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LaVonne 06-19-2007 09:25 PM

My Aunt and Uncle came just a week ago for a short visit. While they were in this part of the country, my Aunt noticed that there were no Mormon churches and thought that to be interesting. My husband said "Hey honey, we've found our niche!" LOL

Praxeas 06-19-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by ILG (Post 161734)
My husband and I decided to put up a privacy fence. He was outside working on it last night and a couple of Mormon guys stopped by and asked if he needed any help. He said "Sure!" so they brought four guys over tonight! Wow! They are making quick work of it! My husband can handle some Mormon preaching. I'm sure he'll preach right back! Anyway, I'm thankful for the help and it's good to talk to them too.

This is actually how they evangelize....gee what a novel idea

jwharv 06-19-2007 11:07 PM

I have lots of Mormon faimly members, I wish they were that helpfull..............................

ILG 06-20-2007 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Praxeas (Post 161939)
This is actually how they evangelize....gee what a novel idea

Yeah, I know that's how they evangelize. But I think they are going to get evangelized!! :D

Ferd 06-20-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Margies3 (Post 161793)
Boy, have you got that right!! Back when Marie and I did attempt to discuss her religion (on occasion), I never did figure out what in the world they believe regarding who Jesus is. To me that is fundamental. She danced all around it but never committed one way or the other.

In my book, if you don't even know who JESUS is, then the rest of whatever you believe must be hogwash.

LOL! unless you are pretty much in the club, you wont get one to tell you who Jesus is.

I have a Mormon friend that acually will discuss this stuff with me....but still he wont be forthright on the subject.

Jesus is the Son of God and the Brother of Lucifer. God the Father is a completly seperate being from Jesus. We are all Jesus's brothers.

Margies3 06-20-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ferd (Post 162357)
LOL! unless you are pretty much in the club, you wont get one to tell you who Jesus is.

I have a Mormon friend that acually will discuss this stuff with me....but still he wont be forthright on the subject.

Jesus is the Son of God and the Brother of Lucifer. God the Father is a completly seperate being from Jesus. We are all Jesus's brothers.

So that makes Lucifer a son of God?? And we are ALL Jesus' brothers??? Does that mean that Jesus is not God? (I asked Marie that directly, because she had told me the same kind of stuff you just said. Her answer to me was that "Jesus was God, but not really God". huh???? That's double talk if I've ever heard it!!)

Like I said, so much of what she talked about was pure hogwash, it was ridiculous.

The other thing they believe is that they can be baptized "for" someone who has passed away and earn that person's way to heaven (or at least to a higher realm). I laughed when my dad told my cousin (who is Mormon), "If you are baptized in my place after I am dead, and then you feel yourself choking as you come up out of the water, that'll be ME! I'm coming back to get you so you can join me so I can whip your - well, let's not say what he was gonna whip". :killinme:killinme:killinme

Ferd 06-20-2007 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Margies3 (Post 162554)
So that makes Lucifer a son of God?? And we are ALL Jesus' brothers??? Does that mean that Jesus is not God? (I asked Marie that directly, because she had told me the same kind of stuff you just said. Her answer to me was that "Jesus was God, but not really God". huh???? That's double talk if I've ever heard it!!)

Like I said, so much of what she talked about was pure hogwash, it was ridiculous.

The other thing they believe is that they can be baptized "for" someone who has passed away and earn that person's way to heaven (or at least to a higher realm). I laughed when my dad told my cousin (who is Mormon), "If you are baptized in my place after I am dead, and then you feel yourself choking as you come up out of the water, that'll be ME! I'm coming back to get you so you can join me so I can whip your - well, let's not say what he was gonna whip". :killinme:killinme:killinme

Yes Lucifer just like you me and Jesus are sons (or in your case a daughter) of God.

Jesus is not the God of this world but you have to understand the goal of Mormonism to get it.

"As God is, so shall we be, As we are once God was"

that is mormonism summed up in a simple phrase. God the Father was once a person on some planet and He had a God. Then because he was a wonderful Mormon he got his own planet to work with. that is the goal of every Mormon. To get their own planet. As a mormon wife, your job would be to have celestial babies. Aint that special.

They also believe that everyone will eventually get to heaven. bad folk will go to the first level of heaven. good folk and not so good mormons will go to the second level of heaven. and good mormons will go to the third level of heaven. From there they get promoted to god status.

I think I have that right.

commonsense 06-22-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by ILG (Post 161734)
My husband and I decided to put up a privacy fence. He was outside working on it last night and a couple of Mormon guys stopped by and asked if he needed any help. He said "Sure!" so they brought four guys over tonight! Wow! They are making quick work of it! My husband can handle some Mormon preaching. I'm sure he'll preach right back! Anyway, I'm thankful for the help and it's good to talk to them too.

My oldest daughters' best friend in college (ASU) married and moved to VA due to her husbands job. They were young, didn't know anyone and were doing some sort of outdoor project....and some Mormons stopped by to assist.
This family ended up converting and are now mormons.
Yes, this is a clever method of getting people to talk to you. They came back to befriend them many times b4 they converted. When the relationship was just beginning they became so involved with this couple it eliminated other influences. Verry clever evangelizing!

Monkeyman 06-22-2007 07:02 PM

If they ain't no black folk...it ain't fo me! Gotta have a hammond B-3 around too! Come on somebody!

Hoovie 06-22-2007 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 165063)
If they ain't no black folk...it ain't fo me! Gotta have a hammond B-3 around too! Come on somebody!

Yes?? :)

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