,new birth is something distinct from the holy spirit baptism.There for they believe that if a person repents and be baptize in Jesus name then is "saved" and new born. And only after that he can ask for the holy spirit.
Ok there are some upci also and some people who only meet at homes.
But general in Greee all the churches who came from a "mother" USA church trinitarians and oneness all teach the same doctrines about ..profesional preachers,tithing,woomen preaching,help of music for worship,prewriting messages, etc .Things that i do not agree (because i do not see this in bible)
I attent a trinity church last months (baptize both titles and Jesus name) and except that all the rest are biblical.
I pray to God to meke me know His will.But also i have a strong faith that the gospel in Greece must be and will be only about the cross with the power of the holy spirit , not with human wisdom and of course free for all without money or any deceit.
This church i found is biger than all the evangelical,trinitarian and oneness together with not any profetional paid pastor.this was that gave to me a question..how is this possible and then when i was thre and all was filling with the holy spirit without any helps but with a simplicity,that make me to think about ...where i stand until now and what was my faith about.
After that i loose any interest for "make an atmosphere" emotional humping screaming and all that.(i do not judge them ,but this is something cultural i think that dont and will not have an upplication in greek culture).And from onw side i thank God for all that,from the other i cry about the shredded body of Christ.

Esaias 02-14-2017 01:32 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468803)
This church i found is biger than all the evangelical,trinitarian and oneness together with not any profetional paid pastor.this was that gave to me a question..how is this possible and then when i was thre and all was filling with the holy spirit without any helps but with a simplicity,that make me to think about ...where i stand until now and what was my faith about.
After that i loose any interest for "make an atmosphere" emotional humping screaming and all that.(i do not judge them ,but this is something cultural i think that dont and will not have an upplication in greek culture).And from onw side i thank God for all that,from the other i cry about the shredded body of Christ.

What church is that?

peter83 02-14-2017 03:55 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1468806)
What church is that?

a independent church?

KeptByTheWord 02-14-2017 04:36 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468803)
I ask because in Greece church is a little different .And in this situation your opinion can count for me.
For example the "greek oneness apostolic" church believes that salvation,new birth is something distinct from the holy spirit baptism.There for they believe that if a person repents and be baptize in Jesus name then is "saved" and new born. And only after that he can ask for the holy spirit.

This understanding would definitely bear witness with Mark 16:16-18, and Acts 2:38 too. That is wonderful to hear!


Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468803)
Ok there are some upci also and some people who only meet at homes. But general in Greee all the churches who came from a "mother" USA church trinitarians and oneness all teach the same doctrines about ..profesional preachers,tithing,woomen preaching,help of music for worship,prewriting messages, etc .Things that i do not agree (because i do not see this in bible)

So you don't believe in professional preachers, tithing, women preachers, help of music for worship, and prewriting messages. I think I could agree with you in all of these things, except maybe the music, because music is not prohibited in any way in the NT, and we know instruments were used throughout the OT to worship the Lord.

I believe in giving, as the Lord has blessed, and not calling it "tithing" as the system of the OT changed at Calvary, including the priesthood/tithing etc. But giving to the ministry, to those who are working in the ministry, I do absolutely believe they should receive for their efforts. But it should be as the Lord blesses you and allows you to give, and not a burden of a certain amount.


Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468803)
I attent a trinity church last months (baptize both titles and Jesus name) and except that all the rest are biblical.
I pray to God to meke me know His will.But also i have a strong faith that the gospel in Greece must be and will be only about the cross with the power of the holy spirit , not with human wisdom and of course free for all without money or any deceit.
This church i found is biger than all the evangelical,trinitarian and oneness together with not any profetional paid pastor.this was that gave to me a question..how is this possible and then when i was thre and all was filling with the holy spirit without any helps but with a simplicity,that make me to think about ...where i stand until now and what was my faith about.
After that i loose any interest for "make an atmosphere" emotional humping screaming and all that.(i do not judge them ,but this is something cultural i think that dont and will not have an upplication in greek culture).And from onw side i thank God for all that,from the other i cry about the shredded body of Christ.

The hype and the screaming that goes on and is called "worship" in many circles - yes, I agree with you on that. I can see where the Greek culture would not be accepting of that. Too bad they can't see that and tone things down.

You have a wonderful spirit and it is great to have you here participating in discussions with us. May the Lord bless you :)

KeptByTheWord 02-14-2017 04:41 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by votivesoul (Post 1468705)
We have been a part of an independent Apostolic assembly that meets home to home, for a few months more than two years now.

It is is the right path for us. I know it is not for everyone, even though I personally think it should be (but am not militant with others about it), but for us, under the conviction of truth we believe we have, there no longer is another way but this.

As far as the meetings go, they are some of the most fantastic times in the Lord I've ever had. My wife and I have been married now for going on ten years, yet it feels like there has never been a time in our lives that we didn't have each other.

It is the same with meeting house to house. We've only been doing so now for just over two years, and yet it feels like that's what we've had our entire lives, without that actually being the reality.

I think that if more people would consider the purpose for it, for why it is Apostolic (meaning of the Apostles, not just the current Apostolic Church, as is) doctrine to do so, and if they'd give some time to patient prayer and fasting with meditation upon the Holy Scriptures, the only thing that would hold them back is fear.

There is nothing in me that says God won't meet with His people if they are not meeting house to house. But many people can't seem to conceive of the idea that God will meet with His people just as much anywhere else as in a building owned by a local assembly.

There is something about the feeling of safety when there is a building owned by a local assembly, where all can meet for service as scheduled, on a regular basis, with liturgy and pre-planned, even pre-packaged agenda.

Meeting house to house at first can feel like stepping out on the boat and walking on water (for some, at least), and the call to do so, requires great faith(fulness).

