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RandyWayne 01-28-2010 10:14 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by Trouvere (Post 871197)
You are serious?

Ya, it kind of takes any slight bit of credibility that may have been there and completely throws it to the wind, like a store receipt blowing out an open car window while driving down the highway at 75 mph.

rdp 01-28-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by Trouvere (Post 871197)
You are serious?

Say what??? That's all you can say to an entire series of lessons on the matter, based solely on biblical fact/word definitions/etc. alone?????


rdp 01-28-2010 10:54 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 871249)
Ya, it kind of takes any slight bit of credibility that may have been there and completely throws it to the wind, like a store receipt blowing out an open car window while driving down the highway at 75 mph.

Ughhh, the lessons are factual based....solely on the Word of God. And that's somehow "like a store receipt blowing out an open car window...."?????

Sheeesh, where does it ever stop???

Bowas 01-28-2010 10:54 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by RandyWayne (Post 871249)
Ya, it kind of takes any slight bit of credibility that may have been there and completely throws it to the wind, like a store receipt blowing out an open car window while driving down the highway at 75 mph.

Just becasue this Reckhart fellow beleives in something or not, in this particular case is not a reflection on the valdity of Paul's prohibition on women preaching/teaching in the church over the man.
Keep in mind, "The devils believe in one God and tremble" does not mean just because the devil believes in this, that somehow it is wrong. Same with Reckheart believing in this same prohibition.

Sister Alvear 01-28-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Since it is God that calls HE too will judge...He called I answered...Just like the early christians of Acts we too have went everywhere preaching the gospel...

Sister Alvear 01-28-2010 11:27 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I don't think we gain much by these discussions...eternity will tell the real story of who was called and who was not called.

rdp 01-28-2010 02:40 PM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by Bowas (Post 871264)
Just becasue this Reckhart fellow beleives in something or not, in this particular case is not a reflection on the valdity of Paul's prohibition on women preaching/teaching in the church over the man.
Keep in mind, "The devils believe in one God and tremble" does not mean just because the devil believes in this, that somehow it is wrong. Same with Reckheart believing in this same prohibition.

Well said. Mormons believe some outlandish things, yet they also believe that Jesus is the Saviour, repentance, faith, etc. So, should we now reject these fundamental teachings as well, since Mormons hold to some far-out notions????

We have to take each argument on its own individual merit. In the case of women teachers/preachers in the church [not in the context of soul-winning], Scripture couldn't hardly be much plainer.

rdp 01-28-2010 02:41 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 871283)
Since it is God that calls HE too will judge...He called I answered...Just like the early christians of Acts we too have went everywhere preaching the gospel...

For about the umpteenth time now, I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14 is contextually dealing w/ the public assembly of saints....not soul-winning to the lost.

Ho-Hum, 'round & 'round it goes.......................

Sister Alvear 01-28-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
after you win them someone has to teach them..you just don't leave newborn babies out in the cold to die....

LadyRev 01-28-2010 04:17 PM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 870389)
For those interested, I just came across an excellent series of articles regarding the "women preacher" issue. Simply Google "Six Claims Used To Support Women Preachers," by Bro. Cohen Reckart from Tampa Bay, FL.

It's very insightful & factual based. Just FYI.

Something from RECKART is FACTUAL??? :ursofunny

Thats the best one I've heard in a long long time.

Do you follow his other teachings too or did you just pick out one you happen to like and agree with?

What a joke....RECKART??? Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for support. :ursofunny

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