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preachtruth1ness 10-24-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 280086)
I am grieved to see such things openly talked about in front of children.

You so right, lawyers are so busy with cases of child abuse these days. It is sad our world has come to this type of abuse (verbal and physical)

Ferd 10-24-2007 09:06 AM

what a sad legacy we are leaving.

Sister Alvear 10-24-2007 09:30 AM

Brother Alvear and I never talked church problems or minister problems in front of our children. What they found out they found out from others. Far too many children have been hurt and are bitter and probably will never come through a Pentecostal church door...
There are enough things out their trying to destroy our children...

The Mrs 10-24-2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by dizzyde (Post 279981)
Sister, I could not agree more. I think it is unbelievable when I hear things that are discussed in front of children, what hope do our kids have if they cannot have faith in the ministry or their fellow saints. The time will come all to soon when they have to find out about the ugly sides to people and life.

My parents never discussed church problems or problems within the ministry in front of me or my siblings, and I thank God for their wisdom. I told someone the other day, that when something really horrible was going on at church, I was the pastors child, and I was always the last to know. My friends would never believe that I didn't know about whatever it was, and I would go to my parents, horrified. I am so thankful for the protection of Godly parents!

We have a whole family of children in our church right now that are backslid, and I can place a direct line between how they feel about the church and God, and what they heard discussed in the home. (I know because one of the girls was friends with my daughter, and she would fill my child in with the trash that she heard, leaving my child to come to me with troubling questions.) It is a tragedy.

I agree that we need to guard our children...but my thoughts run to adults as well.

My faith was shaken for a time when the ministry decided to 'caution' and 'warn' me about another member. She was highly esteemed, a devout, loyal, hard-working servant. A mentor to many, she helped many with her wisdom. And one of the most spiritual, prayerful, genuine Christians I know.

My only thought for months was, 'If SHE can't 'make it'...what possible hope was there for me?' I was devastated and crushed, and felt so very, very hopeless. :sad

Did this woman fail God, or fall away? What great sin did she commit? None. Other than to break the cult-like cycle of 'owning' a saint: she decided to move away.

I spent much time in turmoil over that. I think most people would have just walked away and never looked back. I thank God that this dear woman planted much faith and trust in God in me, and that He never let go of me.

I learned a great lesson after this: MEN will fail, but God doesn't!

AmazingGrace 10-24-2007 09:45 AM

I agree totally and completely!!! We went thru a horrible church ordeal in the last yr and in the midst of that there was no way to keep the children sheltered.. oh how we wished we could but... the kids were the ss teachers for the little kids (mine and the pastors oldest kids were) and they were heading a majority of our music and other parts of thechurch.. it was a HM work of about 130 and they pulled too much of the load honestly...

when things went sour... they were too much in the midst of it for some reasons I cant go into but it scarred them and for life for some of them I am afraid! My oldest daughter wouldnt hardly walk into a church building for almost a month... It is so much better if they arent involved but sometimes depending on the situation it is impossible for them to not know.

Sister Alvear 10-24-2007 10:17 AM

May the Lord help us to know WHO we should talk to. I know sometimes we all need to unload. we all need a shoulder to cry on...I have cryed on the WRONG shoulder a few times in my time...
I have no idea who talks more men or women...

RandyWayne 10-24-2007 10:28 AM

I see this subject as double edged: Things are discussed in front of children (and adults) that shouldn't be. And things that SHOULD have the glaring spotlight pointed at it, are swept under the rug. That is until the media finally gets its claws into the story.

dizzyde 10-24-2007 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Mrs (Post 280180)
I agree that we need to guard our children...but my thoughts run to adults as well.
My faith was shaken for a time when the ministry decided to 'caution' and 'warn' me about another member. She was highly esteemed, a devout, loyal, hard-working servant. A mentor to many, she helped many with her wisdom. And one of the most spiritual, prayerful, genuine Christians I know.

My only thought for months was, 'If SHE can't 'make it'...what possible hope was there for me?' I was devastated and crushed, and felt so very, very hopeless. :sad

Did this woman fail God, or fall away? What great sin did she commit? None. Other than to break the cult-like cycle of 'owning' a saint: she decided to move away.

I spent much time in turmoil over that. I think most people would have just walked away and never looked back. I thank God that this dear woman planted much faith and trust in God in me, and that He never let go of me.

I learned a great lesson after this: MEN will fail, but God doesn't!

I agree, I understand what you are saying here. To this day, I still don't know half the stuff that goes on in our church, and I work in the church office! I guess the point that I was making about knowing stuff as adults, sometimes we have no choice but to know the things we do as adults, but we can shelter our children as much as possible. I am divorced, and it really hurt me when my nieces and nephews got old enough to start asking questions about my situation, I hated to have to expose them to that side of life. (Of course I am not talking about giving them details, just that what divorce was, that it even existed.)

dizzyde 10-24-2007 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 280206)
May the Lord help us to know WHO we should talk to. I know sometimes we all need to unload. we all need a shoulder to cry on...I have cryed on the WRONG shoulder a few times in my time...
I have no idea who talks more men or women...

That is funny!!!! Good question!! :toofunny

Sister Alvear 10-24-2007 10:40 AM

ha...love you folks

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