Evang.Benincasa |
06-16-2018 06:53 PM |
Re: I was in another car accident
Originally Posted by houston
(Post 1535247)
How are you?
I'm dealing with the news. :)
Need to let it sink in a bit and process then move to the next level in Jesus name. I have told this story on the forum, but I tell it again. When my daughter Konstantina was born she had a small lump under her eyebrow. It gave me concern, because I didn't know what it was. A few days later just before church service (for some reason people like to hit me with bad new before church) I receive a phone call from a dear elder in my life. Someone I care greatly about. He proceeded to tell me that God was going to take my daughter because of my eschatology. I immediately asked him to pray with me and boy did we ever pray. I walked behind the pulpit in total peace. My daughter at the age of 4 had her eye go cockeye. I then had well meaning saints of God do their imitation of Job's miserable comforters. Again, I told them to pray with me and lets proceed forward to a brighter day. My daughter's lump is gone, the cocked eye is gun barrel straight. I said all that to say this, Job made it to the end of his trial, though the skin worms ate his open sores at the end he saw God in his flesh. He knew there would be a brighter day. Because I believe Job, was old enough to know, that sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes you are the bug. Even though he didn't ever drive a truck through Florida's Alligator Alley. But we get through it, it might hurt while they are doing the work on us, and we are getting it from all sides, but sooner or later we get out on the other side of the Red Sea, playing a little tamborine