It may feel like it's not really "church" at first, but the un-Biblical trappings, when they are finally realized to be just that, un-Biblical, slowly fade into the background and become more and more unnecessary as time goes by.

The key is to have someone educated and discerning and gentle and apt to teach, who can give an account to the believers, who has been there, done that, and knows that of which they speak.

Too many times, "house church", as it's called (a term I do not use or like) is equated with un-accountability, heresy and dogmatism, and other profane things, all of which all too often do happen in some "house churches", because they went house to house for the wrong reasons, and by beginning in their flesh, they finished in their flesh and found no harvest from the Holy Spirit.

My dad lives with us and he has been in the Apostolic Church for almost as long as me (he was my second convert), and he won't come to the meetings we host at our home. He attends a different "church" and while he's not against anything we do (though he did have some questions), he has not expressed any interest in being a part of it, even when it's happening in the very same home.

I'm not bothered by this. I just wait and pray for the day when things will change (not just with him, but with the brethren as a whole, who can't seem to find unity but rather divide over the smallest stuff, like, for example, whether meeting house to house is an acceptable form of Body life and ministry).

So thankful that the Lord has blessed you with a group of people to meet with. Praying that revival fires break out in your midst! And would appreciate your prayers for our little group too :)

peter83 02-14-2017 11:31 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord (Post 1468872)
This understanding would definitely bear witness with Mark 16:16-18, and Acts 2:38 too. That is wonderful to hear!


So you don't believe in professional preachers, tithing, women preachers, help of music for worship, and prewriting messages. I think I could agree with you in all of these things, except maybe the music, because music is not prohibited in any way in the NT, and we know instruments were used throughout the OT to worship the Lord.

*I also dont have a problem with music,but i do not see music as a must do.
About women this is what i found in new testament teaching ,and i take it literally.
I know women have a special bur diferent roll at church.Women brings many people to Christ,they can teach their children,they are householders,in every church there are more women,there are more women that has the holy spirit than men,also the "saints" in church history who gives their life in a martyrdrom was 80% women!
But everything like God wants.I am not a mother and i cant take this role.

I believe in giving, as the Lord has blessed, and not calling it "tithing" as the system of the OT changed at Calvary, including the priesthood/tithing etc. But giving to the ministry, to those who are working in the ministry, I do absolutely believe they should receive for their efforts. But it should be as the Lord blesses you and allows you to give, and not a burden of a certain amount.

*aha.I believe that if a church want help his pastor is ok.But i dont believe that the church has to pay for his wife car,for his children university and so on.That is just toomuch.We have a wonderful example to follow from Paul.
He was traveling all over the world to preach the gospel and always work with his own hands .If he had the time and energy to to boath then for us there is not an excuse.Of course in some situationss like a mission in other country all the church must help.

The hype and the screaming that goes on and is called "worship" in many circles - yes, I agree with you on that. I can see where the Greek culture would not be accepting of that. Too bad they can't see that and tone things down.

*I also some times speak loud ,tongues or giving glory to God but i also have control ,if for example is a stranger beside me i can just speak lower.
The problem is that people comfuse their actions with God moves. For example if i jump up and down (i do if i am happyb:)) then this is not a "move of God" nor "holy spirit action" is just MY REACTION to God or mabie to the music.

You have a wonderful spirit and it is great to have you here participating in discussions with us. May the Lord bless you :)

God bless you!:thumbsup

peter83 02-15-2017 05:50 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
oh i did something wrong with how i queted previous message?
Any way ny answers are mixed up with your post with an *

peter83 02-15-2017 11:11 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord (Post 1468872)
This understanding would definitely bear witness with Mark 16:16-18, and Acts 2:38 too. That is wonderful to hear!


Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord (Post 1468872)


So you don't believe in professional preachers, tithing, women preachers, help of music for worship, and prewriting messages. I think I could agree with you in all of these things, except maybe the music, because music is not prohibited in any way in the NT, and we know instruments were used throughout the OT to worship the Lord.

*I also dont have a problem with music,but i do not see music as a must do.
About women this is what i found in new testament teaching ,and i take it literally.
I know women have a special but diferent roll at church.Women brings many people to Christ,they can teach their children,they are householders,in every church there are more women,there are more women that has the holy spirit than men,also the "saints" in church history who gives their life in a martyrdrom was 80% women!
But everything like God wants.I am not a mother and i cant take this role.

I believe in giving, as the Lord has blessed, and not calling it "tithing" as the system of the OT changed at Calvary, including the priesthood/tithing etc. But giving to the ministry, to those who are working in the ministry, I do absolutely believe they should receive for their efforts. But it should be as the Lord blesses you and allows you to give, and not a burden of a certain amount.

*aha.I believe that if a church want help his pastor is ok.But i dont believe that the church has to pay for his wife car,for his children university and so on.That is just toomuch.We have a wonderful example to follow from Paul.
He was traveling all over the world to preach the gospel and always work with his own hands .If he had the time and energy to to boath then for us there is not an excuse.Of course in some situationss like a mission in other country all the church must help.

The hype and the screaming that goes on and is called "worship" in many circles - yes, I agree with you on that. I can see where the Greek culture would not be accepting of that. Too bad they can't see that and tone things down.

*I also some times speak loud ,tongues or giving glory to God but i also have control ,if for example is a stranger beside me i can just speak lower.
The problem is that people comfuse their actions with God moves. For example if i jump up and down (i do if i am happyb) then this is not a "move of God" nor "holy spirit action" is just MY REACTION to God or mabie to the music.

You have a wonderful spirit and it is great to have you here participating in discussions with us. May the Lord bless you :)

God bless you!

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