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Monkeyman 01-04-2008 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 347078)

Okay, I'm done now. :coffee2

I am SURE he is great....but....I have 2 words for you: Tommy & Brown, nuf said

MissBrattified 01-04-2008 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 347087)
I am SURE he is great....but....I have 2 words for you: Tommy & Brown, nuf said

Nope. Sorry. BHill is it. :christmoose Tommy who?

Monkeyman 01-04-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 347090)
Nope. Sorry. BHill is it. :christmoose Tommy who?

You can find him at "Bass Player Magazine", Shirley Caeser, Every big black gospel event, Alembic Bass company, and of course, CLC...trust me on this.

MissBrattified 01-04-2008 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 347094)
You can find him at "Bass Player Magazine", Shirley Caeser, Every big black gospel event, Alembic Bass company, and of course, CLC...trust me on this.

Monkeyman, dear, let me educate you: Exposure and publicity and public performances do not the "best" bass player make. Some of the best musicians in Pentecost are also the best kept secrets. :coffee2

Larry Carter was one of the BEST guitar players in Pentecost back when he was basically undiscovered. I remember the first year he played at IBC Music Fest. It was total snobbery at first, while the little country boy took the stage. But LC had been playing for local churches and recordings for years before he was *discovered* by the UPCI music culture.

Obviously Tommy Brown is realllllllly good. I agree with you on that. :)

AmazingGrace 01-04-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pastor G (Post 347054)
I agree B. Randy is good and he knows it and does not spare anyones feelings.. Especially Bass players, since Randy used to play for Dallas Holm and a few others... Never heard him play the bass but he talks a good game..

I guess thats a side of Randy we never saw. He did the sound for our church for 2 yrs after my dad had a major surgery that ended up with him nearly dying. We had lost our sound and he did it at no charge and was just a great all around person. He is still a friend of our families and a great person and yes he can play bass and very well also. He played a few times when our bass player was out also.

philjones 01-04-2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 347104)
Monkeyman, dear, let me educate you: Exposure and publicity and public performances do not the "best" bass player make. Some of the best musicians in Pentecost are also the best kept secrets. :coffee2

Larry Carter was one of the BEST guitar players in Pentecost back when he was basically undiscovered. I remember the first year he played at IBC Music Fest. It was total snobbery at first, while the little country boy took the stage. But LC had been playing for local churches and recordings for years before he was *discovered* by the UPCI music culture.

Obviously Tommy Brown is realllllllly good. I agree with you on that. :)

Let me see.... James Owens comes to mind along with a few others... Fact is we, in Pentecost, are blessed with some of the greatest Tobias toting bass players in the world. I am not sure about this BHill person.... other than Miss B and her family, most great things came OUT of Oklahoma! :D

AmazingGrace 01-04-2008 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by philjones (Post 347110)
Let me see.... James Owens comes to mind along with a few others... Fact is we, in Pentecost, are blessed with some of the greatest Tobias toting bass players in the world. I am not sure about this BHill person.... other than Miss B and her family, most great things came OUT of Oklahoma! :D

Amen and Glory!!! Its a blessing to be OUT of Ok!

MissBrattified 01-04-2008 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by philjones (Post 347110)
Let me see.... James Owens comes to mind along with a few others... Fact is we, in Pentecost, are blessed with some of the greatest Tobias toting bass players in the world. I am not sure about this BHill person.... other than Miss B and her family, most great things came OUT of Oklahoma! :D

Well, there are lots of great musicians. :) I'm just pointing out that simply being well-known is not the biggest factor. TB is definitely pretty awesome.

LOL...well, we went INTO Oklahoma. Self-destructive? :D

philjones 01-04-2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by MissBrattified (Post 347122)
Well, there are lots of great musicians. :) I'm just pointing out that simply being well-known is not the biggest factor. TB is definitely pretty awesome.

LOL...well, we went INTO Oklahoma. Self-destructive? :D

Even Oklahoma deserves a touch of class and with AG and me gone... ya'll are their only hope! :D

MissBrattified 01-04-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by philjones (Post 347150)
Even Oklahoma deserves a touch of class and with AG and me gone... ya'll are their only hope! :D

Class? Dunno about that...Jeff loves bluegrass. ;) (And I have a not-so-secret affinity for Allison Krauss) Is that really classy?

As for soundmen: Good soundmen know their job and do it well, AND they need to know how to work with, not against, singers and musicians. Most singers simply want to be heard, and to hear themselves. It isn't narcissism--it's a necessity, or you'll go flat, and the audience will hear muddled lyrics under the din of music. When I sing, I feel that it is for the purpose of putting forth a message of some sort, even a sermon, and I want it to be heard, or else why should I even sing? (Obviously outside of singing with the congregation or singing directly to God, which everyone should do! In the shower is a great place to let the music SOAR!)

I do recognize that things can get out of hand, and get reallllllly loud, if not kept in check, but everyone really has to work on that, and the sound man is hurting everyone and the church service if his frustrated response is to indecorously turn everything down to a whisper.

Additionally, some people are put in charge of sound who don't really know the job, but they're just the one available on Sunday morning. *sigh* Even worse, some seem to enjoy their "power" over the musicians and singers, and seem to take pleasure in causing frustration, and spend way too much time complaining about busted eardrums, when in fact a *hot* mic insures I will NOT scream my lyrics, but will sing them instead.

Okay. I've vented enough, even though I sure enough have more to say. :D

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