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TrueNorth 07-19-2007 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 190304)
TN it is getting more and more difficult as each year passes to distinguish between UPC and non compliant churches!

what is a non-compliant church?

TRIPLE E 07-19-2007 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190311)
what is a non-compliant church?

a church that apparently still preaches Acts 2:38 but they are outside of the mother ship because they did not want to comply to the standards

TRIPLE E 07-19-2007 08:05 AM

I again ask the question "Whaaaaaaaat is happening in Canada?

The Senator 07-19-2007 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190300)
I may be naive but I thought they called it NCC because somebody didn't like the term "Institute" and thought it would be cool to be a college. Never heard anything about government intervention, why would they care unless you were committing fraud?
As for dropping UP from the name - perhaps it was thought that they could bring in Baptist, Wesleyan and PAOC young people? chortle snort - yup that'll work!
Reality is, in NB, call a UP church whatever you want - people are still smart enough to know that it is a UP church, unless of course it is in northern NB where it might take a while to figure out.

Why do you think that they dropped "United Pentecostal" from the name if it wasn't to disassociate the school from its denominational affiliation? Are you suggesting that the UPC is not known in northern NB or that the churches there aren't as strict as those in the south?

The Senator 07-19-2007 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 190291)
Even on the mighty Miramichi there's a church taking "pentecostal" off their name and replacing it with "community".

Makes me want to find a banjo and fiddle and start singing "The Miramichi Revival" lest we forget.

Was the name change part of a move to make the church non-denominational? Do you have the words for "The Miramichi Revival?" I don't think that I've ever heard that song. I've met a lot of people from the Miramichi - great folks.

TrueNorth 07-19-2007 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190341)
Why do you think that they dropped "United Pentecostal" from the name if it wasn't to disassociate the school from its denominational affiliation? Are you suggesting that the UPC is not known in northern NB or that the churches there aren't as strict as those in the south?

Well, let's see, the school is owned by the Atlantic District UPC, requires staff to be UPC, has 99% of its students come from UPC churches, it's pretty hard to disassociate.
Having said that, I think that it was the cool, trendy factor - other Bible Colleges are known as Colleges and not institutes with no denominational inferences in the names - plus if you say you graduated from NCC people will think you have an education.

The Senator 07-19-2007 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190354)
Well, let's see, the school is owned by the Atlantic District UPC, requires staff to be UPC, has 99% of its students come from UPC churches, it's pretty hard to disassociate.
Having said that, I think that it was the cool, trendy factor - other Bible Colleges are known as Colleges and not institutes with no denominational inferences in the names - plus if you say you graduated from NCC people will think you have an education.

Every time I read a ministry profile of UPBI graduates I am reminded of "The Artist formerly known as Prince." They will always say that they attended or graduated from Northeast Christian College, and then add, formerly known as United Pentecostal Bible Institute. Here's an example from the NCC web site: "he attended Northeast Christian College (then known as United Pentecostal Bible Institute)"

ALVIN 07-19-2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by ALVIN (Post 189988)
Some people leave the UPC and move on. Other people regurgitate their cud and chew on it so often that they get constipated and can't move on. Some Ex-UPC people could sure use some Ex-Lax.

I want to apologize for this post. It doesn't seem near as funny in the light of day as it did late last night. I guess I should learn to use smileys.

BoredOutOfMyMind 07-19-2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by ALVIN (Post 190390)
I want to apologize for this post. It doesn't seem near as funny in the light of day as it did late last night. I guess I should learn to use smileys.

Or you need prunes in your diet.


ALVIN 07-19-2007 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 190394)
Or you need prunes in your diet.


[YT="Sunsweet Prunes - Stan Freberg Commercial"]s3hn0TGTULY[/YT]

Truly Blessed 07-19-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190354)
Well, let's see, the school is owned by the Atlantic District UPC, requires staff to be UPC, has 99% of its students come from UPC churches, it's pretty hard to disassociate.
Having said that, I think that it was the cool, trendy factor - other Bible Colleges are known as Colleges and not institutes with no denominational inferences in the names - plus if you say you graduated from NCC people will think you have an education.

Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The school was closed because the main building had been condemned and the plan always was that the school was temporarily closed while the renovations were done.

