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Esaias 02-11-2017 01:44 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta (Post 1468410)
Bartleman fellowshipped with both Oneness and Trinitarian churches. I do believe I read that somewhere.

Was he PCI ?? Not sure. He passed away in 1936.

I'm sure elder Epley knows. Didn't he baptize brother Bartlemann?


votivesoul 02-11-2017 01:45 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
I have been in meetings like the one described by Brother Bartleman. It was what I longed for and hoped to see in my former assembly, but could not help bring to pass, when ego got in the way.

After leaving, it wasn't but a couple of weeks that the Lord led me and my family to where we belong. The first meeting, I went by myself to check it out, and Jesus applied a charismata of healing upon me for my soul.

The second meeting my wife and children came with. There I saw the Lord standing in the midst of us, sitting in a circle as we were, Head of the Church, Sovereign Over All, silently receiving the worship we gave him.

It does not happen all the time, but often enough to note it, that the heavenly song mentioned frequently at the Azusa meetings, comes to us, though it is patently clear that sometimes, upon those of us which it comes, there is hesitation and uncertainty, as if something about it might be considered out of order, or disruptive of something the Lord might be doing in and for another sitting by.

We may yet achieve the liberty necessary to fulfill His will in this matter.

Amanah 02-11-2017 06:31 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
The most striking feature of Azusa street revival was it was a worldwide world changing revival, and we still having revival today.

This seems to be happening mostly thru missionaries in 3rd world countries, and I thank God for that.

I would like to see a similar revival happen in North America, because in many ways it seems like the churches in NA are in decline.

jediwill83 02-11-2017 01:35 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by votivesoul (Post 1468434)
I have been in meetings like the one described by Brother Bartleman. It was what I longed for and hoped to see in my former assembly, but could not help bring to pass, when ego got in the way.

After leaving, it wasn't but a couple of weeks that the Lord led me and my family to where we belong. The first meeting, I went by myself to check it out, and Jesus applied a charismata of healing upon me for my soul.

The second meeting my wife and children came with. There I saw the Lord standing in the midst of us, sitting in a circle as we were, Head of the Church, Sovereign Over All, silently receiving the worship we gave him.

It does not happen all the time, but often enough to note it, that the heavenly song mentioned frequently at the Azusa meetings, comes to us, though it is patently clear that sometimes, upon those of us which it comes, there is hesitation and uncertainty, as if something about it might be considered out of order, or disruptive of something the Lord might be doing in and for another sitting by.

We may yet achieve the liberty necessary to full His will in this matter.

I used to attend a small country church. The songleader/Sunday school teacher was a sweet country lady named Sister Opal. Every service she sang loud with this super strong country accent unashamedly. She was often off key but she sang with all her heart as worship into the Lord.

I had been going through some trials at the time. I was young and in my teens, unsure of my calling and trying to sort out what I was feeling or the lack thereof. I went months not feeling God in service. I was depressed and feeling defeated while others ran the aisles boisterously and shouted I felt so alone and distant...It was a major wilderness.

One service a hush fell and Sister Opal began to sing in tongues...I was very familiar with her voice and lack of professional talent and ability but the voice that came from her that night was from heaven itself. She suddenly displayed techniques like vibrato and it had such a clarity and confidence. It other words I knew that it wasn't just her...It was God.

When I heard it suddenly the dam in my spirit broke and I began to weep and for the first time in months I felt the refreshing move of His spirit.

votivesoul 02-11-2017 11:42 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
Paul seems to make the case the singing in the Spirit was something of a normative experience, at least for him.

Whenever I have sung in the Spirit, in tongues, it often felt like God was using the situation as almost like some kind of tribal warsong.

I was in a service years ago, and the pastor began by having the men sit on one side, and the women and children on the other, making the case from the idea of the church in Corinth beginning in a Jewish synagogue, where such a separation existed.

He read some verses from 1 Corinthians 14, and then encouraged us all to seek the Lord. There wasn't anything arranged from that point on. Just a leading of the Spirit. God used people in tongues and interpretation, prophecy, and at one point, my step-dad starting singing in tongues to the congregation.

It was very much like as described by Bartleman and others.

That pastor never did that again, for no explicable reason ever shared with me, as I was a member of that church at the time, for many years prior and afterward.

I can't figure out why.

Eventually he moved on and new leadership took over. Right before we left there, my brother, who was one of the pastors, was holding meetings in his home with members of the assembly. We attended, and so did a few others who lived nearby.

The first meeting we had, my brother told me how he had been praying before we arrived, and repented to God and asked His forgiveness if ever he had tried to act as someone's head instead of allowing Christ to be the head of everyman.

That was music to my ears! Those meetings were real Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 14 meetings. One night, a sister was travailing and holding back, and wouldn't speak the diverse tongue God was giving her. I encouraged her, and she finally allowed God to speak through her. Then, after her, another woman spoke a diverse tongue. Then, after that, God gave my brother the interpretation, and it was along the lines of "Wisdom cries out in the streets..." a quote from Proverbs.

I looked at the man standing next to me. Before the meeting began, he took me aside to ask me some questions about Proverbs and wisdom. My brother never knew. No one, but me, the Lord, and this man, did.

He was amazed that God spoke directly to him that night through the gifts of the Spirit. But that was also when things fell apart, because, unbeknownst to me, this man later asked the Pastor (who wasn't attending the meetings) a question about women being allowed to speak in a meeting in a diverse tongue, and if it was okay, or not.

But before he spoke with the Pastor, he asked me my view, and I gave it to him, saying women are allowed to pray and prophesy and be used by God in the gifts of the Spirit.

