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TRIPLE E 12-19-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 331785)

I still think AD is a lot more liberal than it's Nova Scotian brethren to the east... or it's Maine brethren to the south.

Me thinks this was an awful big generalization since not all pastors in every district(including the AD) see eye to eye on certain things.

Mrs. LPW 12-19-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 331792)
What constitutes a pigeon hole?


BoredOutOfMyMind 12-19-2007 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 331786)
He he, your the best EEE, you crack me up.

On the same topic, if you really want to know how liberal/conservative a district is, go to a Wal-Mart or a mall and look at our women. There is a jean skirt-Tennis shoe ratio formula that exists, use that, and then you will know how liberal a district is. By my count, due to a recent trip to the Regent Mall, conservatisim is still pretty strong in our area!!!

Tennis shoes in 18 inches of slush and snow? How long exactly have you been OUT of California again?

Monkeydude, it is a seasonal thing. In the summer, recount after the galoshes and overcoats are packed away!


Mrs. LPW 12-19-2007 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 331820)
Me thinks this was an awful big generalization since not all pastors in every district(including the AD) see eye to eye on certain things.

ME thinks I'm tired of all this.. since I was only giving my opinion. I still think our district is more liberal than some.. or moderate.. whatever you'd like to call it. I just know it's changed.

TRIPLE E 12-19-2007 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 331819)
Here is another test for you, try this. Go to Harvey Camp, take your choir, sing, "Silver & Gold" by Kirk Franklin and let me know how that goes for ya! Go to Family Camp and try to lead song service with a song from last, say, 20 years that isn't country in flavor, have at it...you WON'T be asked back, Heeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Obviously I am having some fun with this, that is my nature. I also use different criteria to state whether someone is liberal/mod/con...using my logic (scary) I would say the AD is pretty Moderate.

Your logic is very logical in the most logical sense of the word.
Funny though how some think we are liberal,while others feel like we are conservative.
I was to a certain place once in the States where I was forewarned not to preach the "clothesline" as the AD preachers had a name for being "clothesline" preachers.

Monkeyman 12-19-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 331823)
Tennis shoes in 18 inches of slush and snow? How long exactly have you been OUT of California again?

Monkeydude, it is a seasonal thing. In the summer, recount after the galoshes and overcoats are packed away!


BOOMM, you'd be surprised at what I have seen at our malls!!! He heeeeee!

I will be back in Cali in a few days, first stop...In-N-Out Burger!!!!! Woohoooo! Gllloooory!

TRIPLE E 12-19-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW (Post 331825)
ME thinks I'm tired of all this.. since I was only giving my opinion. I still think our district is more liberal than some.. or moderate.. whatever you'd like to call it. I just know it's changed.

Well Ido agree with you it has changed but so has NB living in general.

TRIPLE E 12-19-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 331823)
Tennis shoes in 18 inches of slush and snow? How long exactly have you been OUT of California again?

Monkeydude, it is a seasonal thing. In the summer, recount after the galoshes and overcoats are packed away!


What ya talkin bout I just started wearing long sleeves and a winter coat last week,still wearing my sneaks between snow storms.

Monkeyman 12-19-2007 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 331831)
Well Ido agree with you it has changed but so has NB living in general.

Yes, we now have at least 1 Mexican resident:jolly:christmasjig

TRIPLE E 12-19-2007 03:02 PM

As the posts continue to come in I feel like singing "Come alive"

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