With the reopening of the school our committee was assigned the responsibility for looking at all aspects of the school. The name change was very simply a matter of identifying the location of the school among the UPCI constituency, so Northeast. The word Christian was chosen because we were introducing the Blend Program where the school was in partnership with a local business college so that students could attend our school but also get a business certificate that would at least qualify them for something besides a job at McDonalds. :) Because it was no longer going to be strictly a Bible School we felt that Christian College was more appropriate. College was chosen simply because we liked it better than Institute and because the business school partner was called college.

We all worked very hard on behalf of the Bible College to get it up and running once again. I remember spending a few days helping gut the building and believe me that was work. I don't recall meeting anyone who had anything but a strong desire for a strong Bible College in the Atlantic District.

TrueNorth 07-19-2007 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 190443)
Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.....


History is written by the victors.

TrueNorth 07-19-2007 10:23 AM

All you liberal compromisers............
you all know what CSI is, right?

TV show, stands for Crime Scene Investigation.

There is CSI NY (New York)
CSI Miami
CSI Las Vegas

Know why there isn't a CSI New Brunswick?

Cause everyone's got the same DNA
(Stole this from somebody else!)

TRIPLE E 07-19-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190480)
All you liberal compromisers............
you all know what CSI is, right?

TV show, stands for Crime Scene Investigation.

There is CSI NY (New York)
CSI Miami
CSI Las Vegas

Know why there isn't a CSI New Brunswick?

Cause everyone's got the same DNA
(Stole this from somebody else!)

That is bad TN so very bad!:slaphappy

The Senator 07-19-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 190443)
Since we're discussing the change in name of the Bible School, I want to set the record straight on something because name cahnge figures into it.

I was taken back a bit when I heard at the Summer Summit a statement that gave the impression someone had closed down the Bible School and HML was given hero status as the one who resurrected it. I know that due to him becoming district leader he got to lead the drive for funds etc, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The school was closed because the main building had been condemned and the plan always was that the school was temporarily closed while the renovations were done.

With the reopening of the school our committee was assigned the responsibility for looking at all aspects of the school. The name change was very simply a matter of identifying the location of the school among the UPCI constituency, so Northeast. The word Christian was chosen because we were introducing the Blend Program where the school was in partnership with a local business college so that students could attend our school but also get a business certificate that would at least qualify them for something besides a job at McDonalds. :) Because it was no longer going to be strictly a Bible School we felt that Christian College was more appropriate. College was chosen simply because we liked it better than Institute and because the business school partner was called college.

We all worked very hard on behalf of the Bible College to get it up and running once again. I remember spending a few days helping gut the building and believe me that was work. I don't recall meeting anyone who had anything but a strong desire for a strong Bible College in the Atlantic District.

Thank you for an explanation from someone who was there. I think that True North's quote "History is written by the victors" is a sad, but true reality too often in church history.

It would be interesting to hear an explanation from someone who has been a part of removing the Pentecostal name from a church assembly. Why was it done? What has the result been?

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190539)
Thank you for an explanation from someone who was there. I think that True North's quote "History is written by the victors" is a sad, but true reality too often in church history.

It would be interesting to hear an explanation from someone who has been a part of removing the Pentecostal name from a church assembly. Why was it done? What has the result been?

I will NOT get into it again...the whole reason I am on the AFF forum stems from an incident last year. The ONLY thing I will say is that if you see our church sign, or ads in the phone book, it reads...."Capital Community Church, a United Pentecostal Church. Nuf' said by me. You can go to www.capitalcommunity.ca get our contact info, call RW the pastor and ask him.

The Senator 07-19-2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 190544)
I will NOT get into it again...the whole reason I am on the AFF forum stems from an incident last year. The ONLY thing I will say is that if you see our church sign, or ads in the phone book, it reads...."Capital Community Church, a United Pentecostal Church. Nuf' said by me. You can go to www.capitalcommunity.ca get our contact info, call RW the pastor and ask him.

I apologize if this topic has touched on a sore spot for you. I don't have any desire to resurrect any old controversies. It sounds like your church has purposely kept its United Pentecostal identity. Perhaps we could get some comment from somebody who's church has changed the name, but dropped the public use of Pentecostal. I have been told that the north side Pentecostal church in F'ton has had great success in attracting non-Pentecostal people since they went nondenominational.

