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faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:13 PM

dizzy...no i really dont see tulsa...sigh...what has to happen now is the group has to stay together...see what happened to me when i just posted...how i was attacked by triple e...ok...see thats what the ministers are having to deal with...but according to the Word...again...were not even talking denomination affiliaiton...you respect the office even if u dont personally agree...again, i just dont see larry doing tulsa....he will snail mail everyone his final choice...but hes not been in this for as long as some of us others n thus he is unprepared for this level of public relations n leadership decision making...look, bottom line....doesnt matter what i think about ken its the fact that hes my GS n i respect the office so....if i were to go against him....that would be rebellion....thats all im saying...am i larrys spokesperson..no...im just a poster like the rest of u guys....n im saying hate doesnt solve a thing....so stop the hate n come together in love...n unity will prevail....thats all im saying..but hey...this is thads thread...ill let him handle up:)

ChicagoPastor 11-01-2007 02:16 PM


ChicagoPastor 11-01-2007 02:16 PM



dizzyde 11-01-2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289736)
dizzy...no i really dont see tulsa...sigh...what has to happen now is the group has to stay together...see what happened to me when i just posted...how i was attacked by triple e...ok...see thats what the ministers are having to deal with...but according to the Word...again...were not even talking denomination affiliaiton...you respect the office even if u dont personally agree...again, i just dont see larry doing tulsa....he will snail mail everyone his final choice...but hes not been in this for as long as some of us others n thus he is unprepared for this level of public relations n leadership decision making...look, bottom line....doesnt matter what i think about ken its the fact that hes my GS n i respect the office so....if i were to go against him....that would be rebellion....thats all im saying...am i larrys spokesperson..no...im just a poster like the rest of u guys....n im saying hate doesnt solve a thing....so stop the hate n come together in love...n unity will prevail....thats all im saying..but hey...this is thads thread...ill let him handle up:)

I think maybe I'm getting your drift, and I agree, it would be a wonderful world if we all would just love each other and respect each others differences, but I think that it is just a dream at this point. That ship has sailed, so to speak.

Thad 11-01-2007 02:20 PM

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... ......................

wake me up when this conversation is over :runhills

ChicagoPastor 11-01-2007 02:21 PM

I'm done.....Thad, I love Thad's Tab but we might want to close this thread...

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:24 PM

lol...why close?

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:25 PM

nyways...why are u guys so tense...lol..cant u take a joke?

n triple e...ur gonna have to show me the good side of canada...ok?

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:27 PM

aw are u saying im not a good conversationalist thad?
ouch....lol...thad, do you have a cd yet? if so please tell me the link...seriously...
n eee....i assume its paperwork yes....n procedure...my manual is over to my left..but seriously..i will answer any question u have...seriously...maybe i misunderstood u.....

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 02:28 PM

lol...aw come on dizzy...dont throw your ticket out yet...shows just getting started girl...lol...

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