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Dr. Vaughn 08-06-2008 11:39 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 (Post 558341)
Actually Aquila I would disagree. The church or bride is made of many members.

The Bride of Christ is many membered.. if you speak to those who believe in Polygamy.. they do not see the women they are married to as many wives.. they seem them collectively as one wife.... a many membered wife such as Christ has

Dr. Vaughn 08-06-2008 11:40 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by ILG (Post 558359)
"If a man find a damsel that is not betrothed and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days" Deut 22:28,29

So, if a man rapes your daughter are you going to let the rapist buy her and marry her? Is this the kind of law you want to live your life by? When Jesus came, he said that Moses wrote some things because of the hardness of men's hearts. I believe that the liberal view towards polygamy falls under this category. I do not live by the law. I am under grace. Jesus blew a lot of things out of the water when it came to the things the Pharisees belived and practiced and He always practiced in favor of the rights of people and the needs of people. Polygamy tramples the rights of women and children in many cases, unless you are talking about men throwing away women and children they have married in polygamous cases because they no longer want to be responsible. God gave Adam one wife and he also asked that his leaders in the NT be married to only one wife (that is my view). When we are rightly dividing the Word, we need to look at the rights of people. Joseph could have had Mary stoned for fornication but instead the Bible said that because he was righteous he was going to put her away privily. Jesus did not stone the woman taken in adultery even though He was the one without sin. Think about what that means.

If we go by your thinking... then DIVORCE is no longer allowed.. because Moses only ALLOWED it under the law but from the beginning it was not so?

If Polygamy is now wrong because of Moses ALLOWING it then so is DIVORCE

Dora 08-06-2008 11:41 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible
God did not create Adam and Eve and Tiffany and Brittany and Paris and Lindsay and... He created one man for one woman. If the NT ideal of a bishop is the husband of ONE wife, how can it be denied that God's ideal is one man for one woman?

Certainly OT Law made allowances for popular custom, but the NT ideal is obviously a New Covenant and New Law that includes women as equal in the sight of God.

DividedThigh 08-06-2008 11:42 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dora (Post 558480)

you are right sis, it is funny, but it so true, lol:ursofunny

Apocrypha 08-06-2008 11:43 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible
Its not so obvious at all on this issue specifically.

Dr. Vaughn 08-06-2008 11:44 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by erikwebster (Post 558425)
i'm just sola scriptura sister

i have a high respect for women, i obey the laws of our land, and i understand that in todays "real world" things are different than 20 centuries ago when christ was crucified.

but if you are gonna say its right or wrong you gotta stick with the ultimate and only 'standard' and thats the accepted cannon of scripture that we use and then interpreting it according to its original language, intent, and the history surrounding it in each time period as we are able to discern from secondary historical accounts and archeology.

and the role of women was far far different in that society that it is today. as to the question of women having a type of property status in scriptures... well... what do you think?

and then the question comes in, which role was the correct scriptural role? They role of a Jezebel in Laodoceia who thinks she is equal to man or the role the played in history of understanding their position if Gods Divine Order?

DividedThigh 08-06-2008 11:45 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible
this is not a divorce thread or divorce discussion, but i tire of people with there heads in the sand that think that divorce is just unspeakable or some god awful sin, and if they have never been victimized by it they are some how above all the lowly and hurting, if you have not been touched by divorce be happy, but at the same point dont condemn and ridicule others with your tude and haughtiness, sorry my honest opinion, dt

Dr. Vaughn 08-06-2008 11:46 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dora (Post 558435)
I have to say that I think polygamy was a custom meant to populate the earth in the OT. Also, women are definitely in a vulnerable position in this deal. Using women as a means to elevate your social standing as if a woman is a Cadillac Escalade is just disgusting. The idea that a man having multiple wives is an acceptable lifestyle in modern times, just blows my mind. We're right back to viewing women as property, de-valuing their position in the family and in the body of Christ. I think the idea of polygamy as a viable family situation went out with the arrival of Christ. He treated women with respect and dignity. Polygamy is the antithesis of dignifying women. It put them in the place of a slave, animal or piece of property. I can't believe the CRUD I'm reading here! Where did you guys come from? Where are the men standing against this JUNK???

How can you say it went out with Christ? When his own Wife is MANY MEMBERED..... just as Men in Polygamy do not view themselves as having many wives.. they see several members making up the role of their WIFE just as Christ does

Why is it he can have all of us for his wife and we are commanded to have ONLY ONE HUSBAND? We cannot worship him and Buddha and Krishna.... but he can have all of the members in his Bride that he desires

Dora 08-06-2008 11:48 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn (Post 558496)
and then the question comes in, which role was the correct scriptural role? They role of a Jezebel in Laodoceia who thinks she is equal to man or the role the played in history of understanding their position if Gods Divine Order?

I know my role and my place in God's Divine Order. Thank you, very much...
I am highly favored and God loves me just as much as he loves my dad, my brother and any other man on this earth. I am not of lesser value in the eyes of God. I have great respect for the men in my life. I give them the proper respect and honor them. But I know I am dearly loved by God. I believe He wants what is best for me...and Polygamy AIN'T it!!!

Dr. Vaughn 08-06-2008 11:49 AM

Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dora (Post 558489)
God did not create Adam and Eve and Tiffany and Brittany and Paris and Lindsay and... He created one man for one woman. If the NT ideal of a bishop is the husband of ONE wife, how can it be denied that God's ideal is one man for one woman?

Certainly OT Law made allowances for popular custom, but the NT ideal is obviously a New Covenant and New Law that includes women as equal in the sight of God.

Well Sister if we go by your thoughts then DIVORCE is now a SIN before God and not allowed because in the beginning Divorce was not allowed by God.. such as your saying in the beginning it was ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN... but Moses allowed for Divorce,,, and Polygamy.... so if Polygamy is now SIN... so is Divorce because Jesus said Divorce was not allowed from the beginning.....

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