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Pressing-On 12-20-2008 05:02 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by Sherri (Post 663497)
When I was about four and my sister was six, before Scott was ever even thought of..............we were very poor. My dad was a mechanic back then and mom stayed home with us. For Christmas that year, they bought us some cheap baby dolls and my mom stayed up night after night (after we were asleep) sewing clothes for the dolls. She didn't even like to sew at all - it has always made her nervous. But she did it as a labor of love and I actually still have some of the clothes today. The doll died many years ago. LOL!

The love of a mother!!! Priceless!!!

RevDWW 12-20-2008 05:04 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by Pressing-On (Post 663501)
I remember wanting a new bicycle sooooo bad! One Christmas we had opened all of our gifts and I didn't get the bike. I was so sad!

We normally would eat breakfast after we opened gifts. My mother told me that she wanted me to put a load of clothes in the washing machine before breakfast.

I went into the laundry room and a huge sheet was spread out over the washer. I removed it so I could put a load in and - THERE WAS MY BICYCLE - A BEAUTIFUL BLUE BICYCLE!!!

I jumped up and down clapping my hands. :toofunny

My mother always had special poem or a riddle that led you to your gifts or she would use something like the sheet - but she would always come up with something. I wasn't expecting it that day!!!

I love that kind of big suprise!

Pressing-On 12-20-2008 05:07 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by RevDWW (Post 663505)
I love that kind of big surprise!

Oh yes!!!

One year she bought me a beautiful doll house. I spent the morning putting it together, arranging the furniture and then, as tradition would have it, we had to go to my Grandmother's house and then my Aunt's house. I didn't want to leave my dollhouse. lol

RevDWW 12-20-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories
When I was in fifth or sixth grade I had my "worst" Christmas. I got lots of what I wanted, but I ruined the fun of Christmas morning, yes my Dad made us wait until Christmas morning to open gifts, because I had found every gift that my folks had hidden for me and knew exactly everything I was getting well in advance of the big day. It was fun having the stuff, but there was no big joy in opening it to find what I might get.

Pressing-On 12-20-2008 05:13 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by RevDWW (Post 663509)
When I was in fifth or sixth grade I had my "worst" Christmas. I got lots of what I wanted, but I ruined the fun of Christmas morning, yes my Dad made us wait until Christmas morning to open gifts, because I had found every gift that my folks had hidden for me and knew exactly everything I was getting well in advance of the big day. It was fun having the stuff, but there was no big joy in opening it to find what I might get.

:toofunny Bad boy!!!

How we normally did Christmas and how we do it now - everyone receives one gift at a time. We all share what we received and then the next set of gifts are passed around.

One year we just ripped into our presents. My oldest sister handed everyone all of their gifts at once and we didn't wait.

My mother started crying and went into her bedroom shutting the door.

We felt horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RevDWW 12-20-2008 05:21 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories
I grew up in Port Arthur, Texas and was raised on a Pentecostal pew at the First Pentecostal Church. At Christmas time the Church would give each child a brown bag, like you'd take your lunch to school in. It always contained the biggest red delicious apple you ever saw, a giant navel orange, and a small wax paper envelope of hard candy. I didn't care for the candy but I loved that fruit! :santathumb

Sherri 12-20-2008 05:24 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by RevDWW (Post 663520)
I grew up in Port Arthur, Texas and was raised on a Pentecostal pew at the First Pentecostal Church. At Christmas time the Church would give each child a brown bag, like you'd take your lunch to school in. It always contained the biggest red delicious apple you ever saw, a giant navel orange, and a small wax paper envelope of hard candy. I didn't care for the candy but I loved that fruit! :santathumb

I think everyone from my "era" got those brown paper bags of fruit and candy at church! I don't know who started that, but it was all the rage back then. :santaclaus

RevDWW 12-20-2008 05:27 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by Sherri (Post 663524)
I think everyone from my "era" got those brown paper bags of fruit and candy at church! I don't know who started that, but it was all the rage back then. :santaclaus

Yes, I heard that it started way way way back before I came along........:jolly :jolly :jolly :jolly :jolly

Sarah 12-20-2008 05:32 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by Sherri (Post 663524)
I think everyone from my "era" got those brown paper bags of fruit and candy at church! I don't know who started that, but it was all the rage back then. :santaclaus

My sister and I were getting all nostalgic today. One of the things we remembered and talked about was the brown bags at Christmas time!

That was always the BEST apple and orange.......

RevDWW 12-20-2008 05:35 PM

Re: Childhood Christmas Memories

Originally Posted by Sarah (Post 663531)
My sister and I were getting all nostalgic today. One of the things we remembered and talked about was the brown bags at Christmas time!

That was always the BEST apple and orange.......

That's for sure!!!

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