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SavedLou 01-05-2008 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen (Post 348566)
Typical UPC-way of doing things... What myself and my sister couldn't stomach anymore with the UPC was the hype- COSTANT HYPE! We got 50 filled with the HG last revival! How many are there next Sunday?! I saw people baptized and then leave, never to return. I just heard a message by a conservative indep brother on this sort of thing, so I know that myself and my sister and a friend of ours are not the only ones dissatisfied. Bro. Haney saying only 27 are leaving and that other splits from the UPC have come to "naught" shows true UPC arrogance. Now I'm not about to get a plane ticket to Tulsa either, and I think the WPF is foolish as is any denomination because it's just not biblical. BUT I can respect the decision of the men who are forming the WPF to break with a denomination that has continually lowered the standard, watered down the message and hyped things up so much that you can't pay attention to half of what they say anymore. Also, from my experience in the UPC, the ministers did market and package the message in such a way that church, conventions and youth rallies were entertaining, but it had no SUBSTANCE. Bro. Haney and the rest can say what they want, but GOD's will is being accomplished with there being a break, and I hope eventually those that break with the UPC will return to the old paths, go to an autonomous and independent church government and resemble the NT church. Also, as for fellowship- go ahead and fellowship, PLEASE we NEED fellowship, but you don't need some WPF or UPC or whatever other organization for good fellowship.

Bro. Alex

the bolded statement seems contradictory. please understand, i am not discrediting your experience or putting you down, but i think i saw on another post somewhere giving part of your testimony. correct me if i'm wrong but haven't you only been upc-affiliated for a very short time? not to put you down for age, but your are a TEEN who needs to be cautious when stereotyping an organization when some have been in their whole lives and can't attest to your claims. there are good and bad examples in ANY denomination. i know...i was baptist and have seen examples of everything you mentioned and more. the upc is no different. where there are humans there will be imperfections. people can claim to be "non-denom" but there is no such thing as that! any Christian group that forms an organization is essentially just another denomination.

tv1a 01-05-2008 01:22 PM

There are many reasons why we one could suggest why people aren't back in church after getting the Holy Ghost. Some of the blame has to do with the follow up. Some of it has to do with forcing subjective or non-biblical mandates on new converts. I believe if one would take a step back, one has to come to the conclusion there wasn't repentance before the infilling of the HG. If a person doesn't intend on serving God, the infilling of the Holy Ghost is nothing more than a snort of cocaine or a shot of whiskey. God in his mercy fill people with His Spirit without conditions.

Glad to see someone to question the numbers. Hope I provided at least some thought.


Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen (Post 348566)
Typical UPC-way of doing things... What myself and my sister couldn't stomach anymore with the UPC was the hype- COSTANT HYPE! We got 50 filled with the HG last revival! How many are there next Sunday?! I saw people baptized and then leave, never to return. I just heard a message by a conservative indep brother on this sort of thing, so I know that myself and my sister and a friend of ours are not the only ones dissatisfied. Bro. Haney saying only 27 are leaving and that other splits from the UPC have come to "naught" shows true UPC arrogance. Now I'm not about to get a plane ticket to Tulsa either, and I think the WPF is foolish as is any denomination because it's just not biblical. BUT I can respect the decision of the men who are forming the WPF to break with a denomination that has continually lowered the standard, watered down the message and hyped things up so much that you can't pay attention to half of what they say anymore. Also, from my experience in the UPC, the ministers did market and package the message in such a way that church, conventions and youth rallies were entertaining, but it had no SUBSTANCE. Bro. Haney and the rest can say what they want, but GOD's will is being accomplished with there being a break, and I hope eventually those that break with the UPC will return to the old paths, go to an autonomous and independent church government and resemble the NT church. Also, as for fellowship- go ahead and fellowship, PLEASE we NEED fellowship, but you don't need some WPF or UPC or whatever other organization for good fellowship.

Bro. Alex

tv1a 01-05-2008 01:30 PM

Be patient with Teen. Just send teen to the apostolic pretender blog so he/she could feel at home in cyberland.


Originally Posted by SavedLou (Post 348581)
the bolded statement seems contradictory. please understand, i am not discrediting your experience or putting you down, but i think i saw on another post somewhere giving part of your testimony. correct me if i'm wrong but haven't you only been upc-affiliated for a very short time? not to put you down for age, but your are a TEEN who needs to be cautious when stereotyping an organization when some have been in their whole lives and can't attest to your claims. there are good and bad examples in ANY denomination. i know...i was baptist and have seen examples of everything you mentioned and more. the upc is no different. where there are humans there will be imperfections. people can claim to be "non-denom" but there is no such thing as that! any Christian group that forms an organization is essentially just another denomination.

Praxeas 01-05-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Broken (Post 348308)
This is so sad anyone would feel these old standards as weights- I would pray we all get a spirit of giving it ALL to Christ no matter the cost. Not just standards per say but our lives- i.e. our walk and talk. Using his name with great esteem and his children with great respect and love.

