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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
:blush |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
There are some people who need to find out what the definition of 'preaching' even is.
It's not: a man stomping, sweating, snorting, and screaming while saying 'uh' at the end of every syllable, quoting and expounding on scripture while on a platform and behind a pulpit with more than 3 people in a building of at least 4 walls and called a church. The definition is actually quite simple. Quote:
*round and round they go, where they stop..?
.. the animal did NOT preach the gospel to anyone, PERIOD. In fact I wonder why you'd call it preaching, to begin with? A simple statement of any topic, to another person, is now called preaching? LOL! I guess I'm preaching now, then. :heeheehee I can't imagine WHY people read that into that story. :noidea An animal whom spoke only ONCE and for purposes NOT even GOD-related is now a preacher? Wow that doesn't say much for some of our annointed men preaching from any given JESUSname church, now does it? IF they can be replaced with a donkey? Now, THAT is "twisted". Moreover, what WOMAN would want to be compared to a donkey? :sad YET many women DO use that reference themselves! Go figure. Quote:
EVERYONE knows that GOD is sovreign already, HE IS GOD after all; and that saved women, as well as men & children, are to tell other lost folks, the good news of JESUS is plain common-sense., but I think the topic here is about pastoring. I really don't want to get into that, its settled; for ME, anyway. Quote:
So what else is new? :D oops I've been writing this but hadn't yet submitted NOW I read what H.O. said about preachin, lol *similar minds at times* |
Re: *round and round they go, where they stop..?
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I will add that since the WORD is given for MANY reasons, one of which is for reproofing, for instruction (and you know the rest) that is what the beast was doing to its master, lol It voiced its opinion. Who knows, it may even be part of GOD's WORD to remind some real-live 'beasts' whom beat innocents that THERE WILL BE A DAY, of reckoning OR that a voice will always speak out for those victims, OR..........? I doubt it that the animals story was put there to TEACH others to do the same., or for some brute to use it to justify beating, say..a rebellious wife? :lol OR for a woman to say she's as good as an animal...etc.etc., obvioiusly some women MAY need to read it, to make sure. MANY lessons are often drawn out of any, and probably ALL of scripture. A little common-sense can go a long ways. :nod |
Re: *round and round they go, where they stop..?
I wrote all that BEFORE I'd seen you post definition(s) oh well. Gotta go get SOMETHING useful done now., the day is quickly fading. |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
[QUOTE=MissBrattified;807100]I'm for biblical order, but God has used and will continue to use women for His work, and that is just a fact. To state that women are excluded from the ministry is obviously an extra-biblical interpretation.
I only cut the text for room sake. What I want to say is Wonderful great response!!!! |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Ok you want this you are going to get it. Lets start with the fact that if scripture seems to contradict its self then you have the wrong interpretation. There is a reason Paul says to rightly divide the word. Just because you think it means one thing does not make it so!!! So you realy think I would dismiss God's Breathed Scripture lightly? God forbid, but I have learned that we MUST put scripture into the era of time it was written to have the true meaning. You think Im silly, Bro I don't know how old you are but I have been in this my whole life, I have seen more people come and go than you can beleive. I have been in all types of UPCI Churches from the very liberal to the very conservitive. I say all of this so you understand I know where you are comming from, I have studied both ideas.
Now let me take these one at a time. First the word Preacher (pastor, elder, decon, bishop, etc) I am not going to go into all the Greek words you can check that out for yourself. If one will truely search scripture without the influince of man made doctrines you will see Gods word in its true light. First nowhere in scripture do we find any one man given the authority that man has given the office of pastor. Hebrews 13:17 does not give the authority that man has given the office of pastor. The word "obey" is a differant Greek word than "children obey their Parents". In Hebrews the word "obey" means "to be persuaded", also them is plural "them that have the leadership" God never intended for one man to rule the church. I Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4 both confirm this. When we understand this we find that any leadership position in the church would never put a women in a position where she has authority over a man because we are all equals in the eyes of God. So what was Paul speaking about in I Timothy 2? First he is speaking about how we are to present ourself to the world. This is not in the church setting, this is in home setting. Where the world will see us in true life. verse 11 does not mean a women cannot speak only that she learn with a open frame of mind with a spirit of subordination to (her own husband). verse 12 But I suffer not .... a women to teach. NEVER? read Titus 2:1-5 One other thing Paul said "I suffer not" this was his teaching . What God puts into effect who can argue? If a women cannot teach or preach this is a direct contradiction to Acts 2:17-18, where women shall prophesy, (prophecy is to speak out a measage from God.) (prophecy is to speak unto men to edifcation, exhortation, and comfort. I Cor.14:3) I Corinthians 14:34-35, we have already determined in preceding verses that a women can be used of God in the church setting. So what is Paul speaking of here in verse 34 & 35? First he is speaking concerning things being done in order during the move of God. Although we can understand better by what Paul is refering to by understanding verse 33. God is not the author of confusion. But of peace in the church. So if there is a subject of contention. Then the women are to hold their peace for they are to be subject to their husband. Therefore let the men handle the contention in the church and let the women confer with their husband in the home, as to keep the confusion at bay in the church. This does not keep a women from holding the office of pastor. For if the proper biblical leadership is in place in the church then a women can be a pastor/teacher in the church. You see the position of pastor as we know it is not the biblical structure of leadership in the church. It is to be composed of the full ministry. The local church is to be composed of (elders, bishops, decons) plural, their job is to exhort and convince the gainsayers. I Titus 1:7. I put this together to give you a differant look. I know this will most likely not change the way you see things at this time. But if I am right God will in time reveal to you his true understanding for truth will prevail. |
Re: *round and round they go, where they stop..?
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