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KeptByTheWord 02-16-2017 11:33 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

God bless you!
Thank you Peter!

It seems you are having trouble with the quotes, I don't mind trying to explain to you how it works.

When you are reading the thread, below each person's post there are three buttons (quote, multiquote and quick reply), you can hover with your mouse over each one to see what it does. Quick reply simply opens a window to reply right away without quoting, or having to scroll down to the bottom.

Quote - when you click this one, it will open into a new window with the entire post quoted, and then you scroll down below the quoted portion and write your thoughts.

Multiquote - you can click this button, and it will let you select multiple posts (it will turn red to let you know you are wanting this post quoted), and when you have selected all posts you want to respond to, then click quote, and it will open up the window where you can respond to each post you selected.

You always want to make sure that the two html "quote" codes are directly in front and at the end of your quote.

Also, another option is this one: In the menu above the box that you type your responses in, if you will hover over each one, you will find a little button that says "wrap quote around selected text".

You can use this button to copy and paste any text into it that you want quoted, making sure your text is between the two {quotes}

Hope this helps!

peter83 02-16-2017 11:43 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
Hope this helps![/QUOTE]


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