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glorifyhim84 10-07-2009 09:27 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
no woman cant preach. scripture say "suffer a woman not to teach nor to authority over the man, but to be in silence."
the bible also ..tells us woman to stay in submisson... "for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law".. the law which is Gods law..This is all biblical woman cant preach. we are young woman and we are later on to be called "mothers" didnt the scripture say "for the mother sung a song".. scripture didnt say for us woman to preach.. Far most if it were Gods will for woman to preach one of the 12 Apostles would of been a woman!

Scott Hutchinson 10-07-2009 09:27 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Did I ask a controversial question or not ?

simplyme 10-07-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by glorifyhim84 (Post 813284)
no woman cant preach. scripture say "suffer a woman not to teach nor to authority over the man, but to be in silence."
the bible also ..tells us woman to stay in submisson... "for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law".. the law which is Gods law..This is all biblical woman cant preach. we are young woman and we are later on to be called "mothers" didnt the scripture say "for the mother sung a song".. scripture didnt say for us woman to preach.. Far most if it were Gods will for woman to preach one of the 12 Apostles would of been a woman!

Hi there Glorifyhim84, welcome to this forum., and you've made quite a splash
as your first new posting.
..did this question itself bring you into this fold? :D

Glad to have you here, and if you haven't noticed already, your viewpoint is
NOT the most popular, on this particular forum, nor even at others as has been
my experience. It just so happens that I agree with your post., GOD BLESS YOU,
and, have fun! ;)

HeavenlyOne 10-07-2009 12:57 PM

Re: Let me show you something here........

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 813270)
These women [Huldah only] was spontaneously moved upon by the Spirit of God to PROPHESY of God's future plans. They did not take a text from the Scriptures [even when they were brought to them, as w/ Huldah, hmmmm] & begin to spit & sputter like a man [blaming it on the "anointing"], as they do in modern churches.

Most of the errror in the women preacher doctrine stems from a misunderstanding of what the term "Prophesy" literally means, & how it was used in Bible times.

Do you consider Noah a preacher or a prophet? He didn't preach from the scriptures because none existed! Yet he preached to the people of what would happen if they didn't obey the Word of God! It's no different than preachers do today, is it? Don't you preach what will happen to people if they don't obey the Word of God? Does that make you a prophet or a preacher?

In fact, everyone before Moses who spoke a Word from God did so directly from the mouth of God. Most after Moses did the same. Even when Jesus was born, there wasn't much scripture to preach about. Even Jesus didn't preach much from the scriptures, but I'd hardly consider Him a prophet.

It's no different than today. The Word of God that's written in my Bible is the same Word of God that was spoken to those who wrote those scriptures. To claim that the Words of God are prophesy until they were written down and repeated by someone else (thus turning it into preaching words) is foolish thinking.

HeavenlyOne 10-07-2009 12:59 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 (Post 813278)
Even though I only about 1/2 to 2/3 agree with you RDP, it is fun to watch this. It is interesting, and very telling, that your opposition has repeatedly ignored your verses in order to continue to try to argue over the definition of preaching and try to bring out a bunch of obscure greek definitions and such.

It's gone both ways if you've been watching closely. He throws out Deborah and Huldah and Anna because they were prophesying. Yet he does the same thing today and calls it preaching.

Both are the Words of God. God doesn't see a difference in what Deborah did and what preachers today do, whether male or female. I don't need to delve into a Greek lexicon to see what scripture states about what those women did.

And read the post of mine above this one also.

HeavenlyOne 10-07-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by glorifyhim84 (Post 813284)
no woman cant preach. scripture say "suffer a woman not to teach nor to authority over the man, but to be in silence."
the bible also ..tells us woman to stay in submisson... "for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law".. the law which is Gods law..This is all biblical woman cant preach. we are young woman and we are later on to be called "mothers" didnt the scripture say "for the mother sung a song".. scripture didnt say for us woman to preach.. Far most if it were Gods will for woman to preach one of the 12 Apostles would of been a woman!

And if it was God's will for black men to preach, He would have made one of the 12 Apostles black!

And if it was God's will for Gentile men to preach, He would have made one of the 12 Apostles Gentile!

To use that kind of logic is silly. But sadly, it's not the first time I've heard it said. I think that it's sad that we put God in a box according to what we feel He's able to do.

As for submission, women and men are both told to submit to one another. In addition, women aren't told to submit to ALL men, just their husband. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm not submitting to all men because they have no authority over me in any way.

And if you are a woman in the church and you truly believe you aren't allowed to speak, that's sad that your church (and your interpretation or teaching of the Bible) shuts you up. That means you can't sing, testify, pray, or anything else. Silence means silence (if you truly want to believe scripture without understanding what Paul was really saying there), and Paul didn't give exceptions when he wrote that verse.

But true understanding reveals that Paul was speaking about women asking their husbands questions during the service, thus why they were told to ask their husbands at home. In Paul's day, women sat on one side and men on the other, and there was too much talking going on.

But to claim that Paul was telling women they can't preach, well, Paul never says that nor even implies it. He says women are to be silent in the church, and further study reveals why he stated that.

Nitehawk013 10-08-2009 04:59 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne (Post 813510)
It's gone both ways if you've been watching closely. He throws out Deborah and Huldah and Anna because they were prophesying. Yet he does the same thing today and calls it preaching.

Both are the Words of God. God doesn't see a difference in what Deborah did and what preachers today do, whether male or female. I don't need to delve into a Greek lexicon to see what scripture states about what those women did.

And read the post of mine above this one also.

I have read them. Prophesying is not preaching. Anyone who is in the ministry should know that. Big difference.

Once again, if you are so convinced of yourself, why have you and others ignored his scriptures about 125479542678 times now? RPD hasn't ignored anything asked of him. He has answere every question and made decent length posts refutting your "examples" of women preachers.

Again, I only about 1/2 agree with him, but your side is arguing from emotion and the fact that you may know a few women preachers so of course they must be ordained of God right. He is presenting scriptures.

Timmy 10-08-2009 08:09 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Nitehawk, did you get my PM? :)

Godsdrummer 10-08-2009 08:15 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 (Post 813817)
I have read them. Prophesying is not preaching. Anyone who is in the ministry should know that. Big difference.

Once again, if you are so convinced of yourself, why have you and others ignored his scriptures about 125479542678 times now? RPD hasn't ignored anything asked of him. He has answere every question and made decent length posts refutting your "examples" of women preachers.

Again, I only about 1/2 agree with him, but your side is arguing from emotion and the fact that you may know a few women preachers so of course they must be ordained of God right. He is presenting scriptures.

No the problem is he is taking two scripture out of the context of the whole bible and making them say something that they are not saying just to keep women in a lower class of humanity than a man.

Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

pastorrush 10-08-2009 08:19 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
prophecy-[propheteia] the speaking forth of the mind and council of God.

preach-[euangelizo] to bring or show good tiding. preach-[kerusso] to be a heard, to proclaim

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