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BOOMM and MrsB have visited this beautiful city! |
Burlington (Essex Center) and Barre, VT are two that come to mind. I would think it is almost closer to Burlington, than Montreal for these towns. |
I have visited this city during the time of Pastor Thevenots pastorate there. I also later on had the privilege of pastoring a fine family that were living and going to church there at this time also. |
I might get in trouble with the Canucks around here but I will say it anyway...Quebec City is the best city I have ever visited in Canada. I have seen nothing like it across North America. If it is true that there is NOT a oneness church in that wonderful city, that is a shame!
I know he became independant. I would doubt he would abandon his Oneness beliefs after how he came to them. Background. He was from my home church in Louisiana. He was so intent on going to Quebec, he did not teach his children English, only French. |
Although we may not have seen what we're believing for in regard to churches being planted and revival in Quebec, I believe that God is working there. There has been so much intercession, burden, sacrifice, and giving through the years. God has not turned a blind eye or a deaf ear. There are times and seasons in the plan of God and a harvest WILL be reaped .... IS in fact being reaped. Even though God may not have placed US in that part of the world harvest field, we can "go" there anyhow through praying in the Holy Ghost and great things can be achieved in the Spirit that way. I do know of one man who is not in a Oneness organization but is Oneness personally in his own theology who has planted several churches and been successful in establishing works there. Some ground is more difficult to work than other places. The environment is different as well. In Quebec there has been a Roman Catholic hold on the minds and hearts of the people for hundreds of years and even though most RCs don't adhere to their faith or even attend church or believe anymore, culturally they're still bound. Spiritually they're empty. Reminds me a bit of like it has been in China where due to the fact that everything the Chinese believed in regard to religion was ripped from them (cultural revolution), it created a situation where they had nothing to fill the void. Spiritually, they too were "empty". But God has moved in such a mighty and powerful way in China. The same thing can happen in Quebec. Any why not? :) |
The last time I saw Bro.Thevenot was over a year and a half ago. at the time he was still living in the province of Quebec pastoring an English work there among the First Nations. Actually the Lord began to deal with me as a young person many moons ago about working amongst the french thru the ministry of Bro.Thevenot.At the time he was pastoring in Bathurst N.B. and my pastor had invited him for special meetings.He also taught us French at the Bible school in Fredericton. |
I guess through the years that we've $$$ supported most of the guys who have worked in Quebec - UPC and some who aren't UPC. |
If I am not mistaken it is one of the three churches listed on the Assemblies of Our Lord Jesus Christ Canada (ALJCC). |
I came across this innovative plan for funding church planting on the ACOP web site. It's worth taking the time to read.
The presence of the Lord was so awesome. We do not have a large crowd but it was incredible and the majority of those present were under 30. |
It's Saturday night and tomorrow is the big day of the week for Pentecostals. In the spirit of cross genre fellowship, I have selected a contemporary song and I want to dedicate it to our brother with soul, Monkeyman. I trust that it will bless you as you prepare for worship.
You might want to get your shouting shoes on before you hit "play." [YT="The Monkeyman House Band playing Soul Music"]qclLA1xp0jE[/YT] |
I just cannot picture this being sung by Monkeyman and company! |
I just listened again. That may be more contemporary than I usually listen to, but that was something else! |
Gettin ready to move into a new dimension, from new life to abundant life? :slaphappy :slaphappy :slaphappy Hey, that sounds like a good sermon title, doesn't it. |
One of us by this last name in any place is enough!!!! :igotit |
Finally some good music!
Have you been taking that Geritol non-drowsy again? :slaphappy:highfive:bouquet |
Here she is, caught on camera. [YT="Destiny Out for a Stroll"]BAwoZMc7JnA[/YT] |
This reminds me of Sunday night singing as a young person growing up on the Miramichi |
He he he! Too funny! You cats lost me on the first line of the song, "I was staaaaandin' bah my windooow"...you just DON'T do that where I'm from, you just might get shot!!!
And I'll have you know, I cut my teeth on the bass geetar with the T.G. Trio in 1984, toured Canada too! The songs were great, go back and forth between G & D, then on to D & A, thrown in a C and maaaan yous (mirimichi word) got a soong!!!! |
*True story* Whe I first took the choir at CCC, I got invited to your neck of the woods and I was really excited to get our choir singing out! So off to the Mirimichi we go, choir and band in tow! I didn't even know what or where the Mirimichi was. So I took along my "Black Gospel" playlist, he he! Well, you can figure out the rest of the story, the name Kirk Franklin to them sounded like a new fishing rod manufacturer!!! :slaphappy This was my introduction to NB. God bless this church as they were still very kind to a confused monkey. Believe it or not, my wife and I were invited back to do a Valentine's banquet...we left the choir, band, and songlist home! BTW, that area is beautiful! |
I will never forget this city girl's first trip to the Miramichi. Oh my! What a culture shock! And when I say "Miramichi" I'm talking about Priceville/McNamee. ;) :) This was back around 1966. The home I stayed in had no electricity and no inside plumbing. They used lanterns once the sun went down!
And the church ........ OH MY!!! .... that was another whole brand new experience! :) ;) |
I passed thru the Miramichi for my first time last weekend on the way to Bathurst. I never stopped though. The police stopped me though. ;)
If you're not driving a pickup truck, you're not getting through Blackville. It used to be really bad when the Blackville National Guard patrolled the village. Everybody got the "shibboleth" test; you had to say "Me diddy" with the proper accent or you got a ticket for something. |
Just got back from lunch with 2 ex-N.B couples. Always feel a kindred spirit with NBers no matter where you're at. :thumbsup
I don't know where the most appropriate place would be to post this and if the Admin want to move it to a more suitable thread that will be fine.
I have a guy in our church who has an amazing collection of old books that are no longer being printed. He has decided to set up a web site where he is coying these books onto the web and making them available to whoever might have interest. Some of you preachers might want to check it out. Greg shared with me this morning that the Cruso who wrote some of the books listed on his site, was the inspiration for Daniel DeFoes' Robinson Crusoe. Apparently they attended school together. http://www.freewebs.com/oldesermons/ |
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