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Neck 02-21-2007 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Mrs (Post 13337)
Isn't there a problem with this line of thinking?

Aren't you going to have to LOOK at somebody and judge whether or not they are 'right with God' according to YOUR ideology of what is 'right'? And where does it put them if they don't LOOK like you think they should look? :dunno

The problem with many Christians is they have lost the most important element of being a human being (Thinking)

Ferd 02-21-2007 02:25 PM

I dont think ANY person with a PCI view can be considered a Conservitive...Im not really sure if Moderate even applies.

that being said, someone who is strong on the Water Spirit message can be a liberal depending on what they teach.
Con: none
Moderate: wedding ring, watch and ladies with Pins
Liberal: anything more than a moderate, up to and including nose rings

Make up
Con: none
Mod: base to cover blemishes
Lib: anything more than a mod

Con: men only
Mod: if you are on the ski slopes, women dont wear a dress
Lib: do what you feel

Con: long sleeves all the time or maybe sleeves that cover the elbow
Mod: dont show me your pit
Lib: do what you feel

Con: if it moves you will go to hell
Mod: Teach the same thing we do with internet. BE CAREFULL do not let evil in your home, use your Holy Ghost
Lib: Pretty close to Mod. may not even talk about being carefull but I know some Libs here that really are in the same place as the Mods are.

Con: dont cut...angles and all... you will go to hell.
Mod: Somewhere between Dont cut your hair as we have bible for this and we have the churchs traditions and it is better to let God decide how long, long is. AND The bible says a woman should have long hair and men should have short hair...Go get enough Holy Ghost to figure out what that means.
Lib: The bible doesnt say anything about hair. (Kurt Warner's wife looks Godly)

Ferd 02-21-2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Neckstadt (Post 13348)
The problem with many Christians is they have lost the most important element of being a human being (Thinking)

the problem with most Human Beings is they have lost the most important part of being a Christian (the bible)

Arphaxad 02-21-2007 03:27 PM

Men wearing Shorts..
Men with long hair..
Women wearing pants..
Women cutting hair...
Women wearing make-up..
Showing Movies in church..


Rhymis 02-21-2007 03:31 PM

What's your Definition of a Liberal UPC'er....

A card carrier?

BoredOutOfMyMind 02-21-2007 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Thumper (Post 13199)
Does anyone have the link to CAF.

I got a new computer and have been unable to find it since.

It is secret invitation only.


hammondb3klingon1 02-21-2007 04:45 PM

uncircumcised, non hand washing woman preacher.......................:killinme :killinme

Ferd 02-21-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by hammondb3klingon1 (Post 13484)
uncircumcised, non hand washing woman preacher.......................:killinme :killinme

you mean uncircumcised, non hand washing lady man of God

hammondb3klingon1 02-21-2007 04:50 PM

NO, I mean, uncircumcised, dirty handed, women preachers with beards......

which leaves out most of women in Mississippi!

hammondb3klingon1 02-21-2007 04:55 PM

Klingon Organ Player around the world UNITE!!:highfive

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