trialedbyfire |
08-23-2011 02:35 PM |
Re: Is this Apostolic?
I'm always very weary of the "I see something in my spirit prophets". They absolutely infest PAW these days and to be totally honest I stay away from it. I don't know how UPCI is but people who go around saying things like "God is going to elevate you on your job and your going to do great things" and then call themselves "prophets" definitely turn me off. This was foreign to the Holiness church (speaking mostly to PAW, idk how long this has been going on in UPCI) a decade ago. Now it's all over PAW. I mean most people even in this economy have jobs, most people want a raise. So to just randomly say you are going to be elevated on your job really isn't good enough. I guess if it happens that's awesome, but beware of these "vague" prophecies. In the scripture I'm pretty sure if God told Elijah about your job he'd be able to tell you the company, location of the firm, the city where the headquarters are at, your supervisors name, your supervisors children's names, (lol not seriously, just saying it'd be a little bit more specific).