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Aquila 08-06-2008 12:39 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn (Post 558485)
The Bride of Christ is many membered.. if you speak to those who believe in Polygamy.. they do not see the women they are married to as many wives.. they seem them collectively as one wife.... a many membered wife such as Christ has

I wouldn't use that logic. I'm a male and part of the bride. Does that make Jesus "gay married"?


COOPER 08-06-2008 12:47 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Dora.....many men like the idea of having few hot wives.

Does this bother you?

DividedThigh 08-06-2008 12:59 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible
good luck on that one coop, you deserve whatever they come down on you with, lol

Aquila 08-06-2008 01:01 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by COOPER (Post 558562)
Dora.....many men like the idea of having few hot wives.

Does this bother you?

Dude...you mean we men can be carnal?

Ok...it's true. We can be very carnal at times.

I'll be honest, I think it would be interesting in theory...but reality is a different story. I picked a good wife...she provides every thing I could ever want.

DividedThigh 08-06-2008 01:05 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Aquila (Post 558571)
Dude...you mean we men can be carnal?

Ok...it's true. We can be very carnal at times.

I'll be honest, I think it would be interesting in theory...but reality is a different story. I picked a good wife...she provides every thing I could ever want.

good for you aquila, god blessed me with the same, couldnt be happier, lol,dt:dance

Aquila 08-06-2008 01:07 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Tyk (Post 558551)
Probably one of the better post so far. I definitely am a one woman man. I want to love her and her alone. I have no desire to be with any other woman, and fight or flee any temptation mental, physical, ect. I can not phathom having more than one wife, and wouldn't feel right in doing so.

Scriptural approach though, I can't condemn or tell anyone that is in Polygamy that they are "wrong", in "sin" , or "lost" other than a minister.

There's just not a basis for it. I happen to be a male, if I was female (due to society and conditioning of the present times) this would hurt me to hear in a way. It would make me feel less important or like a second rate being to a male. I understand that, and I'm sorry, I can't find reason/scripture to disprove it or I would. I would rather monogamy be the only and right choice according to God, but it's not about my ways.

Lastly , to remind you - I care nothing for monogamy and find it disturbing in a sense, but i'm sure that's due to my "conditioning and present time mentality". I would discourage it if someone came seeking advice or guidance, but I could not tell them it was going to cause them to miss heaven.

Interesting and complex position bro. I’m not sure what to think of it.

But I’d like to revisit Dora’s question….(it really was a doosey of a question)

If a couple came to you and privately confessed or confided in you that they were mutually interested in opening their marriage to polyamory or polygamy…you’d disagree but not think they would miss heaven?

*(Sorry if I got your question wrong Dora.)

Michael Phelps 08-06-2008 01:08 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dora (Post 557776)
So how do you oppose the idea of modern polygamy when polygamy is obvious "ok" in the Old Testament. How do you argue that it is wrong to have multiply wives in modern society?

From my perspective polygamy puts women in a vulnerable position and is likely to result in abuse for the wife and for the children. Must create such confusion for the children. And there is always the issue of the husband preferring one wife over the other.

Just some rambling thoughts...feel free to contribute your views on the subject.

My conviction stems from the fact that I can't afford more than one wife, and PLUS, I dont want two or more women yelling at me for leaving my clothes in the floor.

COOPER 08-06-2008 01:08 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Aquila (Post 558571)
Dude...you mean we men can be carnal?

Ok...it's true. We can be very carnal at times.

I'll be honest, I think it would be interesting in theory...but reality is a different story. I picked a good wife...she provides every thing I could ever want.


Originally Posted by DividedThigh (Post 558573)
good for you aquila, god blessed me with the same, couldnt be happier, lol,dt:dance

I have one smok'n hot wife too!

I love her and do not want another.

My comment is to Dora.....why is she so bent on Bible PolyGamy?:crazy

DividedThigh 08-06-2008 01:11 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by COOPER (Post 558577)
I have one smok'n hot wife too!

I love would not want another.

My comment is to Dora.....why is she so bent on Bible PolyGamy?:crazy

cool, good for you coop, and i for the record have never met a woman who wanted to be part of a harem, least not that i knew of, lol, dt

Aquila 08-06-2008 01:18 PM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by DividedThigh (Post 558579)
cool, good for you coop, and i for the record have never met a woman who wanted to be part of a harem, least not that i knew of, lol, dt

I've known of one...but she'd never admit it publically. I looked for at least one more and could find one. :tease

Hey, my wife and I were talking about it once and she told me it might be nice to have another woman in the house...because she'd have someone to help with the house work and I'd be out of hair sometimes. lol I thought that was a very liberated statement at first...and then I realized it was her way of saying that at times I'm an annoying slob. :( LOL

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