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Thad 11-01-2007 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289776)
aw are u saying im not a good conversationalist thad?
ouch....lol...thad, do you have a cd yet? if so please tell me the link...seriously...
n eee....i assume its paperwork yes....n procedure...my manual is over to my left..but seriously..i will answer any question u have...seriously...maybe i misunderstood u.....

everything's cool- no cd.

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289709)
first of all triple e...there will be no tulsa...
second...how are ya? i see u did get the memo n ur from canada i believe?
well its nice to meet u...third, ken wont do tulsa cause ken not going to cause anyone hurt or pain....his father taught him better u know....n when did it ever become ok to "show" someone anything...
why not let God do his job?
hes on this i assure you....n sorry...i just dont see hatred as an answer...n yes im prepared for your attack....go ahead n egg me...

faithfulinlittle I have no attention of egging anyone but how come you perceive the meeting in Tulsa as a result of hatred? I hope I'm misreading your post.

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:50 PM

i saw a video clip of ur music...i think ur good...so...why not just tape n post on myspace music n cut down on the cost of going in the studio? seriously, i saw your clip, heard your music, so i know it would be a little time consuming...but worth it i think....seriously...u should look it to it:)

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 289724)
I know some LIbs who are going on purpose- I asked them " WHY" ???

some people are just too curious and like Drama ( i wouldn't be one of those ) :pirate

I like the drama just can't afford the trip to Tulsa!:pirate

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289729)
being faithful in little triple e doesnt neceisitate(dont really care to sp) little things...
wow! i think u know who i am n are openly attacking me just like so many of ur group has been doing to so many cons for so looong...but ive got the door baby n larry doesnt have to leave...
n yeah...paperwork is paperwork...u just have to be trained to do the job right....thaddeaus...am i generating a market yet? gee this is fun.....n baby i know whats in Canada...game over...i mean really that you would post such a thing like that n expect me to take it...like im going to or any other so called con...gee...really...what every happened to respect?

I'm sorry faithfulinlittle but I have no idea who you are and I haven't yet figured out whether you are lib,mod or con.Sorry for adding "little things" if it has offended you so.:snapout

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:59 PM

Well....the way i think this has played out..again i could be wrong..im just thinking here...doesnt mean im right...matter of fact, i might be wrong..but see e, what im saying is....there has been soooo much stuff going on lately that seriously i dont know even how to condense this...see the way i see it is...ok, why were the cons shown the door? does that make sense...u see what im saying? why was there so much tension n stuff.....see...the guys that have been in longer than larry arent going anywhere...cause theyll react like i said...cause its just protocall...what im saying is...why cant there be unity? u see what im saying? tulsa is a result of larry n his group being hated on by the other guys...e it was really bad...so...see...they are hurting right now...cause they cant believe that their trust n stuff was shaken...so tulsa is a result of a hate issue...ive seen it going down for a while...but the level of uncompassion shocked me, i must admit...never in all my life did i witness such utter lack of love....see....its almost as though those guys went in without a chance....see e they were attacked for their creed by their own...so...ok....if u disagree thats fine...but the level of hostility i see even in the local level is shocking e...its as though everyone has forgotten the true purpose...love n unity...thats what im thinking...again i could be wrong...

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 03:00 PM

oh u didnt offend me...remember..we take no offense...lol...its nice to discuss things with you...guess that last cup of coffee was a bit much huh?:)

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 03:02 PM

hey guys...do u realize we are now in the running for the longest thread here on aff...cool huh?:)

StillStanding 11-01-2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289823)
hey guys...do u realize we are now in the running for the longest thread here on aff...cool huh?:)

Hey....I would blast you if I had a clue to what you are saying!!!!!!!!!!

All I'm hearing is blah blah blah blah paperwork! Blah blah blah Tulsa is not happening! Blah blah blah blah Canada!

What is it exactly that you are trying to say????????????

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289821)
Well....the way i think this has played out..again i could be wrong..im just thinking here...doesnt mean im right...matter of fact, i might be wrong..but see e, what im saying is....there has been soooo much stuff going on lately that seriously i dont know even how to condense this...see the way i see it is...ok, why were the cons shown the door? does that make sense...u see what im saying? why was there so much tension n stuff.....see...the guys that have been in longer than larry arent going anywhere...cause theyll react like i said...cause its just protocall...what im saying is...why cant there be unity? u see what im saying? tulsa is a result of larry n his group being hated on by the other guys...e it was really bad...so...see...they are hurting right now...cause they cant believe that their trust n stuff was shaken...so tulsa is a result of a hate issue...ive seen it going down for a while...but the level of uncompassion shocked me, i must admit...never in all my life did i witness such utter lack of love....see....its almost as though those guys went in without a chance....see e they were attacked for their creed by their own...so...ok....if u disagree thats fine...but the level of hostility i see even in the local level is shocking e...its as though everyone has forgotten the true purpose...love n unity...thats what im thinking...again i could be wrong...

Are you thinking that some kind of reconciliation could occur say at a place like BOTT and the Tulsa meeting will come to naught?

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