We are told by the Church growth gurus that young people don't like denominational name tags. I wonder if churches without the name tags are attracting more young people than denominationally tagged churches.

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190557)
I apologize if this topic has touched on a sore spot for you. I don't have any desire to resurrect any old controversies. It sounds like your church has purposely kept its United Pentecostal identity. Perhaps we could get some comment from somebody who's church has changed the name, but dropped the public use of Pentecostal. I have been told that the north side Pentecostal church in F'ton has had great success in attracting non-Pentecostal people since they went nondenominational.

We are told by the Church growth gurus that young people don't like denominational name tags. I wonder if churches without the name tags are attracting more young people than denominationally tagged churches.

No no no, sorry about that, the reason I won't talk about it is because of all the controversy that it started and I don't want to go down that route again, he he, not offended at all here.

As for the second part of your post, I'm not sure if you know of our church or not, but WE have a THRIVING youth group and some great young families. Maybe we break a trend, not sure. Check out www.theedgerocks.ca , www.kidsplaceonline.ca

I also went through a name change from 1st UPC church in Stockton to CLC back in the day and we NEVER gave up our pentecostal identity one bit, why even our Pastor became the G.S.

BoredOutOfMyMind 07-19-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191013)
No no no, sorry about that, the reason I won't talk about it is because of all the controversy that it started and I don't want to go down that route again, he he, not offended at all here.

As for the second part of your post, I'm not sure if you know of our church or not, but WE have a THRIVING youth group and some great young families. Maybe we break a trend, not sure.

I also went through a name change from 1st UPC church in Stockton to CLC back in the day and we NEVER gave up our pentecostal identity one bit, why even our Pastor became the G.S.

BOOMM says the CCC Youth would be welcome to have another CCC'ers thread on AFF.....

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind (Post 191020)
BOOMM says the CCC Youth would be welcome to have another CCC'ers thread on AFF.....

Sounds good, but we will probably have to wait until the Fall...NBers enjoy their short lived summers, he he!

I always tell the story of when I first took the choir here and could NOT believe how these uncommitted Canadians didn't want to have multiple choir/music practices during the warm months. They would be great all through the rest of the year but then would start missing during the summer. This was so UNLIKE how we great Christians from CLC did it, man we practiced ALL of the time............then...........I experienced my first winter. I got put in my place for sure, he he! Now, we slow down practices in the summer and I hit the road as much as possible!!!!!:slaphappy

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by TrueNorth (Post 190480)
All you liberal compromisers............
you all know what CSI is, right?

TV show, stands for Crime Scene Investigation.

There is CSI NY (New York)
CSI Miami
CSI Las Vegas

Know why there isn't a CSI New Brunswick?

Cause everyone's got the same DNA
(Stole this from somebody else!)

Seeing that I'm an "outsider", will I get in trouble if I laugh????:Nhl_check

Olivia 07-19-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190557)
...since they went nondenominational....

I usually don't write much on this forum..but I had to respond to this...my church, CCC is not "nondemoninational"...far from it. If you ever came by to visit you would experience "pentecost" everytime the doors are open. We may not have "united pentecostal" in our church name, but the Monkey cleary wrote..it's still noted on our church sign and if you looked us up in the phone book.

Monkeyman 07-19-2007 09:21 PM

He may be speaking of the church that your brother attends...

Truly Blessed 07-19-2007 10:33 PM

In light of the fact that I brought up HML in the context of the re-opening of the Bible School, I want to point out that I feel that he is to be commended for personally taking upon himself the responsibility for raising funds for and promoting the Bible School after becoming the DS. I voted for HML to be the DS because I believed he would do a great job and represent the AD well. From what I can see he has done a good job as DS after some of his "problems" left. :)

The Senator 07-20-2007 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Olivia (Post 191154)
I usually don't write much on this forum..but I had to respond to this...my church, CCC is not "nondemoninational"...far from it. If you ever came by to visit you would experience "pentecost" everytime the doors are open. We may not have "united pentecostal" in our church name, but the Monkey cleary wrote..it's still noted on our church sign and if you looked us up in the phone book.


