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Jeffrey 01-22-2010 03:18 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Sis. Alvear, check out the link I posted. It's more in-line with where I am on the subject. He shows objectivity and consideration of all evidence in his response.

Jeffrey 01-22-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Preaching and Teaching are a difficult distinction to make. They all mean something different. In general, we accept that a preacher is an evangelist. Generically though, a preacher is anyone who is proclaiming the Gospel to another. A teacher is articulating the authority of the Church in matter of application. This is the duty of elders, overseers and pastors (also likely synonymous terms).

This is why MANY conservatives even in Pentecost don't prefer women pastors, but will invite them to come preach on occassion. More in that article I posted though.

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey (Post 868954)
Sis. Alvear, check out the link I posted. It's more in-line with where I am on the subject. He shows objectivity and consideration of all evidence in his response.

ok..will do that right now.

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I think as in all things there must be balance...It would be odd for me to get up and take over a service if my husband was there to do it at the same time I feel it is fine if he felt led to call me to speak to our people. I don't think any godly lady is telling her husband to sit down that she will run the church...
I don't even like to get up before a crowd...however I have been places where both men and women were devil worshippers...I think it would have been a coward of me not to tell these people about Jesus...why would I say to a witchdoctor you speak because you are a man?

I have took sides with lady preachers on this thread but at the same time I do not think ladies should be loud and flighty...I know a lot of pastors that do not believe in lady preachers..yet their wife runs the show... so there we go again...balance...

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:47 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Apollos Speaks Boldly in Ephesus
24 Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures. 25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, [1] he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:53 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
This is exactly what my husband and I do...we work together...He knows my strong points and I know his...If someone wants to know about some things he does the explaining...if they ask about William Branham rest assured he will call me...We are one flesh...we work together in ministry. While he is the leader that does not mean I am some dumb woman...He KNOWS whatever he wants done if it is in my power to do it for the gospel I will do it...I am his helper...

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
If 1 Timothy 2:12 was intended to totally forbid women from teaching men, then Apollos was sinning by accepting spiritual guidance from Priscilla. However, if this was the case, the Bible certainly doesn't indicate it. Priscilla provides a beautiful picture of a woman who, in right relationship with her husband, uses her God given gifts to further the Kingdom of God in a powerful way. In fact, notice that when Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned, her name is usually mentioned first! (See Acts 18:1-4; 18-28; Romans 16: 3-4; 1 Corinthians 16: 19; 2 Timothy 2: 14).

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 03:55 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
She must have been an awesome lady and a wonderful wife...

Sister Alvear 01-22-2010 04:02 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?
2 Timothy 3:2, 12 and Titus 1:6, both of which teach that elders, deacons and other church leaders are to be "the husband of one wife". As we discussed earlier, all Scripture must be interpreted in light of Scripture as a whole. With this in mind, if these verses were intended to be an absolute command that only married men are permitted to be church leaders, then Paul himself would be disqualified, as he was unmarried (2 Corinthians 9:5). If the title of "deacon" was solely reserved for men, how do we explain a lady named Phoebe, who is called a "servant of God" since the Greek word translated "servant" is diakonos, which is where we get the word "deacon?"

Bowas 01-22-2010 09:35 PM

Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 868962)
I think as in all things there must be balance...It would be odd for me to get up and take over a service if my husband was there to do it at the same time I feel it is fine if he felt led to call me to speak to our people. I don't think any godly lady is telling her husband to sit down that she will run the church...
I don't even like to get up before a crowd...however I have been places where both men and women were devil worshippers...I think it would have been a coward of me not to tell these people about Jesus...why would I say to a witchdoctor you speak because you are a man?

I have took sides with lady preachers on this thread but at the same time I do not think ladies should be loud and flighty...I know a lot of pastors that do not believe in lady preachers..yet their wife runs the show... so there we go again...balance...

In keeping with the title of this thread, why would you consider this "odd"?
Please do not consider me demeaning you in any way it just seems odd that you would not feel it proper for you to take over the service if your husband was there. Of course, keeping proper order in church is important, but with some of the comments i have seen, not only here but other places as well, there should be no difference if it was you or your husband taking the lead role. I really am not intending to insult you or anything, but it seems you have the respect for the order God implimented in the Church, with the man being the primary leader of it. If I misread you, I apologize, if I read you correct, I salute you.

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