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good samaritan 02-19-2015 10:12 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by houstonupci (Post 1358872)
Homosexuality can only be overcome with God's Spirit. There is no "quitting" homosexuality.

Having sex can be quit. People may have to be delivered of some of lustful desires but the act of fornication is a choice. God will never possess your body and do the work for you. Where there is no sex there is no need for a person to explain their sexuality. No matter what a person's desires if they are not actively engaging in the sin they don't have to claim to be anything. So you can quit being homosexual.

Sean 02-19-2015 10:53 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
Amen, they can quit sex altogether, by the power of the Holy Ghost if they want to, along with any kind of sinful habit.

All they must do is pray and make a covenant with God not to be sexual any more(if they cant control themselves).

Salvation is more important than following carnal urges.

shazeep 02-19-2015 11:55 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
i spent some formative years in the Montrose area of Houston, and had several homosexual friends. My observation is that it is a young persons (hormonal) activity, and that many seemed to straighten up as they got older/matured. It is also--or can be, anyway--a rebellion thing.

houstonupci 02-19-2015 12:28 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
I make a motion to move this topic/discussion to a new thread. I initially got on here as a defense to the comments HH made against my pastor. The thread has taken a complete turn since then.

good samaritan 02-19-2015 01:30 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
No offense meant towards your pastor. I don't even know him so I wouldn't say anything directly about him. As for sin be permissive in the body of Christ that just doesn't set well with me. I am sure your are not excusing the sin, but are trying to express a view to be tolerant to people while developing. I hope that is what you mean. I agree with being merciful, but at the same time we must have doctrinal positions taken on things. Not to be offensive, but to maintain our relationship with God.

Abiding Now 02-19-2015 02:52 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by houstonupci (Post 1358555)
You've just proven that you're speaking based on rumors and not on first-hand knowledge. If he doesn't believe in water baptism, then how would you explain this photo? It was taken SIX weeks ago. It's rare for us to have a Sunday go by without multiple people being baptized.


Is that a goatee?

houstonupci 02-19-2015 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by good samaritan (Post 1358902)
No offense meant towards your pastor. I don't even know him so I wouldn't say anything directly about him. As for sin be permissive in the body of Christ that just doesn't set well with me. I am sure your are not excusing the sin, but are trying to express a view to be tolerant to people while developing. I hope that is what you mean. I agree with being merciful, but at the same time we must have doctrinal positions taken on things. Not to be offensive, but to maintain our relationship with God.

This is why I suggested just moving the whole discussion to a new thread. My initial comment has been taken out of context and changed completely.

I was not talking about tolerance, but that's exactly where people go when the topic of homosexuality comes up.

good samaritan 02-19-2015 04:04 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
BTW, I didn't bring up homosexuality I only joined the discussion.

CC1 02-19-2015 05:02 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by houstonupci (Post 1358896)
I make a motion to move this topic/discussion to a new thread. I initially got on here as a defense to the comments HH made against my pastor. The thread has taken a complete turn since then.

Ain't a gonna happen. If you have looked around AFF at all you will see that 98.6% of all threads get off track at some point. If we closed every thread that got off track almost all of the threads would be closed.

If you had been thinking you had to know that pointing out a lesbian couple were holding hands in church was going to set off a firestorm. Particularly given the conversation in the thread which is about JK moving the church in a liberal direction and out of the UPC. Perhaps if you had made a caveat in that post that this does not mean your church condones homosexuality and in fact opposes it as the bible instructs. That you are just not being ugly to people involved in this particular sin and are showing them love to lead them to Christ. Might have helped but come to think of it I really doubt it!

It sounds like an exciting time at your church in Houston and I pray that under JK's leadership Life church will make the impact in the 21st century that Life Tabernacle did in the mid and latter part of the 20th century.

Abiding Now 02-20-2015 08:53 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
I hear Ken Gurley's church is having "revival".

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