Evang.Benincasa |
12-03-2020 07:41 PM |
Re: Trump can't leave office
Originally Posted by Originalist
(Post 1597126)
Why do you keep saying that? He's trying to save the republic. Biden is the one trying to cross the Rubicon and become Ceasar. In Rome, a Consul could make himself dictator in emergency situations. I am not even advocating that. I am saying you don't just hand the country over to the coup plotters.
Bro, do you even know why Julius Caesar wanted to cross the Rubicon? He believed, as did his men, that he was saving the Republic. The Roman government considered not disbanding his legion as insurrection, and treason. Isn't that what the Donald would be doing? By invoking the Insurrection Act he would be putting the Posse Comitatus Act on hold, and allow the people of the United States to be under a military rule. Just as Caesar when he rode with his legions into the city of Rome. Brother, I honestly don't know what you are wanting to achieve. Do you have children? Do you have a wife? Are you part of a church fellowship with women and children? We as Christians pray for our leaders that we be kept in peace. In other words, that they leave us alone.
Bro, civilians in a war situation on their own land is not a good look at any speed. Lines of refugees from a burned out bombed out cities can't be what you are looking for. Because that is what happened with the last Civil War in the United States.
While I don't think that will happen, because no matter how virtuous you believe Trump to be, he wants to get on with the show. If Biden gets in that is what the Lord wants, because that is what we as a people so much deserve. Maybe having a president with dementia, and a silly twit as a VP will bring us to our knees of repentance and prayer? Don't you think we need that more than the 4th of July, sweet tea, and cheesy corn bake eaten to the tune, "I'm proud to be an American?"