Why stop at standards? If your reasoning is we should all do stardards just for the sake of giving it all to Christ, why not become an Amish? Live without Electricity. Don't use modern plumbing....Don't drive a car or listen to radio or CDs....dress in all black. Have church services without music...we can make up a ton of dos and don'ts that we can use as a measuring stick for just how much we have given to Him.....what really matters is what the word says. Some people DO feel those standards are weights.

Mat 23:2 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat,
Mat 23:3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you--but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice.
Mat 23:4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.
Mat 23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,
Mat 23:6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues
Mat 23:7 and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others.

AmazingGrace 01-05-2008 01:37 PM

Ok I am gonna hijack this thread! I stole this from the thread title game this is the last post I wrote :) Enjoy maybe it will confuse some on here enough they will quit bickering LOL

Letter from Bro Haney

Prayer needed for Daniel Alicia to know what is controversial about JS because he preached at POA for their Christmas program and everyone fell out when he preached about the Gabbys at AFF. Huckabee was there and praised all of the political moderates and even those who were more progressive because he is gaining in the polls. He then spoke about how the drunk drivers in Ms are causing such a split and how if they werent all Romans they would have an MBA but since they arent smarter than that they are participating in a thread title game and telling their queen of all the good things God has done for them!

Oh and Oprah has announced her new book club read for the month and it is so worth the read... Its who I would miss the least if they left. Vicki Yohe did not like her book however this time so she went to the slopes to hear what the Muslims were preaching now...They were preaching a sermon on the Lord being legalistic but they ended their sermon in prayer for Bro Alvear. Thats the letter from Bro Haney concerning the new scathing reports from the new threads button on AFF....

Thank you Brethren and please pass this letter on to all who will be in Tulsa so they know the real truth...

Monkeyman 01-05-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen (Post 348566)
Typical UPC-way of doing things... What myself and my sister couldn't stomach anymore with the UPC was the hype- COSTANT HYPE! We got 50 filled with the HG last revival! How many are there next Sunday?! I saw people baptized and then leave, never to return. I just heard a message by a conservative indep brother on this sort of thing, so I know that myself and my sister and a friend of ours are not the only ones dissatisfied. Bro. Haney saying only 27 are leaving and that other splits from the UPC have come to "naught" shows true UPC arrogance. Now I'm not about to get a plane ticket to Tulsa either, and I think the WPF is foolish as is any denomination because it's just not biblical. BUT I can respect the decision of the men who are forming the WPF to break with a denomination that has continually lowered the standard, watered down the message and hyped things up so much that you can't pay attention to half of what they say anymore. Also, from my experience in the UPC, the ministers did market and package the message in such a way that church, conventions and youth rallies were entertaining, but it had no SUBSTANCE. Bro. Haney and the rest can say what they want, but GOD's will is being accomplished with there being a break, and I hope eventually those that break with the UPC will return to the old paths, go to an autonomous and independent church government and resemble the NT church. Also, as for fellowship- go ahead and fellowship, PLEASE we NEED fellowship, but you don't need some WPF or UPC or whatever other organization for good fellowship.

Bro. Alex

A teen calling Pastor Haney arrogant...that is funny, and bro...we just parted ways. Good luck to ya, let me know how you did when your his age.
TV1a, shame on you for supporting this hogwash...

AmazingGrace 01-05-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 348603)
A teen calling Pastor Haney arrogant...that is funny, and bro...we just parted ways. Good luck to ya, let me know how you did when your his age.
TV1a, shame on you for supporting this hogwash...

MM I agree 150% on this post! This is sad and this young person really needs a wake up call big time! Not just because of his attitude towards Bro Haney but in general because of his disrespect for elders in general. If this is the way he treats one then he is sure to be like this with all the others and its wrong.. just plain wrong!

Monkeyman 01-05-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by AmazingGrace (Post 348606)
MM I agree 150% on this post! This is sad and this young person really needs a wake up call big time! Not just because of his attitude towards Bro Haney but in general because of his disrespect for elders in general. If this is the way he treats one then he is sure to be like this with all the others and its wrong.. just plain wrong!

I actually don't fault him, hes just a pup...I do fault TV1a for supporting and feeding this kid who might...might be worthy enough to pick up Pastor Haney from the airport!

Monkeyman 01-05-2008 01:58 PM

SavedTeen, This man you call arrogant, baptized me, married me, and has done more for me (AND OTHERS) and the Kingdom, you walk in danger when you criticize him...in "this" manner!

AmazingGrace 01-05-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 348618)
I actually don't fault him, hes just a pup...I do fault TV1a for supporting and feeding this kid who might...might be worthy enough to pick up Pastor Haney from the airport!

True too however he has to have other adults that are feeding this lack of respect therefore it is still partially his/their responsibility and like I said a sore lack of respect not to mention well... I will quit now LOL

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