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D&J 06-21-2007 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 163436)
I agree with you on the current guy. :thumbsup

From what I have observed he is one sharp operator and is not afraid to take a stand. Another thing that stands out to me is his ability to deal with things without any overwhelming show of emotion.

I personally had nothing to do with him getting into the office :lol but I highly respect him.

Truly Blessed 06-21-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 163367)
This is an excellent observation.

I think that one major factor in the Canadian equation is regionalism. Would it ever be possible to have a truly United PC in a divided Canada? Would the brethren from the West accept a leader from the East? Would the Brethren from the East be happy with a leader from the West?

The Canadian solution has typically been to elect Prime Ministers from Quebec, an answer that is not particularly palatable to either East or West, but more appealing than the alternative.

Ontario appears to be the growth centre of the UPCC. Could a Superintendent from Ontario be expected to have a vision that extends beyond his own backyard? Would Atlantic Canada suffer the same consequences in a religious organization as it has had inflicted upon it by Confederation?

First of all, from what I hear there is no united UPCI as the organization stands right now, so its not as if Canada would be leaving a united organization for one that may not be as united as one would desire. Second, the dynamics of Canada are what they are, its what makes Canada the nation that it is. So, yes, a Canadian organization would reflect the dynamic of Canada, but don't you have this dynamic anyway? Third, I have a difficult time understanding why having a Gen. Supt. with his address in Hazelwood is any different than having one whose address is BC. Fourth, the chance of a BC Supt. would be very slim considering that they would have a great challenge gathering enough votes from AD and Ontario to get elected.

Maple Leaf 06-21-2007 09:18 AM

How would an autonomous UPCC be governed?

Seventy five percent (75%) of the constituents of the UPCC live between Moncton and Manitoba.

Steps would need to be taken to ensure that the rest of Canada not become disenfranchised in the union?

Would the UPCC wind up being governed by a Senate type of body. Unelected, Ineffective, and Impotent.

D&J 06-21-2007 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 163446)
Would an autonomous UPCC be financially able to support an executive staff?

Wow... this may really be the issue - finances!!

Felicity 06-21-2007 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by D&J (Post 163455)
From what I have observed he is one sharp operator and is not afraid to take a stand. Another thing that stands out to me is his ability to deal with things without any overwhelming show of emotion.

I personally had nothing to do with him getting into the office :lol but I highly respect him.

We met the family years back. I was highly impressed!!

Truly Blessed 06-21-2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by D&J (Post 163442)
It is true that Hazelwood is not the reason for a lack of evangelism in Canada. I think one thing that holds us back is a lack of defination of who we really are which affects our unity and our purpose.

This is a good point D&J. What I find with Canadians is that they tend to be followers and because they have been willing to be absorbed into an American organization they have no true Canadian identity. Having been in the UPCI and now 10 years in ACOP, I can tell you there is a real difference between an organization that is Canadian and one that is simply a group of districts within an American organization.

TrueNorth 06-21-2007 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by D&J (Post 163442)
It is true that Hazelwood is not the reason for a lack of evangelism in Canada. I think one thing that holds us back is a lack of defination of who we really are which affects our unity and our purpose.

I respectfully have to disagree with the last statement.
What really holds us back is a change of mentality and a socialization of what it means to be a Christian.
We have become content to be comfortable, a malaise that is not only in the pulpit but also in the pew. The key to national revival does not lie with Hazelwood, Toronto or anywhere else, it lies in each local church fulfilling the great commission where they are.
Our problem today is we spend all our time defining who we are and what our purpose is and what our challenges are and we never just get down to doing what we are supposed to be doing. No national governing body or definition can change that.
There is a large group of our constituency who are cultural pentecostals. It's all they know and they have much of the "stuff" down pat - but lack the fire and fervency to change the world.

Maple Leaf 06-21-2007 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 163489)
I respectfully have to disagree with the last statement.
What really holds us back is a change of mentality and a socialization of what it means to be a Christian.
We have become content to be comfortable, a malaise that is not only in the pulpit but also in the pew. The key to national revival does not lie with Hazelwood, Toronto or anywhere else, it lies in each local church fulfilling the great commission where they are.
Our problem today is we spend all our time defining who we are and what our purpose is and what our challenges are and we never just get down to doing what we are supposed to be doing. No national governing body or definition can change that.
There is a large group of our constituency who are cultural pentecostals. It's all they know and they have much of the "stuff" down pat - but lack the fire and fervency to change the world.


True North is really preaching now.

Comfortable cultural Pentecostals wallowing in a morass of malaise.

Thumper 06-21-2007 09:54 AM

OK here is the scoop,

There is no story apparently. Sort of...

According to a source very close to the previously mentioned western epicentre there is nothing afloat from this quarter.

However, I have a sneaking suspicion that what I was told last night is not neccesarily 100% accurate. As has been documented here earlier there have been some letters written but now these letters are being denied.

Don't worry Maple leaf I will get to the bottom of it if I have to camp out on the door step of the Royal Palace.


Felicity 06-21-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Thumper (Post 163542)
OK here is the scoop,

There is no story apparently. Sort of...

According to a source very close to the previously mentioned western epicentre there is nothing afloat from this quarter.

However, I have a sneaking suspicion that what I was told last night is not neccesarily 100% accurate. As has been documented here earlier there have been some letters written but now these letters are being denied.

Don't worry Maple leaf I will get to the bottom of it if I have to camp out on the door step of the Royal Palace.


I think there is a story. My sources say this is indeed an issue. :cool:

LOL. :)

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