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houstonupci 02-18-2015 10:38 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1358598)
And this is suppose to be good? Homos holding hands in church? Count me out.

Yes, it's supposed to be good. In fact, it's AWESOME! Where would you like them to be if not in church.

One of them was weeping because of the presence of God she felt in the place.

shazeep 02-18-2015 10:49 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
i say "amen." it's funny how we are conditioned to "hate your neighbor" here; hand-holding among friends is quite common in much of the rest of the world. There are even some places where refraining from this would be considered an offense (Africa...forget which country)

shazeep 02-18-2015 10:54 AM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by CC1 (Post 1358658)
At least they were just holding hands!:happydance

:lol ya...i do understand the pov. Much secular effort has gone in to creating it. How many guys here are comfortable with hugging other guys, for instance? I'm not. But then, i got, like, 2 hugs as a kid.

Steve Epley 02-18-2015 02:12 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore
I make no apology we are NOT a homo friendly church. They are welcome if they behave I won't tolerate any foolishness out of them. They are not going to disrespect God's house. We have a special place for them it is called the altar where they can be delivered.

allstate1 02-18-2015 02:17 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1358693)
I make no apology we are NOT a homo friendly church. They are welcome if they behave I won't tolerate any foolishness out of them. They are not going to disrespect God's house. We have a special place for them it is called the altar where they can be delivered.

How many services do you "allow " them to attend before getting delivered?

houstonupci 02-18-2015 02:23 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1358693)
I make no apology we are NOT a homo friendly church. They are welcome if they behave I won't tolerate any foolishness out of them. They are not going to disrespect God's house. We have a special place for them it is called the altar where they can be delivered.

Homosexuality is a sin just like lying, gossiping, fornicating, etc. You might as well change your statement to say:

I make no apology we are NOT a sinner friendly church.

And if that's the case, then your church is not a church. It's a pep rally for believers only. Just like it says in Mark...healthy people don't need a doctor.

Steve Epley 02-18-2015 02:24 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by allstate1 (Post 1358694)
How many services do you "allow " them to attend before getting delivered?

They can come as often as they want as long as they behave. I will not attack them but I will not coddle them either.

Steve Epley 02-18-2015 02:27 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by houstonupci (Post 1358695)
Homosexuality is a sin just like lying, gossiping, fornicating, etc. You might as well change your statement to say:

I make no apology we are NOT a sinner friendly church.

And if that's the case, then your church is not a church. It's a pep rally for believers only. Just like it says in Mark...healthy people don't need a doctor.

Nope the sin is not the same ask Sodom? We have sinners and backsliders nearly every service. They get treated with courtesy and love. However I am not going to be pressured into normalizing perversion.

houstonupci 02-18-2015 02:37 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by Steve Epley (Post 1358697)
Nope the sin is not the same ask Sodom? We have sinners and backsliders nearly every service. They get treated with courtesy and love. However I am not going to be pressured into normalizing perversion.

Are you for real or is this account meant to be a parody of everything that is wrong with legalist pentecostals?

When Christ came and died on the cross, he took on every sin that every person had ever committed and would ever commit.

But even without grace in the picture, your argument doesn't hold water. The Bible never says that Sodom was destroyed solely because of homosexuality. Ezekiel 16:49-50 says "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her sisters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."

That means in addition to homosexuality, you should also "not tolerate" people that are arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned. The overfed part excludes 95% percent of the UPCI members by itself.

Steve Epley 02-18-2015 03:11 PM

Re: Harold Hoffman attacks Jim Kilgore

Originally Posted by houstonupci (Post 1358698)
Are you for real or is this account meant to be a parody of everything that is wrong with legalist pentecostals?

When Christ came and died on the cross, he took on every sin that every person had ever committed and would ever commit.

But even without grace in the picture, your argument doesn't hold water. The Bible never says that Sodom was destroyed solely because of homosexuality. Ezekiel 16:49-50 says "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her sisters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."

That means in addition to homosexuality, you should also "not tolerate" people that are arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned. The overfed part excludes 95% percent of the UPCI members by itself.

Have you read Gen. 18-18? I am not ashamed of being part of what you call legalistic Pentecostal as opposed to NOTHING is illegal whatever y'all are calling your self. But do NOT claim the late Elder Kilgore to be part of your departure from his Dad the late C.P. Kilgore's legacy he came out of what y'all are going into. We think some things are against God's law thus it would good to be legal.

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