![]() |
I responded because, as I said in my reply to you, that I was sent a text message which IMPLICATED me. I was told that I was the one being discussed. THAT is why I am defending myself. |
Well, I personally think that KH going back in office was a very positive thing.
I also think that Res 4 passing was positive. Res 3 is the one that should worry people. |
Thaddeaus...no biggie baby...election time will come again....for those wanting new leadership...well the vote will come again just like it has for the whole life span of the upci....the ministers will speak and the group in unity will decide the next step...same protocall as always...lol....i wish u could get someone to email you pics so you could post with your newsflashes....that would be cool :)
res 3 was a miscount...recall would have to be done by st.louis...kenneth miscounted the oral votes...its all on record....nyways..4 is in the process of being overturned...
bussiness is done as it always has been...i dont see what all the excitement was about....the group in unity will have their say again in north carolina...not tulsa cause that would be disobedience....which in turn would have been the victory of the opponent...those in the game know what im talking bout....lol...nyways...what do i know right? just commenting like everyone else...lol...but uh, i do believe thats what was posted here during gc bout the error of the voting procedure tabulating...uh, i believe the actual statement was that kenneth counted ministers twice...as for 4...should have been out in the open oral...not secret n hidden...that will be addressed as well...the suits in st.louis have this...oh...n affers...pray for robert fuller...cancer i believe...he is our editor at pph...his office is in stlouis... |
would love to have some pics ! lol
Do you have any news flashes for us? There's a lot of hungry lions hereto feed & waiting to devour any shread of meat offered :pirate PM me if so |
For the secret ballot, I have pondered whether the number of votes cast may have exceeded the number of voters present. Last year on NFCF, there was a brief discussion of just that, but no conclusions that I recall. At one point (last year), it was reported that x voters were on the floor, and later (possibly after more voters arrived, but this wasn't determined) the votes added up to much more than x. I don't remember the numbers, but you get the idea. Before I'm accused of inventing stuff to try to make trouble, last year, again, someone reported an incident of vote tampering from several years earlier. A nonvoter (not eligible) was approached and asked to cast a vote anyway. A rare, isolated event? |
I don't know who the newbie is but he has his facts all wrong.
Resolution 4 is NOT going to be overturned.... It will NOT come up in N.C. It's over and done with. |
CP, at conference there was talk of the Cons staying in the UPC and trying to overturn it - just talk though . I think that most have come to the realization that there is no turning back now |
I do not see an overthrow of Res #4, but this (bolded above) is very possible IF a "united" front on the conservative side is mounted. All it will take is a resolution written and put on the floor. |
are you going to Tulsa ?? |
gee thad u werent tripping when u said that:)
well im no newbie....ive been around before haneywood....ill be around after... guys seriously though...its just paperwork..seriously...no joke...just like theres been no word from hq about kenneth n carla dean's daddy joining...guys things are handled officially...its just paperwork....n personally i dont see tulsa happening cause anyone that went would be in open rebellion...those in the game long enough know the score... |
ok let me break it down....for those of u not licensed ministers...
ok....let me choose my words carefully..... ok, libs n cons can agree with me on this one i know...right? this is just what the Word says...were not even talking manual yet... ok...by submitting u overturn so to speak the hostile situation...ask ur pastor if u dont believe me...thats why there will be no tulsa...larry is not going to openly defy the office...regardless of his personal opinion...cause larry knows the score see...larrys been around long enough to recognize the situation..i would think...although he is younger than those i know....see im just saying...not even looking at the manual..looking at the Word...thats all...lol, but i guess im a newbie here...hi everyone how are ya? |
said what? asking someone if the was going to Tulsa or what i asked you?(that's why we use quotes here :pirate) I would love if if KH showed up at the Tulsa meeting!!!!!! :stirpot |
According to the new guy, there IS not such meeting taking place in Tulsa....
It's all an illusion! |
lol...my bad thad...ill try to do better..."HUNGRY LIONS".....
Are We Looking At Individuals Or Are We Looking Up?
Does It Matter If Ken Spoke To Us Or Not? |
first of all triple e...there will be no tulsa...
second...how are ya? i see u did get the memo n ur from canada i believe? well its nice to meet u...third, ken wont do tulsa cause ken not going to cause anyone hurt or pain....his father taught him better u know....n when did it ever become ok to "show" someone anything... why not let God do his job? hes on this i assure you....n sorry...i just dont see hatred as an answer...n yes im prepared for your attack....go ahead n egg me... |
uh...pew, strange where r u? u can come out now...roads clear...
No Tulsa??? oooooh , okay
Thank you for informing us |
I know some LIbs who are going on purpose- I asked them " WHY" ??? some people are just too curious and like Drama ( i wouldn't be one of those ) :pirate |
being faithful in little triple e doesnt neceisitate(dont really care to sp) little things...
wow! i think u know who i am n are openly attacking me just like so many of ur group has been doing to so many cons for so looong...but ive got the door baby n larry doesnt have to leave... n yeah...paperwork is paperwork...u just have to be trained to do the job right....thaddeaus...am i generating a market yet? gee this is fun.....n baby i know whats in Canada...game over...i mean really that you would post such a thing like that n expect me to take it...like im going to or any other so called con...gee...really...what every happened to respect? |
dizzy...no i really dont see tulsa...sigh...what has to happen now is the group has to stay together...see what happened to me when i just posted...how i was attacked by triple e...ok...see thats what the ministers are having to deal with...but according to the Word...again...were not even talking denomination affiliaiton...you respect the office even if u dont personally agree...again, i just dont see larry doing tulsa....he will snail mail everyone his final choice...but hes not been in this for as long as some of us others n thus he is unprepared for this level of public relations n leadership decision making...look, bottom line....doesnt matter what i think about ken its the fact that hes my GS n i respect the office so....if i were to go against him....that would be rebellion....thats all im saying...am i larrys spokesperson..no...im just a poster like the rest of u guys....n im saying hate doesnt solve a thing....so stop the hate n come together in love...n unity will prevail....thats all im saying..but hey...this is thads thread...ill let him handle up:)
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... ......................
wake me up when this conversation is over :runhills |
I'm done.....Thad, I love Thad's Tab but we might want to close this thread...
lol...why close?
nyways...why are u guys so tense...lol..cant u take a joke?
n triple e...ur gonna have to show me the good side of canada...ok? |
aw are u saying im not a good conversationalist thad?
ouch....lol...thad, do you have a cd yet? if so please tell me the link...seriously... n eee....i assume its paperwork yes....n procedure...my manual is over to my left..but seriously..i will answer any question u have...seriously...maybe i misunderstood u..... |
lol...aw come on dizzy...dont throw your ticket out yet...shows just getting started girl...lol...
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