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 190557)
I apologize if this topic has touched on a sore spot for you. I don't have any desire to resurrect any old controversies. It sounds like your church has purposely kept its United Pentecostal identity. Perhaps we could get some comment from somebody who's church has changed the name, but dropped the public use of Pentecostal. I have been told that the north side Pentecostal church in F'ton has had great success in attracting non-Pentecostal people since they went nondenominational.

I was forwarded an article from the local F'ton paper that clearly described the former Pentecostal Church on the north side of the city as being nondenominational. The article described the rapid growth that they have experienced since leaving the name "Pentecostal" behind.

Olivia 07-20-2007 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191158)
He may be speaking of the church that your brother attends...

Opps...sorry. My bad....I thought they were speaking of CCC and were still very much Pentecostal. :)

The Senator 07-20-2007 06:08 AM

I attended the south side Pentecostal church in F'ton for a short period of time in the 60's. It was a strong church and the former church of "Mr Pentecost" in that city, Rev. Earl Jacques. I have heard persistent rumours of the reopening of the south side United Pentecostal Church with various names attached to the rumours over the last few years. Does anybody know if there is any substance to these rumours? As a distant observer it seems strange that the UPC would abandon the south side after having a church there for so many years.

TrueNorth 07-20-2007 07:29 AM

There have been rumors in recent months of a possible startup on the south side however there seems to have been some smoke but very little if any fire.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 191310)
I attended the south side Pentecostal church in F'ton for a short period of time in the 60's. It was a strong church and the former church of "Mr Pentecost" in that city, Rev. Earl Jacques. I have heard persistent rumours of the reopening of the south side United Pentecostal Church with various names attached to the rumours over the last few years. Does anybody know if there is any substance to these rumours? As a distant observer it seems strange that the UPC would abandon the south side after having a church there for so many years.

okay, hmmm...trying to figure out all of your post. In the 80's the "larger" of the UPC brand of pentecostals landed in Marysville the "northside". There was another pentecostal church on the northside which is the church my wife's family left to attend the church in marysville. There were 2 other "pentecostal" churches on the south side, Smythe Street (which hold to this day the legal name of fredericton pentecostal church) and Life Tabernacle.
In the 90's the church in Marysville split and MANY joined the other church on the northside where they have seen tremendous growth and went through a denominationl change from pentecostal to multi/non/inter denominational(I'm really not sure). I have many friends there and a relative assists the Pastor. Smythe Street is non-denom and I am not sure about Life Tabernacle although I have had great contact with some of their leadership and saints.

Meanwhile, my church, CCC in Marysville has experienced much growth and is a thriving church in the community as well. And no, we don't limit our reach to the northside, so in reality, we have the southside covered with our message, capice? So, I really don't understand your question to the UPC abandoning the southside.

I feel like going into the Abbot & Costello skit about, "Who's On First?"

TrueNorth 07-20-2007 07:31 AM

Anybody got any pictures of the work going on at the new Bible College site?

The Senator 07-20-2007 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191371)
okay, hmmm...trying to figure out all of your post. In the 80's the "larger" of the UPC brand of pentecostals landed in Marysville the "northside". There was another pentecostal church on the northside which is the church my wife's family left to attend the church in marysville. There were 2 other "pentecostal" churches on the south side, Smythe Street (which hold to this day the legal name of fredericton pentecostal church) and Life Tabernacle.
In the 90's the church in Marysville split and MANY joined the other church on the northside where they have seen tremendous growth and went through a denominationl change from pentecostal to multi/non/inter denominational(I'm really not sure). I have many friends there and a relative assists the Pastor. Smythe Street is non-denom and I am not sure about Life Tabernacle although I have had great contact with some of their leadership and saints.

Meanwhile, my church, CCC in Marysville has experienced much growth and is a thriving church in the community as well. And no, we don't limit our reach to the northside, so in reality, we have the southside covered with our message, capice? So, I really don't understand your question to the UPC abandoning the southside.

I feel like going into the Abbot & Costello skit about, "Who's On First?"

Thank you for all this information. It sounds like a religious soap opera. Is there any truth to the rumour, that True North has heard as well, that the UPC is opening a new church on the south side of the city? I guess that in the old days Marysville seemed too far away to be really considered part of the city. From your post I get that your church is also holding services on the south side??? If so, Bravo for your congregation.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 191381)
Thank you for all this information. It sounds like a religious soap opera. Is there any truth to the rumour, that True North has heard as well, that the UPC is opening a new church on the south side of the city? I guess that in the old days Marysville seemed too far away to be really considered part of the city. From your post I get that your church is also holding services on the south side??? If so, Bravo for your congregation.

