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Sister Alvear 01-26-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Do you follow his other teachings????

Sister Alvear 01-26-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
and I have nothing evil to say about Bro. Reckhart...

Sister Alvear 01-26-2010 06:51 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
In fact he once did something that caused me to respect him highly...however we do disagree on women preachers...I think he is sincere...and misunderstood by many...

It is really not my desire to be an enemy to anyone but the devil...too many good people out there have been destroyed over doctrines that they did not agree on...

Sister Alvear 01-26-2010 06:54 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
The longer I live the more I weep over souls the devil destroys...and the image that is sometimes transmitted to the world through bickering churches and preachers...

simplyme 01-26-2010 10:01 PM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 870389)
For those interested, I just came across an excellent series of articles regarding the "women preacher" issue. Simply Google "Six Claims Used To Support Women Preachers," by Bro. Cohen Reckart from Tampa Bay, FL.

It's very insightful & factual based. Just FYI.

Wow! Yet ANOTHER goosebump occasion, lol
Does the LORD provide, or what!I was asked to prepare a bible study for someone 'new' to Christianity,with questions, on that very topic, and now you just
gave me some MORE helps! Woohoo! Thank you brother.,
and most of all, thank you JESUS for supplying ALL of my needs!
No greater support exists than for JESUS to meet ones needs so specifically, hallelujah!
Amen to that "FYI" .. information for me!

btw, YOU are even listed on that Google page, lol
[your posts here], and there are several other things to read on both sides
of this topic, quite interesting wish I had more time to read everything. ;)

rdp 01-27-2010 08:50 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 870515)
In fact he once did something that caused me to respect him highly...however we do disagree on women preachers...I think he is sincere...and misunderstood by many...

It is really not my desire to be an enemy to anyone but the devil...too many good people out there have been destroyed over doctrines that they did not agree on...

I've spoken to Bro. Reckart before & we have each other's email address. He seems to get alot of bad press unfairly.

I don't see how in the world someone can simply dismiss the voluminous amount of evidence that he provides regarding women preachers. But, whatever, I don't have to answer for it!

Pretty much finished w/ this, but will look in & comment periodically.

rdp 01-27-2010 08:52 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by simplyme (Post 870614)
Wow! Yet ANOTHER goosebump occasion, lol
Does the LORD provide, or what!I was asked to prepare a bible study for someone 'new' to Christianity,with questions, on that very topic, and now you just
gave me some MORE helps! Woohoo! Thank you brother.,
and most of all, thank you JESUS for supplying ALL of my needs!
No greater support exists than for JESUS to meet ones needs so specifically, hallelujah!
Amen to that "FYI" .. information for me!

btw, YOU are even listed on that Google page, lol
[your posts here], and there are several other things to read on both sides
of this topic, quite interesting wish I had more time to read everything. ;)

Glad it was a help to you Sister. Keep standing for biblical truth, no matter how many attacks you receive. "Thy Word is Truth."

God Bless....................

Sister Alvear 01-27-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 870709)
I've spoken to Bro. Reckart before & we have each other's email address. He seems to get alot of bad press unfairly.

I don't see how in the world someone can simply dismiss the voluminous amount of evidence that he provides regarding women preachers. But, whatever, I don't have to answer for it!

Pretty much finished w/ this, but will look in & comment periodically.

there is voluminos evidence that women didpreach..starting at the very beginning of the early church even in the mist of a Talmudic world...
Both the Bible, history and all evidence found from the early days proves women played a great part in speading the gospel...however Like you say I too am about finished with this thread...

Too much to do for a lost world...

rdp 01-27-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 870715)
there is voluminos evidence that women didpreach..starting at the very beginning of the early church even in the mist of a Talmudic world...
Both the Bible, history and all evidence found from the early days proves women played a great part in speading the gospel...however Like you say I too am about finished with this thread...

Too much to do for a lost world...

Sorry Sister, I've yet to see any "evidence" of women preachers in the church. Reaching for the lost? Absolutely! "Preaching/Teaching" saints in an Ecclessiastical sense? What "Bible evidence" do you have for this:___________? It doesn't exist, & Paul explicitly forbid it [I Tim. 2:11-15 & I Cor. 14:34].

But, believe what you will, I've done my part. Blessings anyway.

Trouvere 01-28-2010 08:20 AM

Re: Just FYI......................................

Originally Posted by rdp (Post 870389)
For those interested, I just came across an excellent series of articles regarding the "women preacher" issue. Simply Google "Six Claims Used To Support Women Preachers," by Bro. Cohen Reckart from Tampa Bay, FL.

It's very insightful & factual based. Just FYI.

You are serious?

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