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peter83 02-09-2017 11:54 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
ah like jediwill83 said:
"We have to get a revelation of what is available to us and we have to be hungry for it"

peter83 02-10-2017 12:09 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1468260)
Bartleman became Oneness shortly afterward.

Yes , he was not really "three persons theory" Just One God!
I know even todays ,and like i understand there was throw all church history who actually stand before trinity creeds no three gods nor three masks just one God with one personality~ like a human (body,soul,spirit) .~
It should be worth noting that in the very first creed tha problem was arianism and the majority of that creed members was from Sevilianism ! Thats why they get in the "conclusion" about three persons that in greek means face! Not mask,nor head ,nor personalities .
After that came the 3 Cappadokians "fathers" (who was at Mithraism) and they start to give at every "person" a distinct personality ! And they explain it like this ~Like three humans who are three distinct persons and characters but they share one and the same nature-human!!!~This was tritheism!

Amanah 02-10-2017 03:20 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468327)
Yes , he was not really "three persons theory" Just One God!
I know even todays ,and like i understand there was throw all church history who actually stand before trinity creeds no three gods nor three masks just one God with one personality~ like a human (body,soul,spirit) .~
It should be worth noting that in the very first creed tha problem was arianism and the majority of that creed members was from Sevilianism ! Thats why they get in the "conclusion" about three persons that in greek means face! Not mask,nor head ,nor personalities .
After that came the 3 Cappadokians "fathers" (who was at Mithraism) and they start to give at every "person" a distinct personality ! And they explain it like this ~Like three humans who are three distinct persons and characters but they share one and the same nature-human!!!~This was tritheism!

this is a very interesting explanation, one I had never heard before

Esaias 02-10-2017 03:24 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468248)

His name is Frank Bartleman.
even if he was "trinitarian" he had a very nice view of the Godhead.. He did not believe that 3 persons are three distinct personalities like three men but only as human words to describe the God of the bible .He says is like a person who has a body a soul and a spirit. Thats it ,no three Gods,no three heads ,no three personalities..nor three masks (sevilianism)

He actually became Oneness, was rebaptised in 'Jesus name', and was ostracised by trinitarians as a result.

Amanah 02-10-2017 04:19 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by peter83 (Post 1468248)
wow that`s truth! My soul is crying.
No prepared worship, no pre writing preaching , no need for emotional worship nor instruments just the SPIRIT with all that simplicity of the first century pentecostal church!

precious Brother in Christ, I'm praying that God gives you the desires of your heart

votivesoul 02-10-2017 05:16 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
The Kingdom of God is like a treasure that a man found in a field, and lo, he sold all he had, so he could buy that field and so, acquire the treasure.

The pearl of great price isn't found in religiosity or churchianity.

If you want to find it, the cost is you walking away from everything you have and own, to get it, even if it means losing all that is dear to you (e.g. friends, family, church fellowship, ministries, positions of influence, and etc.).

Except you hate father and mother and brother and sister and husband and wife and son and daughter and in-law, you are not worthy of Him.

I gave up my best friends, the best man in my wedding who won me to the Lord, a prophetic leadership role in an assembly I helped, by the grace of God, to build and nurture.

I lost everyone I was near and dear to, to people I grew up with, who used to love and trust me, but now don't, even my own brother and his family, who I won to Christ, to follow Him.

Count the cost, prepare yourself for pain, fall on the stone and be broken already. What are you waiting for?

As Jesus said to Simon Peter, don't worry about the other disciple whom Jesus loved, even if He wills that disciple to live forever. It doesn't matter. What matter is "Follow Me".

Amanah 02-10-2017 05:53 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by votivesoul (Post 1468348)
. . .

Count the cost, prepare yourself for pain, fall on the stone and be broken already. What are you waiting for?. . .

There is no birth without pain

peter83 02-10-2017 09:40 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Amanah (Post 1468351)
There is no birth without pain


Scott Pitta 02-10-2017 05:49 PM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies
Bartleman fellowshipped with both Oneness and Trinitarian churches. I do believe I read that somewhere.

Was he PCI ?? Not sure. He passed away in 1936.

votivesoul 02-11-2017 01:39 AM

Re: Azusa Street Testimonies

Originally Posted by Amanah (Post 1468351)
There is no birth without pain

We often focus on the pain of the mother, but the reality is, the true suffering is upon the infant. He or she is the only truly traumatized, often to find that through the trial of birth, he or she is granted a life he or she could not otherwise have, if they never came forth from the womb.

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