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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
RDP does your church have Sunday school?
Re: Poor Scholarship....
In addition, those letters from Paul didn't exist at the time in Acts. Even IF your assertion is true that Paul didn't allow women to preach, he hadn't written those letters at that time. His 'preferences' weren't retroactive...LOL! |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I believe that there is a role for women in the church. As long as a woman is in submission to her husband and the elders of the church she can teach and prophesy. I don't see a woman shepherding or being an elder in the church. However, obviously the more mature sisters can shepherd and mentor the young women.
Also I'd like to note. I don't believe in the "office of Pastor" as it's seen in churches today. I believe that the Apostolic model of church in the Bible demonstrates that saints met in homes in rather informal environments. There, the more mature and spiritual brothers operated in the "ministry of pastor" by working together to shepherd the flock. What we call "pastor" isn't an office... it's a ministry. Any spiritual and mature saint of God who can mentor, or aid shepherding the flock, is operating in the pastoral ministry. |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Seriously, WHY do the real "saints" need someone lording over them when JESUS alone is LORD, anyway? JESUS is quite capable of supplying all my needs! His guidance is a close as His Word, His love and support live in me! My pastor, if any, is my very own blessed husband, whom is MY head, as He is under his head JESUS! Something is very wrong with other humans wanting to be seen as superior, in whatever capacit(ies) to other humans., where's the humble meek quiet spirit GOD expects & loves, from His handmaidens? This has been my personal opinion if it meets with disaproval from anyone, I won't waste precious time in arguing., or debating., no one ever cares what i have to say about anything else, anyway, why start now, :D No, theres much I get to do, I have a cake to bake today, laundry to wash/fold/put away, and company this weekend, GOD is good! Oh of course, lots of bible reading/studying in btwn, MUCH praise to GOD throughout, for His generous blessings! ;) |
So now are you relegating Paul's teachings to the NT church as merely his "preferences"??????? Come, come now...let's get honest.
Verse 1 mentions the church, nothing is said about "women preaching," that's the whole point. You are the one who supplies that INTO the text, which does not confess the same! In sum, the entire "woman preacher" argument is fostered on the shoulders of speculation...not Scripture! simplyme has some good points as well. |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Why thank you rdp! ;)
Wise man, that one, lol lol That said, I was a thinkin all day about this dilemna., as it were. Yes as a woman I CAN say that I feel that we women CAN do just about anything that a man can do.., that is not the point though. Its "should we"...and especially considering that I/we are/am under 'new management'. A simplistic ex: I can paint houses well, I have lots of experience, but does that give me the go-ahead to go paint my neighbors house, whether he/she likes it or not, asks for it or not? Is MY genius brain (lol) OR, my apparent abilities or gift sufficient reason, to just do as I feel I was called to do? Maybe thats a far stretch but its just something that flew into my little old brain, I'm not really a genius, I am actually possessory of only an AAS degree in the legal field, that I never did use much for personal reasons, GOD had a different plan in mind for me., Moreover, I found much more contentment/fulfillment as a housewife! Coincidence? Egads! Thats almost a dirty word [housewife] in the vocabulary of many of todays 'liberated' women., some even prefer to use "domestic goddess" as if to sound better but its just silly. *lol* I too am a liberated woman but one set free by GOD! Hallelujah, its a far greater miracle than my years spent studying books to obtain mans degree. GOD is able to make the most simple mind reach higher levels of understanding for His purposes., and I am grateful to be able to couple my former skills with GOD's power, to achieve a more abundant life, oh I wish everyone could feel this way. ;) Gotta go, too much to do, too little time although sometimes I get on a roll in posting, today has been a rare day., thanx to all for humoring me. |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I think we really have to pay attention to what the scripture is saying, and not what we want them to say. For too long 'we' have misinterpreted so many to support our own belief system rather than conforming our to what they actually teach. One thing for sure is that we have to be open minded in order for God to be able to speak to us.
Re: HeavenlyOne....
Men AND women were thrown in prison. Saul was creating havoc in the church and the church was scattered....a church made up of men and women. THEY (scripture doesn't say THOSE MEN, as you want to believe) which were scattered went everywhere preaching. THEY refers to the men AND women of the church. |
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
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