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****An awsome Campus Ministry Update*******
Remember the Iranian couple I told you about that attended "The Network" concert at UNB? Well....they were at church tonight!!!!!!!!!! They will be checking out our E.S.L classes too. We went out to eat with them tonight and got to know them a little better! They have only been in Canada 2 months, they are very open and soon will be coming over for a Turkey dinner (they have never tasted turkey before). They didn't get to taste it for Canadian Thanksgiving due to a lack of friends...well they have a monkey for a friend now! I was able to share about culture shock and other things and we definitely connected!!!!! Some more great news...a University student that has been coming for a while and was baptized last week......RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST TONIGHT!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOO That makes 26 in a little over a month and over 50 added to our church since the summer!!!!! Prayer is working folks!!!!!! *be prepared for a lot of reports like this* |
It's great news! Another student is planning on starting to attend youth as well. ;) God is good!
This thread is so refreshing. It (Canadian) has always been my favorite one, and I'm REALLY enjoying reading about your campus ministry. Keep up the good work. I'm praying for the Iranian couple! |
Thanks for the great reports. I have enjoyed reading about your trip immensely. Are you able to conduct open baptisms? |
You can't post more reports like this than we can rejoice over. It is exciting to think about the potential of converted Iranians. The conversion of College students is enough to make even sluggish angels shout. P.S. Forget the turkey, and get them a good feed of fiddleheads and gaspereau. |
The service began with a call to worship proclaimed by an Anglican minister "in the name of our all inclusive God." After the singing of "O Canada," the Scripture reading was done by the local United Church minister. The usual passage from the Psalms was set aside in favour of a text chosen by the Presbyterian minister who was to deliver the message. Here is the Scripture Reading: Quote:
The preacher preached the reality of evil, and the coming of the Son of God as the solution to the problem of violence and evil. He preached Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He preached the coming judgement of God on wicked men and governments. He preached the coming Kingdom of God, and a little more emphasis on the judgement of God. It's not every day that you hear about the lake of fire and the judgement of God at a community service. The prayer that followed, offered by the local Pentecostal pastor, prayed for peace and for the coming of the Kingdom of the Son of God on earth, and concluded in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We stood in silence. We sang about the salvation of the Queen. A triune benediction was offered, and we went home. It was great! |
We are very excited about what God is doing, and my hat is off to Rachel, Justin, and all of their crew who are in the trenches trying to save souls!!! We will do whatever it takes to assist in any way... |
Any Munn, Stewart, Storey, or Arbeau could have told you that. If you've met a Miramichier with a dip net and a flashlight, you've met a man that knows Gaspereau. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...doharengus.jpg |
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