crakjak |
11-11-2010 10:23 PM |
Re: Sex On Church Day
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
(Post 986324)
I think I may have started this subject and even have a thread in the deep water section where I scanned in the hand outs that the pastor gave us before the lesson (it was a class for married couples held before the official church service). This is the class we sat through where we looked at each other at the end, walked out when it was done, and never returned.
Yes, there was to be NO sex on Sunday, or Saturday night OR Wed night. Also there was to be NO sex during that "time of the month" as well as the whole following "cleansing" week. That is a min of two weeks a month NOT counting Sundays and Wed nights. He also advocated the "sex for procreation ONLY" view and that we should be growing our church via way of breeding rather than winning souls.
Found it. Couldn't remember what I named the original thread......
Good gracious, you have got to be kidding!!!! Wow, that might have been an appropriate discipline for the pastor, but to impose it on the body is very unwise and makes him look like a fool.
Making love before worship service makes one much more focused and receptive to the spirit, for goodness sakes. LOL