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PastorD 01-30-2008 10:43 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 374127)
No, my conclusion is that Bro Bernard never grasped what was being said to him. This was either due to the person posting to him not being clear, or his already having a preconceived view of everything. Either way, he drew some incorrect conclusions. The same thing that seems to be happening on many levels.

Hmm....so DKB drew "incorrect conclusions?" It isn't possible that the person he was talking to actually said one thing to him and the opposite to someone else?

If we are talking about the conversation I read from CAF..... There is a poster on AFF who heard the man say it with his OWN ears just a few days before Tulsa. Yet, he did the opposite.

Pastor G 01-30-2008 10:48 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PastorD (Post 374604)
Hmm....so DKB drew "incorrect conclusions?" It isn't possible that the person he was talking to actually said one thing to him and the opposite to someone else?

If we are talking about the conversation I read from CAF..... There is a poster on AFF who heard the man say it with his OWN ears just a few days before Tulsa. Yet, he did the opposite.

Surely not!!

Dora 01-30-2008 11:02 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without
Seems that the word "falsities" was deleted....

PocatelloApostolic 01-30-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without
I find it amazingly hard to believe that so many "BRAINS" would be so willing to speak out on that which they don't know and/or care to know! As to the invitations sent out - I have recieved countless invitations to UPC meetings when they know very well that I'm not in the UPC and never will be! Yet I would not accuse them of trying to get me to join their club! I must say this though - If every time I went to their meetings, I could feel the presence of God like I did at Tulsa, I might go more often!! I just keep getting blinded by the disco lights and choked up the smoke machines!

pelathais 01-30-2008 11:17 PM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 374020)
Let me state that Bro Bernard was given info on CAF, and then still posted falsities in his letter. He evidently did not understand what he was told, or already had his mind made up as to what he believed.

I am not going back to find the instance, but when I initially read the letter, I remembered the discourse on CAF between he and others.

What specifically was a "falsity" in DKB's letter?

Nograj 01-31-2008 12:27 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by NW Pastor (Post 368800)
I have nothing against the WPF organizers, but I know for a fact there were men on the list that did not give their consent to publish their names as such. To serve on an elders council is not the same as having your name published as the leaders of an organization who's stated goals are to provide a preferred (different) alternative to the UPC.

Men who have spent a lifetime building ministerial reputations should have a say in whether or not they get published in an explosive mailout to thousands of ministers across the UPC.

Again, political double speak.

Please forgive me, I know this is like two pages back, however I would like to know the names of all the men whom you know for a fact did not give consent to be on the WPF General Council.

Pastor G 01-31-2008 12:32 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic (Post 374638)
I find it amazingly hard to believe that so many "BRAINS" would be so willing to speak out on that which they don't know and/or care to know! As to the invitations sent out - I have recieved countless invitations to UPC meetings when they know very well that I'm not in the UPC and never will be! Yet I would not accuse them of trying to get me to join their club! I must say this though - If every time I went to their meetings, I could feel the presence of God like I did at Tulsa, I might go more often!! I just keep getting blinded by the disco lights and choked up the smoke machines!

So you went to a upc meeting with a disco light and a smoke machine?

Thumper 01-31-2008 10:31 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by Nograj (Post 374676)
Please forgive me, I know this is like two pages back, however I would like to know the names of all the men whom you know for a fact did not give consent to be on the WPF General Council.

Don't hold your breathe. I have been asking this question on another forum for a while now and all I get is either silence or "Oh I gues I was mistaken"

Listed below are all the names of people used without consent.

I told you not to hold your breathe

Monkeyman 01-31-2008 10:35 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic (Post 374638)
I find it amazingly hard to believe that so many "BRAINS" would be so willing to speak out on that which they don't know and/or care to know! As to the invitations sent out - I have recieved countless invitations to UPC meetings when they know very well that I'm not in the UPC and never will be! Yet I would not accuse them of trying to get me to join their club! I must say this though - If every time I went to their meetings, I could feel the presence of God like I did at Tulsa, I might go more often!! I just keep getting blinded by the disco lights and choked up the smoke machines!

Todays smoke machines are now hazers and do not choke ANYONE as they have new chemicals. They are completely hypo-allergenic so either you were near an old machine or your being dramatic, hmmmm?????
And, your brush arbor gives me hives...

Mrs. LPW 01-31-2008 10:43 AM

Re: Answer to charges that Names were used without

Originally Posted by PocatelloApostolic (Post 374638)
I find it amazingly hard to believe that so many "BRAINS" would be so willing to speak out on that which they don't know and/or care to know! As to the invitations sent out - I have recieved countless invitations to UPC meetings when they know very well that I'm not in the UPC and never will be! Yet I would not accuse them of trying to get me to join their club! I must say this though - If every time I went to their meetings, I could feel the presence of God like I did at Tulsa, I might go more often!! I just keep getting blinded by the disco lights and choked up the smoke machines!

I must have missed that part at our district events :toofunny

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