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Rhoni 08-03-2008 09:15 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Carpenter (Post 555933)
Hunh? What do you mean?

I think they need to stick to the Old Paths :friend

pelathais 08-03-2008 09:18 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Rhoni (Post 555925)
Then there rose up a generation who did not know God...

With respect Rhoni, that gets used a lot as a cliche to stifle change and hinder true revival. I think there may be more on your mind than just that.

We're all a little afraid of the unknown, and the future by definition is unknown. It really seems safest to just hang out on the graves of our fathers and not move from there.

A case could be made that we're really in a time when the elder prophet is impotent (Samuel) and those currently wielding power are the corrupt sons of the prophet.

We may need a revolution akin to the one had under Josiah. Manasseh, Josiah's grandfather had "filled Jerusalem with blood." Amon, Josiah's father was evil as well, and when his days were numbered he was buried in the "garden of Uzzah." A garden seems like a nice place, but the writer goes out of his way to point out that the garden was planted by a leper.

It's only "proper" that we try and show kindness to to those who have gone on before. Most of them were merely obedient sheep following their leaders without asking too many questions.

For myself, I don't want to die in a leper's garden.

Rhoni 08-03-2008 09:26 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by pelathais (Post 555950)
With respect Rhoni, that gets used a lot as a cliche to stifle change and hinder true revival. I think there may be more on your mind than just that.

We're all a little afraid of the unknown, and the future by definition is unknown. It really seems safest to just hang out on the graves of our fathers and not move from there.

A case could be made that we're really in a time when the elder prophet is impotent (Samuel) and those currently wielding power are the corrupt sons of the prophet.

We may need a revolution akin to the one had under Josiah. Manasseh, Josiah's grandfather had "filled Jerusalem with blood." Amon, Josiah's father was evil as well, and when his days were numbered he was buried in the "garden of Uzzah." A garden seems like a nice place, but the writer goes out of his way to point out that the garden was planted by a leper.

It's only "proper" that we try and show kindness to to those who have gone on before. Most of them were merely obedient sheep following their leaders without asking too many questions.

For myself, I don't want to die in a leper's garden.

There are many good things to be gleaned from UPCI...it is not all bad/corrupt and those are the things we need to hold onto. I do not think everyone needs to be a follower and from what I have seen of UPCI politics...the family dynasties need overthrown by people on fire for God with an ear attuned to the times.

I do believe in holiness, as well as a standard of dress in moderation. I don't think there are many good things to watch on T.V. or in the movie theater and it isn't good to wear mascara in service because it runs down your face when you cry. We just need to be careful of what we are going to think about changing.

Blessings, Rhoni

CC1 08-03-2008 09:29 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Ron (Post 555941)

There is another Generation (I am 44 and so are my contemporaries in thier 40's) who are asking this question,

"Why are people forsaking the OP'S?

I didn't grow up in the Church but in the world & wonder why the Church wants to be like the world????

Ron, you are presenting a false conundrum. Something old time Pentecostals seem to love doing.

It goes like this; A discussion is started and the OTP presents the situation as one of good, godly, loving God, correct religion and the other view as "being like the world", or moving away from God, etc, etc.

Ever consider that perhaps one could move away from some of the extra biblical man made traditions of the UPC and OTP's and still be godly and not "wanting to be like the world"?

pelathais 08-03-2008 09:31 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by mizpeh (Post 555937)
A generation that didn't grow up knowing God or the ways of God and ended up doing what was right in their own eyes or following the ways of the people who they lived among.

Judges 2:10

Keep reading the histrory of Israel and Judah. You find that what happened most often was that a generation arose that professed to "know God" but in reality had no clue as to what God was about to do. Notice especially and compare the prophecises of Jeremiah with those of his contemporaries.

Also, follow the ministries of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Check out Ezra 3:12 - the "old men wept..." while the young men shouted. I heard a great preacher preach a sermon at GC on this once and he preached it all around the country after that...

He complained that only the "old men" knew what the glory of God was like but that the "young men" were ignorant. He went on to try and tell us that there were men alive in the days of Ezra who were present when Solomon's temple was dedicated. ???

It was at that point that I knew that I was NOT hearing from God that day. C'mon... at least READ the passages you're going to be preaching on!

The entire book of Haggai is a rebuke to those "old men" and the true prophet of God spares nothing in condemning the "old men" for their blindness.

That's one big difference that I've seen in the various "generations" today... there's a younger generation that actually reads the Book.

Finally, look at how those who followed "the old paths" treated Jesus Christ. You still see a lot of that going on today.

Ron 08-03-2008 09:33 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 555956)
Ron, you are presenting a false conundrum. Something old time Pentecostals seem to love doing.

It goes like this; A discussion is started and the OTP presents the situation as one of good, godly, loving God, correct religion and the other view as "being like the world", or moving away from God, etc, etc.

Ever consider that perhaps one could move away from some of the extra biblical man made traditions of the UPC and OTP's and still be godly and not "wanting to be like the world"?

CC1, you also missed what I was saying as well, there was a time when you could go to a UPC Church & it was different, separate, distinct.

Now I could go into many UPC Church's and there isn't anything different than the world.

pelathais 08-03-2008 09:38 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Rhoni (Post 555953)
There are many good things to be gleaned from UPCI...it is not all bad/corrupt and those are the things we need to hold onto. I do not think everyone needs to be a follower and from what I have seen of UPCI politics...the family dynasties need overthrown by people on fire for God with an ear attuned to the times.

I do believe in holiness, as well as a standard of dress in moderation. I don't think there are many good things to watch on T.V. or in the movie theater and it isn't good to wear mascara in service because it runs down your face when you cry. We just need to be careful of what we are going to think about changing.

Blessings, Rhoni

All true. Thanks.

But we need to also be careful in what we are preserving and creating. Most of the stuff that's been preached in my life time was invented right then! It's not "old paths" at all. It's a novelty.

We need modesty and holiness, this is the fruit of a Christian life consecrated to God. We don't need camp counselors inspecting our children's underwear - that's just perverse.

It's helpful to identify the principles that are important. All of the rest of the junk needs to be burned in that valley where Josiah burned the bones of the false prophets.

Rhoni 08-03-2008 09:39 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Ron (Post 555960)
CC1, you also missed what I was saying as well, there was a time when you could go to a UPC Church & it was different, separate, distinct.

Now I could go into many UPC Church's and there isn't anything different than the world.

Wellllllll...that is up for debate there bro.

Respectfully, Rhoni

CC1 08-03-2008 09:40 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by Ron (Post 555960)
CC1, you also missed what I was saying as well, there was a time when you could go to a UPC Church & it was different, separate, distinct.

Now I could go into many UPC Church's and there isn't anything different than the world.

I have never been in a UPC church like that. At least the women always look srange compared to the world.

How many other churches could you go in and see almost all of the women with no makeup, no jewelry, uncut long hair (some looking nice and some stringy)?

Rhoni 08-03-2008 09:41 PM

Re: What is the young UPC preacher waiting for?

Originally Posted by pelathais (Post 555969)
All true. Thanks.

But we need to also be careful in what we are preserving and creating. Most of the stuff that's been preached in my life time was invented right then! It's not "old paths" at all. It's a novelty.

We need modesty and holiness, this is the fruit of a Christian life consecrated to God. We don't need camp counselors inspecting our children's underwear - that's just perverse.

It's helpful to identify the principals that are important. All of the rest of the junk needs to be burned in that valley where Josiah burned the bones of the false prophets.

True...but we must consider the tares that grow up with the good wheat. We do not want to use weed killer that destroys the good crops:).

Blessings, Rhoni

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