NO, you misunderstood me. We have a church that reaches throughout our city and our congregation is made up from folks from all over the area. With the current highway structure we are easily accessed within mere minutes from all points and with a Marysville Bypass being built, that will bring us even closer.

*To lurkers who might not know our city, we are a small city although a capital, and we have around 55,000 in our surrounding area so we are not talking about a metro area where you have to anchor churches to get the city covered. You can reach our church from anywhere within 20 minutes, and with different ministries, we go OUT and reach as well.*

Truly Blessed 07-20-2007 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191371)
okay, hmmm...trying to figure out all of your post. In the 80's the "larger" of the UPC brand of pentecostals landed in Marysville the "northside". There was another pentecostal church on the northside which is the church my wife's family left to attend the church in marysville. There were 2 other "pentecostal" churches on the south side, Smythe Street (which hold to this day the legal name of fredericton pentecostal church) and Life Tabernacle.
In the 90's the church in Marysville split and MANY joined the other church on the northside where they have seen tremendous growth and went through a denominationl change from pentecostal to multi/non/inter denominational(I'm really not sure). I have many friends there and a relative assists the Pastor. Smythe Street is non-denom and I am not sure about Life Tabernacle although I have had great contact with some of their leadership and saints.

Meanwhile, my church, CCC in Marysville has experienced much growth and is a thriving church in the community as well. And no, we don't limit our reach to the northside, so in reality, we have the southside covered with our message, capice? So, I really don't understand your question to the UPC abandoning the southside.

I feel like going into the Abbot & Costello skit about, "Who's On First?"

Smythe Street Cathedral itself is , like many of the UPC churches, an independent church, but the pastor is credentialed with ACOP and considered by the ACOP as one of its churches. Matter of fact, the pastor is the District Leader for ACOP Atlantic Canada.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:04 AM

Yes when I first moved here I thought is sad & comical concerning all of the church splits...for sure an "As The World Turns"!!!!

We have built up our congregation with some pillar seniors, lots of youth and university, and new converts!!! Being a capital city also brings in transfers because of jobs.

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 191390)
Smythe Street Cathedral itself is , like many of the UPC churches, an independent church, but the pastor is credentialed with ACOP and considered by the ACOP as one of its churches. Matter of fact, the pastor is the District Leader for ACOP Atlantic Canada.

Thanks for correcting me!!!!!!! He is also a part of the wonderful Drost missionary family! Cracked me up when I met this white canadian dude with a Spanish accent!

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:10 AM

I can't get into it here on a forum but I would 1 on 1...our church is in a pregnant stage right now. You would NOT believe me if I told you what has been occuring over the past few years and especially since last Fall. We are about to explode and God will get every last bit of credit and honor! Stay tuned...

Monkeyman 07-20-2007 08:12 AM

I will say this...our best service of the week? Saturday night corporate prayer at 7:00 PM.

Truly Blessed 07-20-2007 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191399)
I will say this...our best service of the week? Saturday night corporate prayer at 7:00 PM.

You need not say anything more! I long for the kind of prayer meetings that are so blessed with the visitation of God's presence that it's like you actually stepped into eternity and time was suspended as you became lost in a spirit with Spirit encounter.

One of the greatest challenges of this generation of leaders is how to get our congregations on their knees in earnest prayer. If you have been successful in this I applaud you.

Frank 07-20-2007 10:05 AM

Just out of curiousity, what would the attendance at First United Pentecostal Church of Marysville have been at its zenith? If I remember in the early nineties it was over 500. Would that be about right?

The Senator 07-20-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 191398)
I can't get into it here on a forum but I would 1 on 1...our church is in a pregnant stage right now. You would NOT believe me if I told you what has been occuring over the past few years and especially since last Fall. We are about to explode and God will get every last bit of credit and honor! Stay tuned...

That sounds exciting. Things must be a lot different in Fredericton than it was in the sixties and seventies. In those days, Fredericton was very much divided by the river into the north side and the south side. Perhaps with the coming explosion of revival your church will be able to re-establish a UPC presence on the south side.

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