But the Pastor said otherwise, because he had a beef with the women, one he thought was too much of a new convert, the other, too young over all, so convinced this man that God couldn't have used these two women, it was all out of order, and what my brother spoke was a prophecy, not an interpretation, and blah, blah, blah...

That's when the facade of what I thought was the beginning of a real New Covenant, Acts church, fell down, and the ugly face of what was really going on showed itself. There was only one more meeting, then the Pastor shut it down.

We were gone less than three weeks later.

I give the pastor there credit for wanting to be zealous for what he believes is the truth. I do not give him credit though, that he is not open to discussion for when others believe he is wrong about what he believes is the truth. That's a misguided zeal.

Oddly enough, last summer the man who God spoke to about wisdom married the "too young over all woman" who was at my brother's house that night who was afraid to speak the diverse tongue. She was about 19 then. She is about 23 or so now.

jediwill83 02-12-2017 11:47 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
That had to be frustrating as heck.

Amanah 02-12-2017 12:03 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
Aaron, are you doing house church now? and if so how is that going?

votivesoul 02-13-2017 12:17 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by jediwill83 (Post 1468582)
That had to be frustrating as heck.

I have almost always shunned confrontation, taking a "lamb led to the slaughter" approach to most situations. There was great frustration and disappointment, with some anger in me. My wife was furious, and really hurt.

It took some time and patience to allow God to work out of us what He needed to, to help us mend and keep going forward without a bitter edge left in us.

So much came out after we were gone, that helped us realize we weren't the knuckleheads causing the problems. The story itself could go on for another dozen pages of posts to tell it all, but that is superfluous.

So, despite what happened, the reality is this:

In our third or fourth meeting with the new group, my mom and step-dad came to visit.

There was a diverse tongue. God gave me the interpretation. It was about "little strength" from the verse in Revelation 3 regarding the church in Philadelphia.

My mom started weeping. I didn't know what had really gone on with her and my stepdad over the years, since they had left the same church years before we did, but she spoke about feeling like she was just barely hanging on because there had been so much hurt suffered on their part by abusive leadership, not just in the church mentioned above, but in their next and next.

So, my mom and stepdad have finally found, after many years, a place they can unequivocally call home, and are standing stronger and in more confidence in the Lord than ever.

In that same meeting, a prophetic fellow shared how he had been given a vision of a tornado tearing through, that at first looked like it was sent to destroy, but rather, instead caused a path to be created in its wake for people to follow, so the Lord could lead His people out of the places He no longer desired them to be.

The fruit that God is giving is not what might be normally expected, but it's much sweeter and of a greater, lasting quality.

votivesoul 02-13-2017 12:34 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Amanah (Post 1468586)
Aaron, are you doing house church now? and if so how is that going?

We have been a part of an independent Apostolic assembly that meets home to home, for a few months more than two years now.

It is is the right path for us. I know it is not for everyone, even though I personally think it should be (but am not militant with others about it), but for us, under the conviction of truth we believe we have, there no longer is another way but this.

As far as the meetings go, they are some of the most fantastic times in the Lord I've ever had. My wife and I have been married now for going on ten years, yet it feels like there has never been a time in our lives that we didn't have each other.

It is the same with meeting house to house. We've only been doing so now for just over two years, and yet it feels like that's what we've had our entire lives, without that actually being the reality.

I think that if more people would consider the purpose for it, for why it is Apostolic (meaning of the Apostles, not just the current Apostolic Church, as is) doctrine to do so, and if they'd give some time to patient prayer and fasting with meditation upon the Holy Scriptures, the only thing that would hold them back is fear.

There is nothing in me that says God won't meet with His people if they are not meeting house to house. But many people can't seem to conceive of the idea that God will meet with His people just as much anywhere else as in a building owned by a local assembly.

There is something about the feeling of safety when there is a building owned by a local assembly, where all can meet for service as scheduled, on a regular basis, with liturgy and pre-planned, even pre-packaged agenda.

Meeting house to house at first can feel like stepping out on the boat and walking on water (for some, at least), and the call to do so, requires great faith(fulness).

It may feel like it's not really "church" at first, but the un-Biblical trappings, when they are finally realized to be just that, un-Biblical, slowly fade into the background and become more and more unnecessary as time goes by.

The key is to have someone educated and discerning and gentle and apt to teach, who can give an account to the believers, who has been there, done that, and knows that of which they speak.

Too many times, "house church", as it's called (a term I do not use or like) is equated with un-accountability, heresy and dogmatism, and other profane things, all of which all too often do happen in some "house churches", because they went house to house for the wrong reasons, and by beginning in their flesh, they finished in their flesh and found no harvest from the Holy Spirit.

My dad lives with us and he has been in the Apostolic Church for almost as long as me (he was my second convert), and he won't come to the meetings we host at our home. He attends a different "church" and while he's not against anything we do (though he did have some questions), he has not expressed any interest in being a part of it, even when it's happening in the very same home.

I'm not bothered by this. I just wait and pray for the day when things will change (not just with him, but with the brethren as a whole, who can't seem to find unity but rather divide over the smallest stuff, like, for example, whether meeting house to house is an acceptable form of Body life and ministry).

peter83 02-13-2017 09:24 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
[QUOTE=votivesoul;1468705]We have been a part of an independent Apostolic assembly that meets home to home, for a few months more than two years now.

Hi can you tell me the basic doctrines in a few lines..if possible?
Except the standards like : God is one,baptism with water and spirit living a holy life ,do you have any different dogmas about the church?

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